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Everything posted by JedsMom

  1. Fingers crossed here for you and your girl.
  2. Definitely check for tick borne diseases. Jed has ehrlichia and when he has an episode, there's always a fever spike. Hope you get some answers soon so you can get your pup treated.
  3. UPDATE!!!!! My vet called me today after hearing back from the specialist. The specialist looked at the x-rays and he doesn't think this is osteo! He believes that it is either a bone cyst or that if it is a tumor, it is a low-grade tumor. He feels that he can go in there surgically and resect the bone and preserve the elbow joint. I had to get my vet to repeat it just to make sure I was hearing him correctly. He told me how happy he was to call me with this because usually these kinds of calls were bad news and it was a good change for him to call with good news. I'm taking Jed to my vet in a few minutes to have his blood drawn for the pre-op blood work. We're scheduled for our evaluation visit with the surgeon next Wednesday, the 8th at 10:30. If everything goes well, he'll have his surgery that afternoon and might even be able to come home by Thursday afternoon.
  4. Oh I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you and your family.
  5. Ouch! I hope he's feeling better this morning.
  6. Thank you all so much for your kind wishes. I can't explain how much it means to me to read this support. Jed had a quiet night and probably at times wished I would leave him alone and just let him sleep! He's getting a lot of extra babying from both me and DH. My vet was going to take the x-rays to the specialist last night. He told me that he might not get them out there until after business hours, but that they would be there for him to look at today. I'm hopeful that I'll hear back from either my vet or the specialist by this afternoon. I think once I hear back from either of them, I'll put together an email to send to Dr. Couto. Thinking about treatment options is difficult because Jed is such a difficult patient. His stress levels (and blood pressure and body temp) sky-rocket when he gets to the vet's office. We've now gotten to the point where I take his temp at home and my doc just records the 'resting-at-home temp.' He's pushed his temp up to 105+ a couple of times and it's even gone so high as 106! Currently Jed is on doxy for his ehrlichia and he's been given rimadyl and tramadol for pain.
  7. My vet is sending the x-ray over to a specialist. It's cancer. I don't know what to do. I'm just so devastated. Sweet Jed doesn't understand why I'm crying when he's still his same happy-go-lucky self.
  8. I'm taking Jed to the vet this morning. We've been struggling to find a reason for his limp in his right front leg. We had an x-ray in May that was clear and his limp went away for a little while. But then it came back. Because he has ehrlichia, my vet feels that the limp may be related to that, however, as I understand it, usually with a TBD, the virus moves between different joints, for Jed, it's always his right front elbow. He's been on Doxycycline for 7 weeks now and he's not running a temperature, but we can't shake the limp. He's on Tramadol for pain, but that doesn't seem to be cutting the pain at all anymore. I know I'm just rambling, but I'm worried and just want to help my boy feel better. He hates going to the vet and gets himself so worked up. Last time we went, his temp was 102 before we left the house. By the time the doc took his temp, it had spiked to 105.
  9. It's hard to believe it's been three years. I remember when he was a puppy and charter member of the HHC. Sweet Maddison. He was such a special boy.
  10. JedsMom


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  11. JedsMom

    Uga Vi

    Uga VI passed away in Savannah this weekend. Damn good Dawg. I'm sure he'll find a tv at the bridge so he can tune into the ball games. A sad day for the Bulldog Nation.
  12. I can't pm you. You can mail it to and I'll post the pic.
  13. I bet it'll give your yard a wide berth from now on! Gracie's a lucky girl... that scratch could have been so much worse.
  14. Poor Gracie! I hope she heals quickly. How's the kitty?
  15. I just read this whole thread. I'm glad your girl is home. I hope she continues to do well. Aren't dogs amazing?
  16. JedsMom


    I'm sorry for your loss.
  17. Skittle loved and remembered by many.
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