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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. I am so sorry for you!!!!!!!!!!!! and poor little Rudy!!!
  2. What a beautiful face...she reminds me so of my Rascal and they even shared a birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! She had such a long life....
  3. Diane... Sorry for your loss....You are such a kind person for taking in so many needy older souls.
  4. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss!!!!!!!!
  5. Time will make it easier to deal with...but it will still suck!!! I lost rascal 1 1/2 ago and still can start crying over some of the strangest things!!! Sorry for your loss...
  6. Kari... So sorry to hear about your loss....I just got back from vacation... Everyone told me that the first year is the toughest....pretty much true. Certain days definately will get you for no reason for months. Take care of yourself.
  7. Funny you posted this....I just had a bizarre dream about Rascal last night that I vividly remember.... There isn't enough space here to say how much Rascal meant to me. He was a true soulmate of mine. If I were a dog I would have acted exactly as he did and vice versa. He was my first dog as an adult and during our time together there were so many truly funny times. There were some tough ones too. But through the illnesses of his we only grew closer. But he was never like a child/dependent he was always a partner it seemed. I miss you so....
  8. Diane.... Thoughts are with you.....Sorry you are going through such a difficult time!!
  9. What a beautiful boy and what a long and I am sure great life you gave him!!!!!!!!!!
  10. AWWW...Today would have been my Rascal's 14th birthday...I think I will order some Burpdogs for the others to enjoy in honor of Rascal!! Happy Birthday to both our bridge kids!!!!!!!
  11. So sorry you lost him so suddenly like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Having the empty hole in the house takes a while to change. After I lost Rascal the house felt empty and weird for so long and I still had two dogs and two cats. Strange how the emptiness fades but doesn't really go away. Sending strength to you in such a difficult time....
  12. Wishing you peace in such a difficult time....
  13. Sorry for your loss...what a great thing you did for Comet when you gave him a loving home for the last six months.
  14. She had such a phenomenal life with you!!! So sorry for your loss especially at this time of year!
  15. The only thing I can tell you that it will get better. But it never goes away. But the persistent everyday anguish will become less frequent. I was told by another crazy dog person it would take about 3 months and that was about correct to the day. Some of the heaviness lifted. But I still miss him everyday and the other dogs can not fill that void left. But you will go on. I hope you behavior problems get better. I was fortunate that my other two moved on. Neither one seems to be in charge and both seem to be okay with that.
  16. Ironically reading this exactly three months after I lost my Rascal it sure doesn't seem so. I agree with some others that the bad times get further apart but the bad days still bring me to tears. I have two other wonderful dogs who I love dearly but the hole left here is monsterous. Good luck with having more good than bad days.
  17. greysandmollie


    What a sweet tribute...... So sorry for your loss.
  18. That is such a beautiful tribute to your boy. Thank you for sharing and caring with me since I lost Rascal.
  19. Those pictures show a lot of character in your beautiful girl. I hope your heart heals for you soon.
  20. After battling lymphoma for 15 months I had to let my beloved Rascal go. He had also battled through a bout with FCE 5 years ago that weakened his back end and took away his bowel and bladder control. Rascal was the bravest and most dignified dog that I have ever know. He was a five year racer from Fla. He was a submissive soul when I brought him home but that changed all too quickly. Most of our time spent together was a battle to see who was actually in charge. He won. He loved me unconditionally but he also challenged me everyday. I have a million of Rascal stories. Most of the include him eating something he shouldn't have. So many funny stories and so many people knew my boy. I took him everywhere and he was the best greyhound ambassador you could ask for. One time someone asked me if I realized that he was not a person in a dog suit and I quickly replied, "But he is better than most people...". He was more than a companion to me. I love and miss you so.
  21. greysandmollie


    What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful dog...... Bless all of you....
  22. Such a beautiful and eloquent tribute to your girl. You have both been so brave....
  23. So sorry to hear of your loss......
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