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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Have the vet call Ohio State asap and talk with Dr. Couto or Dr. Marin. Sending prayers.
  2. You can feed the pressed rawhide (made in America only), but I wouldn't give a lot. Never give rawhide with knots on the end. Flip chips imo are a no no. Years ago I fed them and my friend's Dobe almost had to have surgery from one. Burp loved rawhides and would get the trots every time. I just don't bother any more. Don't want them sick and I don't want the vet bills. If you have one like Zema, supervised and can take it away, it's fine. All the ones I have now would chew and eat until it was gone. Rawhides can cause impaction and obstruction.
  3. I would take him to an eye specialist. He could have pannus which is easily treatable with the correct drops
  4. Hassn't it been a week or better since surgery? He should be able to do 3 steps. Is he still on antibiotics? He needs some stomach meds
  5. Bread at bedtime should help. If she will eat it first thing that will help also. You can try different breads--mine will eat anything. Favorites: Hallah, sourdough, rye, oat, potato
  6. July 12, 2007 Glynis, How long do the swimming sessions last? Diane The swim session is about 30 minutes. He gets a couple of breaks and a potty break in the middle. He gets enough swimming in that time. Then a shower afterward. Here are some photos of Winslow, watching himself swim on the computer. Of course he wanted to see the video!
  7. Sounds good. SieSie was highly p.o.'d when she had to wear it after her eye surgery. She learned to use it as a weapon
  8. I don't think the soft collar will work but not sure. Call the vet who did the surgery and ask. You can take off the collar as long as you are right there and see if she will eat and drink, then put it back on.
  9. It's possible the antibiotic is making him not feel so good. One tooth pulled? Which one? Is he eating?
  10. I would do the panacur and go with boiled beef only. Then add potatoes if her poop is ok. You can try EVO reduced fat beef if she handles that ok. The explosive poop could be allergy related. A few (not many) are allergic to rice which is in so many foods.
  11. I've been wondering. Poor Bodie and poor you I hope this finally gets to the bottom of things! (or the top--where the meds need to be!) edited to add: Has he been tested for TBDs? Went searching in the thread in GreytInformation and found this (bold added):
  12. Sounds like she keeps improving a little each day! Sending more prayers
  13. I know they sell bad Frontline on Ebay. There are vets who won't sell it to a house that has cats (even though it's going on to the dogs) Nasty stuff:
  14. If I was going to supplement, I'd do it at the right dose or not at all She is so low in several areas that I think I would supplement. Retest at 6 weeks. What does her vet say? How is her weight?
  15. Give her a few hours Hopefully she'll get over the e collar She should be able to eat and drink with it on.
  16. I've been waiting for a phone call Punch holes in the e collar and attach it with garbage tie thingys to her collar. Make sure it's not a martingale collar.
  17. What color is it? If it is yellow she needs a TLI done. That is where I would start. When you switch foods, try & go with a protein that is different. Have you tried only boiled meat? No grain or potatoes. Boil a roast and see how she does. Also note the color of her poop. It should be the color of the kibble/food varying only slightly either way color wise. If her poop is leaning towards cream of baby crap, she has a pancreas problem and may need prescription enzymes.
  18. Know that NSAIDs alone do not touch the pain of osteo. If you use a NSAID it must be in combination with another drug like tramadol. Sending prayers you have some good days. I would email the pictures to Ohio State. Also, have them read by a radiologist if you have not already.
  19. Where are you located? I'd redo the panacur as Batmom says. Wellness is a food that not all dogs can tolerate. I fed it for a long time and my guys did well on it but it took a month to transition over. Have you tried Solid Gold Mmellenia? Eagle Pack Natural?
  20. Was she being fed raw & kibble on the farm? I'd do 5 days of panacur and see what happens. Many times they are wormy and you have to hit it just right to find them.
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