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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Black kitties have a special place in my heart, I am so sorry
  2. table dancing at the bridge I am so sorry
  3. I used it with Sugar. The first shot was like a miracle! The second shot, good, but less dramatic. After that, the acupuncture was keeping her good, so we didn't do any more. I would definitely give it a try. No side effects, and Sugar had heart problems, so there were a lot of things she couldn't take.
  4. Oh Robin, I hope it isn't time for her yet! I would go in and have a talk with her. If she is ready, she will let you know. Sugar fought hard with all her problems for 9 months, but when she was done, it was clear. I waited a week to be sure (but she wasn't in pain), then let her go. Loca will tell you.
  5. glad he is all better! maybe he just needed some salsa to go with his chips
  6. well that's just I hope the specialists can sort things out and give you some (correct!) answers :candle
  7. great news for Sadie! Isn't it wonderful to have a vet you love? I have been so lucky with mine
  8. this has been a horrible year for you, time for things to start getting better!
  9. You are right about the "a day too soon rather than a day too late" mindset. I've done both, and believe me, it is true. That said, isn't it a wonderful relief to know that today isn't "the day"! hoping you have many more good days with Riley
  10. Me! Me! I'll take her! (like you would really let her out of your sight ) I am glad she is better. Could she have slipped, or stumbled, or twisted something while you were out? She would have been sore, but a temporary thing she could shake off. Sugar did that many, many times in her last year.
  11. hoping the tests come back something minor and treatable, thyroid, a UTI, something easy!
  12. I am glad to hear he is generally doing better! Stomach issues can take awhile to resolve, and there is usually a lot of up and down on the way
  13. What a terrible shock! I am so sorry
  14. Fletcher's been doing this. After x-rays, it seems to be "just" arthritis, in his shoulder and elbow. He's on glucosamine and metacam (as needed). So far, so good. for the same for Cosmo!
  15. I am so sorry 15.5 years is a good long life, but no matter how long, it is never enough!
  16. Angie, I am sorry to hear Joey had a bad spell! I think the slippery elm probably did help, it is very soothing. I hope it is "just" an ulcer, but you can deal with IBD too, if it turns out to be that. I've been coping with Fletcher's for five years, and once we figured out what he could and couldn't eat, it's not bad. Even RobinM's poor Beau, who has it much worse than Fletcher, is finally stable! I hope Joey has a good night
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