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About AliWest

  • Birthday 06/17/1971

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    East Tennessee

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Grey Pup

Grey Pup (4/9)

  1. I'll be there this weekend! I can't believe it! My first time at GIG! Me, Mensa and Sally are staying with Auntie Burpdog!
  2. So sad to hear about Danger. May he run free at the Bridge.
  3. I'm so sorry. (((((((Diane)))))))
  4. Wow! Reading all these replies makes me think that I have an atypical grey. I have been fostering on and off for about three or four years so Sally came in as a foster. Mensa was very happy to have another grey in the house. Always has been. My fosters never seemed to last more than a month, most only a week or two before they were adopted. So when Sally didn't leave...... There were never any problems between the two. Mensa was just happy to have a sister he could run with outside. I do have to muzzle him though when they are outside. He likes to play rough and I found out the hard way how thin greyhound skin can be.
  5. AliWest


    I'm so sorry. :weep :weep :weep
  6. Of course I remember you. I am so sorry for your loss of Baloo.
  7. I've crated all three of my cats when they were kittens. They weren't exactly litter box trained when I first found them. It didn't bother them at all and as adults they will still get into one of the dogs' crates.
  8. AliWest


    I'm so sorry.
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