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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. December 22, 2008 We have been talking so much about Winslow's birthday party. Yesterday, we received 2 packages.. he was certain it was his birthday. As you know, Winslow has 2 beliefs. 1. Every package that comes into this house is for Winslow. 2. Every person that comes into this house has a gift for Winslow. Because of the "snatching" incident a few months ago, (Winslow stuck his big schnooty out the front door and snatched a small box from the had of a delivery man. Scared the guy, but Winslow wanted the package.) delivery people will not come to the door. Instead, our packages are left on the bottom of the stairs, or just thrown out of the truck on the way by. Anyway, we got 2 packages yesterday and Winslow was certain there was going to be a party. After he "opened" the packages, he kept going to the door to see if people were coming with more goodies. He wore himself out so we thought he would sleep all night... HA! The blue flame was on the job! Pouring rain at 3AM and he was out protecting the neighborhood from those evil deer that roam at night. (This from a dog who is afraid of the lighted reindeer decorations, even when they aren't lit!). I've attached a couple of photos of Winslow, basking in the early morning cold.. Can you see that his fur is getting even THICKER? Have a nice day, stay warm. Glynis
  2. As long as he is getting better! Why does the carafate have to be by a dropper? I give it to them in a teaspoon of canned or shove it down their throat
  3. Do you have a sling to help move him around? Sending lots of prayers.
  4. He need to be checked by a vet, unless he is out in the yard rolling in something....
  5. You made me go look American Veterinary Dental Society Alternative Vet
  6. Mahogany April 17, 2008 Tootsie September 23, 2008
  7. Can you get him a sling? The one Carol Becker makes is quite good. Would help if you can hang on to him going up and down the steps. Sending prayers!
  8. December 16, 2008 JUST AS PREDICTED! My normally careful boy waited until the ice in his bowl melted and then flipped the bowl on the bed. (He's never done that before... when I wrote it, he must have been reading over my shoulder!). I get to sleep in the wet spot tonight... Ah Winslow.. Revenge is indeed yours. I promise I will never run out of Burpdogs again. I really do need a wetsuit. Swimming tomorrow and it's cold outside... but this? I guess I need one to sleep in, too. Glynis
  9. Sending prayers! Ivey was not a candidate for surgery and she was on pred & tramadol.
  10. SD k/d has either BHA or BHT in it's kibble. How does that make sense? A kidney food with preservatives? IVD smells like dog food and doesn't have those perservatives There's really a division among new and old about restricting protein. New says you don't have to. It's more the phosphorus (if I remember right)
  11. What do you mean by "high"? Many vets misdiagnose greyhounds as having kidney disease when they do not. That stuff smells like bunny farts. I wouldn't have it in the house! Any senior food will do
  12. December 16, 2008 Hi Diane, How's everything with you? We are chugging along. Craig is doing fine as Winslow is teaching him how to take life a little easier, smell the flowers, take a nap.. you know, all the things Winslow does professionally. Says he's going to become a life coach for stressed out humans. Wants new business cards that say it. Says dogs don't need college to become therapists.. they do it naturally. The only difference is the DOG gets the couch. He's been trying it on Craig. Says Craig can sit and talk... he can even pet the therapist (try that with a human!). Winslow listens patiently while "pretending" to be asleep. In an hour, everyone is feeling good. No more stress! Winslow says he can make millions! I can drive him to appoinments and wait in the car. (We haven't told him that other dogs do this for their people, cats too.). At the moment, Winslow is searching for the number of GW... he wants to call Meredith and complain about the treatment here. I ran out of BURPDOGS! Do you believe it. I thought there was still a small bag in the freezer, but no... somebody ate them all.. Now, he had to have his lunch without the biscuit.. I ordered right away, but there's going to be a few days that Winslow doesn't have the biscuit... I'm in such trouble here. He just grunts at me and gives me the evil eye. I just know he's going to get back at me somehow.. squeaky toy in bed where I roll over on it, empty the ice cubes into the bed when I'm not looking so they melt there, pee on my shoe... I just know he's going to pay me back. I offered him a little extra yogurt today and although he took it, he let me know that it wasn't the same thing. So, life is pretty much normal around here. Glynis
  13. Very good news! sending lots more prayers!
  14. Hi Everyone. This thread seems to update Terms of Service (and no, I couldn't find it either): http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=8606 edited to add: amazing what you learn when you read The TOS is at the bottom of every forum page.
  15. How much tramadol is he on? Some vets underdose. Sending prayers!
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