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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. Welcome! Tell us about you and your hound(s).
  2. So funny and so true. I literally just told Jan today that Poppy looks like a Baby Sweep to me, although Poppy's a little redder. And then Cindy posted Zeke pics and *he* reminded me of Sweep (but with Willa's personality) . We all might be a little obsessed with our dogs.
  3. Cindy I'm just so sorry. He was such a beautiful boy.
  4. <I don't need a puppy, I don't need a puppy>
  5. Just wanted to add a quick update that we started Doolin on Prozac last week. Our vet said it's the thing she's seen the most success with, including with her former colleague's umpteen greyhounds over the years. His prescription is for 20mg and we started him on 10mg the first few days to lessen any side effects. So far, so good in that department, but no miracles for the anxiety yet. We know it'll take a few weeks (and yesterday's weather was not helpful), so we're still hopeful this will do the trick. We're also taking him to the vet Tuesday for bloodwork just to make sure there's nothing physiological contributing. I'll keep you all posted on our progress. Thanks again.
  6. We only ever needed nausea meds for Doxorubicin, not Carboplatin. Sounds like Amelia is handling it all like the champ she is. Please keep the good news coming! We need as much as we can get after Cindy lost her boy Zeke today to this horrid disease. Six years old.
  7. I would love to read a review from a braver person than me!
  8. - KNOT! Let's keep things nice and boring for a while, shall we, ladies? I am thrilled that Punkin is feeling so spry (she really looks faboo—so bright and engaged), and after her rest AnnIE will no doubt be accosting strangers for scritches at the first opportunity to live up to her name. Gentle pets and for the girls and lots of for Miss Jan after this month.
  9. "Daffodil massacre" Is it a brindle boy thing? Do they just like to have something tickling their bums while they go?
  10. Toodles! Doolin wants to know if this is moor bedder:
  11. Thanks, @Time4ANap! I will download the app; sounds well worth it. We have a great group of local weather buffs too at NashSevereWx; I am usually glued to their Twitter feed during the spring. They are more accurate than many of the local news stations and I love that they tell us when it's safe to go to bed. I have Gabapentin on hand so that seems like an easy enough thing to try. Much appreciated.
  12. Thanks again, everyone. I've run out of Likes today but please know Doolin and I really appreciate the advice and support.
  13. Thanks, Chris @greysmom. I remember hearing a lot of talk about Sileo here years ago, but not so much more recently, so I didn't know if it was still used and/or recommended. I will definitely ask, since noise does seem to be his biggest issue (though he does not seem to mind Willa barking directly in his face ). I just really worry for him, especially since (I don't want to type this ) he will likely outlive his bold sassy sister. Fortunately, and somewhat to my surprise, he doesn't seem to have bad SA.
  14. Scritches delivered, thanks, and yes it does—I can attest to that personally as one who firmly believes in "better living through pharmaceuticals"!
  15. Thanks, all. We're off to the vet on Tuesday with the cat for her annual exam and will bring these suggestions with us for Doo. Hopefully we can get something that kicks in before tornado season does.
  16. Several weeks ago, we were walking the dogs and there was a clap of thunder out of nowhere. It started raining lightly and Doolin dragged us home. He's always been absolutely terrified of storms, to the point that now even a slight wind or gentle rain will have him camped out and trembling on the bathroom floor. So, I believe this event is what triggered our current problem: he absolutely refuses to go for walks now. He seems excited to go but then just shuts down when we try to leave the yard. We have cajoled, dragged, tight-circled, treated, and used a different door or route, and he just statues and shakes. It's heartbreaking. He is more sensitive to *any* noises now—thumping bass, construction, loud mufflers, air brakes, planes, etc.—which is unfortunate since we live in a neighborhood with all of that on a regular basis. @palmettobug I think you predicted this because of the Jimbo Scotty in him. He's having accidents overnight because he doesn't have an evening walk to fully empty out, and his yard breaks are quick—he wants to get back inside asap. We have used CBD oil and the Happy Hoodie with some success during storms, but I don't think they can get us over this hurdle. Xanax doesn't seem to do much except knock him out. I think it is time to talk to the vet about a daily med, with the goal that eventually we could wean him off and get him back to where he was two months ago—still a timid boy, but not 75 pounds of jello. He will happily go for rides and sometimes will walk elsewhere, but that's not practical for two walks a day with a tripod sister. This week we have just been leaving him home when we walk Willa and hoping the FOMO will kick in. So, talk to me about anxiety meds. What have you used with success? Any you would avoid? He's still a happy, relaxed boy at home so I don't want him in a stupor. I just want him to enjoy being outside again and playing with his sister, and she needs her walking buddy back. Thanks for reading. ETA: Oops, should have put this in Training and Behavior. @Jeff can you help?
  17. The valet should probably remove those crumbs from his blankie too, but she has the day off.
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