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Everything posted by locket

  1. I have no real experience, but I just want to throw out a few idea. We dogsit some hounds and they can go for 20 km off-leashed (I know *sigh*) walks and come back home just fine, not at all tired. However, a 30 minutes walk on leash with us and it exhausted them. Because they had to go at our pace. A DAP collar? I don't know if it mellows the dog, but it certainly helped with Jack's SA. Like you (mind you, he was 3) he was always sleeping (exhausted) when we were home, but barking his head off for hours on end as soon as we left. The snuffle mat yes, why not! Giving her her food NOT in a bowl (slow feeder, frozen in 2-3 kongs, scattered on the floor as a search and found activity....) Training yes, and a class, why not! I also found out that "new" places are often more exhausting. Why not go for a coffee and take her along? Or walk a different path or drive 5 mins to a new neighborhood? Again just throwing out ideas Good luck
  2. I second all of the ideas above. Find a place with only 3-4 steps (don't let him jump all those steps!) and using a harness as a suitcase works well. We taught Jack after 1 month (he really didn't needed to do stairs at our house, we thought him just for good measure) and it took 3 days of twice daily going up and down the stairs once. After each session I threw plenty of treats on the floor and we had a party! He will balk, just be confident in yourself and him, he can do it Also if you have a friend with a dog, he could learn from the other dog!
  3. Definitely safe to leave on, you will see, there is no locking mechanism and I was always afraid of it dropping off at the dog park.
  4. Ohhh I'm so sorry for you I have never been in that kind of situation, but I will be in Stockport on Sunday should you wish a GT friendly hug, a cup of tea or just anything really xx
  5. Sorry hadn't seen your comment! Amazon.ca (3 week shipment...) Or the vet ($). I went to my nearest vet and they had it.
  6. Never tried it, so I wouldn't know, I was thinking this is more like a punctual thing. Good to know haha
  7. I agree that you won't know until you try. Every dog is different. DAP is a pheromone produced by lactating bitch when they give birth to soothes the pup. The pheromone is in the collar and with the heat of the dog, slowly diffuses in the air around him. That's also why the collar must NOT get wet. It says it lasts for 4 weeks, but it was mostly 3-ish for us. The thing I know is that when I opened the collar package for Jack, he sniffed frantically around it. Same when we bought the diffuser, he had left for his walk, when he came back, the diffuser has been plugged for 5 minutes and he went on a search around the house to look for the smell. We never smelled anything. It made the difference for us for separation anxiety, he went from barking ALL day to barking every hour or so in a week. Which was very impressive at the time. When the collar "ran out" at 3-ish weeks, he broke out of his cage in panic. Then we bought the diffuser and all was well, we don't use it anymore. It isn't magic, but for us it took the "edge" off of us leaving I bet it could have the same effect with loud noises and thunder, although I would perhaps try the spray for that use? That way when you know something is coming, you can spray his bed or his blanket instead of having a collar all the time. It works so well for us, I already bought a collar for Charlie for his international flight. Hoping it will help him.
  8. I loved that website for basic questions : http://www.njboxers.com/top-50-barf-faqs-for-beginners.htm In my opinion, it is just like our food, it doesn't have to be balanced every meal, but over time yes. I do vary the meat source quite a lot, Jack gets mainly chicken, beef, turkey and horse with a fish meal once per week. I also add about 10% of his diet as offal (5% liver) I just cut it in little bits, freeze it and then he gets some cubes throughout the week. Then we also add kelp for the thyroid (about 1/4-1/2 tsp per day) and salmon oil for the joints and skin/fur. Finally, he gets veggies and fruits that we puree and freeze. He gets some cubes every day. And about 2-3 eggs per week, shell and all. Actually, when I puree my veggies, I add in the salmon oil, the kelp and the eggs and freeze everything. That way I only have to worry about giving the cubes each meal and not necessarily weighting/measuring everything everyday. It also help me keep tracks as I work with a weekly bag of goodies system (see below). I wouldn't give myself the trouble of having recipes. I calculate how much veggie and offal he needs in a week, then make little bags with the corresponding amount and that's what Jack gets in a week (plus meat of course!). If he is losing weight, I add in more, if he is gaining, I cut back on his portion a little. Easy peasy!
  9. Wow, what an adventure... I am heartbroken for you but glad he is improving bit by bit. You must really take good care of him, keep it up, all of you!
  10. Those carrots are the bomb! (not THAT way ) :yay
  11. locket

    Soulman And Zoedq

    Amber, it must be very hard to lose 2 such loving beauties at the same time But we are always there for you to make you smile and it is so great that Manny and Ruby came into your lives
  12. A few more designs before I leave! Be sure to check my shop as there are plenty other prints and patterns! And don't forget the coupon code for 15 % off!!! Still valid until April 26th! : BYECAPN15 https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheCaptainsApparel?ref=hdr_shop_menu
  13. When we got Jack, he got a full 10 days of rice and boiled chicken and if we tried transitioning, he just reverted to diarrhea. After that, we chose a bag of food (kirkland) and stuck with it and things improved. It's all new to her, maybe try a bland diet to see if things settles? Often trying too much stuff at the same time just worsen things. Good luck! Make sure she keeps hydrated as John said and don't hesitate to contact your vet if you see anything odd/off.
  14. Silly me! I had forgotten to list this cute girly collar! Available in 1.5 inches wide And don't forget the little coupon code : BYECAPN15 https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheCaptainsApparel?ref=hdr_shop_menu
  15. I'm sorry about Ginny for you
  16. Otherwise you might need a girl *hint hint*
  17. It does has a pinkish shade in it. It does look red, and you have to compare against a red fabric to notice, but it is slightly pinkish. Maybe you can see better on that one the true color
  18. Hello all! I have a fairly small business, mostly to make collars for our local iggies in town! However, I do my collars greyhound sized first to take pictures and advertise them on Etsy. Anyway, I am leaving for an internship for 3 months shortly and so I need to clear up that inventory so I can bring back more fabric from Europe and start again! So here is your chance to get your hand on some of the ready-made collars I have (1.5 and 2 inches wide, neck size 13-17 inches). Quantities are limited, so act quick if you like a particular collar All collars are polypro webbing, cotton and lined with satin. Oh and why not, here is a coupon code : BYECAPN15 for a 15% off any purchase! Oh and as always, free shipping https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheCaptainsApparel https://www.facebook.com/TheCaptainsApparel/ Be quick, I am leaving on the 26th and so can only get them shipped until then! Happy shopping! Here are a few samples of what I have right now
  19. I'm sorry for your loss Vanitha, you gave her a wonderful life
  20. That's the amount my 80 pound boy used to eat! Are you sure she is free of worms? You can also perhaps adding green beans as a fuller without calories for her and see if it makes any difference? Sorry I don't have much advices for you...
  21. About 6x10, but it is open, so we have some woopsie pees here and there sometimes
  22. Good luck! We had the same problem more or less with Jack. When we were walking, he would go, in the yard? Nothing. I could stand there for 30 minutes and nothing and I KNEW he had to go (first morning pee, or when we were back from work). Eventually he figured it out as when he peed, we would play and get back inside. But it took ages...And it took him about a year to poop in the yard, it was always pee! Now he goes either 1 or 2 in 30 seconds tops, but he still prefers to poop on walks! Anyway, stuff that helped are 1. Rewarding when he goes! Reward, reward reward!!! (also if you have a cue, now is the time to use it!) 2. Bringing another pup so he had something to mark and 3. Offering different pee options (we have a hedge, sand, grass, rocks,... he chose the sandy grass) And about the no pooping since 10 pm, don't worry, he will go when he has to
  23. We did 3 days Panacur each 3 weeks for a total of 3 treatments. Then 3 months later when he had soft poos again 3 days Panacur each 3 weeks for 2 additionnal treatments. But like I said, fecals were negative, so we did not know what he had, but Panacur seemed to fix him up. Hopefully the carrots works for you It does help to settle the stomach.
  24. The olewo kept the parasite (never knew what Jack had) at bay. It's a natural wormer. When the bag ended, I didn't want to order a new one and that's when our problem started...Mucous, gurgling, no eating...We wormed wormed wormed and that never came back. Not that worms are necessarily the problem here, but just something to keep in mind
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