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Everything posted by JedsMom

  1. I am so sorry to hear this. Please do your best to enjoy your time with Logan. I know it's hard at this time to do that, but spoil him and love him. :grouphug
  2. People suck. Why would someone throw veggie soup into your yard?? Ugh! Hope Black Jack feels better soon.
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  4. I hope the bite heals quickly. It looks very painful. I'm so glad the x-rays were clear!
  5. Sending good thoughts and keeping my fingers crossed that this is a big nothing.
  6. JedsMom

    My Jack

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. JedsMom

    Dem Bones

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  8. JedsMom

    Cindy (tv Cindy)

    I'm so sorry for your loss. What a special girl.
  9. Poor Smokey... Any updates this morning? Sending prayers.
  10. Jed had ehrlichia. Stress would always cause a flair-up. When he would flair, his symptoms were peeing (A LOT), panting/pacing and high fever. He was mis-diagnosed with UTIs by our former vet. Our current vet almost immediately diagnosed a TBD. A blood panel confirmed it. We would dose with doxy for a minimum of 6-weeks. Sometimes he would get a prednizone shot at the start of the treatment. I hope you can get Rudy's illness pinned down so that he (and you) can start feeling better.
  11. It's amazing what surgeons are able to do! I hope she heals well.
  12. IT'S NOTHING!!!! Woo hoo!!!! It's just a little fatty lump. Nothing to worry about. Yay! Thank you everyone for all of the good thoughts. I feel so much better now that I've gotten a good report. My vet said that when he looked at the schedule today and saw Ripple's name on there, his stomach dropped. He was just as relieved as I was to see that it was nothing. I my vet.
  13. Ripple's appointment is tomorrow at 11. I checked her out this afternoon and I think it's smaller. It actually took me a minute to find it, so maybe this really is a nothing and I'm just being a paranoid person.
  14. Winslow, I love you! Merry Christmas sweet boy.
  15. JedsMom

    The Samurai

    I'm sorry for your loss.
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