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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. If pepcid is not working, try zantac. I use 150mg twice a day. Carafate can be used in conjunction with, but not given at the same time as other meds. Should separate them by 2 hours.
  2. October 2, 2007 I just spoke to the oncologist. I'm going to try giving him some benadryl. If I can get this swelling down a bit I'll take him back to VCA tomorrow morning and maybe we can get to the bottom of it. If the benadryl helps, that should point to a bite or allergy of some kind. They are really trying to help. He doesn't want to give steroids because Winslow has never had them and he had such a bad reaction to the nsaids and it was so sudden. I'm going to ask them to numb his foot before they start prying around. Can they do that? Local anesthetic? I just don't want him to have any more pain. I'm telling you this is some kind of really bad bruise or something. I don't want to take him in tomorrow because I think he needs the rest, yet I'm afraid not to because so far, he's not getting better or worse. I soaked his foot in epsom salts.. that seems to make it feel better. I think it's the warmth. I just keep trying and hoping it will just disappear. Winslow doesn't like the sling because it keeps him from moving fast enough to keep his balance. He runs on 2 legs, then squats and I dash in and hold him while he goes. Then we do it again. I'll get someone to make a video of him running on 2 legs. It's a sight. I'm just glad I didn't let him get too fat and the swimming has kept him in good shape for this. Glynis
  3. I've not heard of it. At this point the foot sounds like it may be infected and needs antibiotics. I'd get a second opinion.
  4. Where are you located? Is he on any supplements? Do you have a certified chiropractor or acupuncture vet close? How many races did he run? Any broken bones at any time?
  5. She's not feeling too spiffy. She ate last night but hasn't moved around a whole lot. I think her leg is sore. I'll call them today and see what leg she got the shot in. She did not eat this morning but that is not unusual. Chiropractor not due here until Friday.
  6. I know how you feel about the tests. How old is Marla? When Shadow's tumor showed up on xrays, we decided to treat him with pred to help his breathing and do nothing else. Shadow was already 14 however.
  7. Burpdog

    Marky Gilmer

    What a sweet boy! Now he can run like the wind again....
  8. I took her home at 4 and returned to work. She looked fine so far
  9. Well, there is erlichia canis, babesia and e ewingii as the most prevalent. There are more. I'm not sure about the symptoms though. Won't hurt to test.
  10. Whatever this is, it hasn't stopped him from hanging on to his treat ball with that paw! We went out, he hopped around on 2 legs and stopped so I could hold him up. He did his business and hopped back in. He only needs help when he stops. He wants to go on a walk!! Go figure. When we came back in, he got on the bed and I could see he was so proud of himself! All smiles. He didn't lick the foot this time. Laser is helping. He also likes warmth on it. I have been giving him a warmed rice bag. He likes that. Glynis
  11. October 1, 2007 Hi Diane, I haven't written because everything has until now been going along smoothly. Winslow swam last week without incident and all was well..... Here we go again. I feel like it's some kind of nightmare revisited. This is a really long email. Saturday afternoon on Winslow's neighborhood walk, I noticed him limping. It's kind of hard to tell on a tripod because his gait is awkward anyway, but I was sure I noticed a slight limp coming from the right front. When we got home, I washed his foot and examined his pads. He's had a pad that looked bigger and flatter than the others for a long time. I never knew if he was born like that or if it was a result of his amputation. It never seemed to bother him. But now, that seemed to be the culprit. The toe was maybe a little sore, but not really painful. Winslow allowed me to look for corns (none) and anything that may have become embedded (again, nothing). He's a big baby, but didn't seem to mind, so I know it didn't hurt that much. By Saturday evening when he went out, he was limping more. Again, I examined it and we determined that it didn't hurt unless he put weight on it. I went up and down his arm and shoulder... nothing. Also, no yelping when he did put weight on it. Winslow is very vocal. This whole thing seems to be coming from his foot and possibly that toe. I put some antibiotic cream on the pad in question. Winslow slept well, with no pain. Sunday morning. Ok, he's really limping. Still no swelling, no reason, but he's licking that toe a lot! Let me tell you that a three legged dog is one thing... a two legged one is quite a different matter. Surprisingly, Winslow made it down the stairs and into the car without incident. Off to Gaithersburg for xrays and a consultation. After much ado, they found NOTHING. They showed me the radiographs, enlarged them and could find nothing. The vet said she thought it was a soft tissue injury of some kind, but she saw nothing either. She agreed that it's coming from the foot itself and not somewhere else. The really good news is there is no sign of the cancer returning. They sent the xrays to be read and I should hear something late this afternoon. I also had her give a set to the oncologist and the othopaedic surgeon that amputated his leg. They are all at the same place. (Far to drive, but overall, very convenient). Ok, NO RIMADYL or NSAID of any kind. She gave me some tramadol and sent us home. I didn't give him any drugs yet... read on. When we got home, Winslow bounded up those stairs like a champ. But it was obvious that this foot thing was getting worse. I began moving us back to the basement. ( Craig has to be in NY this week and I cannot imagine manuevering a 78 lb, 2 legged dog up and down flights of stairs!). So, remembering our last stay in the basement, I moved our big bed, my painting work, and computer. We removed Craig's drums and VIOLA! We're back on the ground level, and right outside is Winslow's yard. No stairs. We took Winslow out for his last pee of the night( which went into my shoes.. 2 legged dogs need help and can't aim). He knew he couldn't make it up the stairs and he came right to the gate, into the basement and went to bed. This was 10:00 last night. His foot was beginning to swell. Not the ankle, the top of the foot, right at the toes. Now, it's a little painful to the touch, but only on the foot. It looks suspiciously like the bone spur problem he had before his amp. Winslow has a bone spur that broke off a couple of years ago. Periodically he would run and then limp for a couple of days and this foot would swell like that. He's doing the same kind of licking, chewing kind of thing that he did when that happened. It only ever happened when he was running and that's why I started the swimming after his amp. To keep this from happening. The xray did not show this bone spur. Now, his foot looks like a malmute foot but his "wrist" isn't even swollen at all. I have not given him any tramadol because he's only in pain when he tries to walk on it. This only happens when he needs to go out. I've been holding him up to do his business (ruined shoes again). Otherwise, he's on the bed. We had the tramadol experience with his amp. I cannot imagine trying to hold up a drugged dog so he can pee. All it does is confuse him and make helping him more difficult. Since he's not having constant pain, I'm just not going to give it to him. He likes ice on it. This morning, he was squeaking his toy and ate a good breakfast. We managed to go out for "business in the yard" and he's sleeping well now. This feels bad, but I think it could be much worse. Craig is calling every hour. This is killing him to be away. I think it's worse for him than for us. Any suggestions or insights to this would be welcomed. Glynis So, GT people -- prayers needed!!!
  12. I called a few minutes ago. She is doing well (no drooling, etc.) and I can pick her up at 4!
  13. I do not like using pepto at all. Carafate would be better.
  14. Depends on why you are using it. 2 to 4 times a day.
  15. I dropped her off Here's hoping she does well and this fixes all the problems.
  16. Don't do that. In fact if it is a TBD (and it appears so because she responded to the doxy) she should be on it for 8 weeks (6 weeks minimum) Ask for some carafate to give her 2 or 3 times a day (separate from doxy by at least 2 hours) which will help her stomach.
  17. I doubt any more than at home You can't wrap him in bubble wrap (as much as you would like to).
  18. Should have done blood work before giving rimadyl. Vasculitis requires pred and she cannot have that and rimadyl. she should take her to the vet first thing in the morning. I'd have a TBD panel done.
  19. Have the vet call Ohio State asap. Where is she located? How far is a specialist? Couto Guillermo Professor Veterinary Clinical Sciences (614) 292-3551 couto.1@osu.edu Greyhound medical consult: greyosu@osu.edu
  20. Assuming she is still on doxy(?) Are you giving her pepcid for her stomach? Carafate?
  21. I've asked Dr. Feeman twice to put it out on the list and vets have replied that they have no more seizures than other breeds. Low thyroid and a TBD can cause seizures.
  22. Well, he said he hadn't given one in 8 years and I promply handed him the instruction sheet He is a good vet to put up with me btw -- he is the one who operated on Austin and did such a good job. Also spayed Ivey. And took care of Ivey while she was passing stones she ate.......etc., etc.,
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