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Everything posted by MachosMom

  1. I am so sorry :'( I hope for the day none of us have to say goodbye from osteo stealing them from us.
  2. :'( I am so sorry. I really hate osteo with a passion!
  3. Good Morning everyone! This is not exactly the post I was hoping to make 2 months after getting Keiva. But.. here's some background, and then, the xray. Over the last few weeks Keiva has been licking and worrying at her back left foot (the one that has only two toes to begin with). She worried so much at it yesterday that I got her into our vet ASAP because it started bleeding. Obviously she's in pain and we needed to see what was going on as it wasn't anything superficial. Got to the vet, and they did their poking and prodding. We agreed to the xray because we wanted to see what was going on. It was clear during exam that she was in pain in the little toe. Xray comes back and you can see the arthritis. Then... the vet, gotta love them. Goes "You see this spot at the very end of her little toe? It's moth like in appearance, like there's a bunch of holes" My heart went to the floor. She proceeds to list other causes, including inflamming arthritis just showing up as it expands or whatever, I don't know, I had semi stopped listening. The she pauses, and I finish her sentence for her. "Or, it could be osteo" Yes. It could. But IS it? She didn't know for sure. Suggested a re-xray in a month. I asked for copies of the xray. This vet doesn't do digitial..so I could take the actual film, or wait. I decided to use my trusty cellphone and take a photo of the xray. If I need the film they will give it to me - I just go pick it up. SO.... Thoughts of this xray? If you want a bigger view of this image click here ... We're not looking at the missing toes, we're focused on the toe on the left looking at this image. The other toe has started creating xtra bone which is rubbing against the small toe. They say probably from arthritis setting it there too. Is it too early of an image to get a consult? Or am I worrying over just arthritis? You guys have always been the support when I went through this with her brother..and we were fully aware that osteo may or may not visit us with her (but really osteo is so fickle about who it chooses to yank from us and when)
  4. Thanks everyone! This is helpful and gives us hope we are going to be ok
  5. Hi everyone! Hoping for some expert tips. We have had Macho's littermate for just over a month. We have a few issues we are working on. The biggest is the cat. We have progressed to just a muzzle , no leash. Where we are stuck is... Keiva can lay five feet from the cat and not care..or let the cat walk right past her. However, if Keiva is in an excited or otherwise heightened mood, AND the cat walks or runs thru the room...the chase is on. This is new for us as the other girls and Macho broke interest of the cat 100% within a week. Any tips on how to progress past this? We muzzle everyone when we are gone and the cat is out in her own play room (completely with kitty tree , beds and window sills) at the same time so there are no mishaps. I dont know what to try, what not to, well, you get the idea! Thanks in advance.
  6. I guess its not just really prosthetics but something to help her. We have conflicting info on how the hock has healed as it needed screws, however that does not seem to bother her a bit. The issue is with only two toes on her back leg, its tiring to balance her weight properly and we just want to see how we can eleviate some of that stress if we can and help her balance better and reduce injury risk. That brace looks like it may help, I have bookmarked it to review with the vet...but am open to any booties or anything to help her
  7. I was just wondering if anyone has had an experience with prosthetics for dogs? Any good companies I should look at? Here's the why: When Keiva (the racer formerly known as Booty ), broke her hock, there was an issue with after surgery. From what I've been told from the owner who had her at the kennel, the person in charge of her care, did not check up on her when they should have. Her pain medicine wore off and she was in so much pain she chewed two toes off on that back foot. I can't even wrap my brain around that level of pain. The owner was very upset and angry, as I would have been too! So, she does pretty good - as it's been 3 or 4 years since that happened. She hops along and will walk on it in short bursts just fine, however it makes it difficult for her to stand, and the pad of her foot is bigger and swollen from that constant stress. My partner and I would like to research prosthetics for her back foot to help with the weight bearing and balance. We will be scheduling a consult to review her xrays from the break and it's healed status with our normal vet and another vet recommended. I am not sure either have experience in this, so we wanted to start our research first. (This will be part of our check up with our vet like we do with all our new additions) It's going to be expensive I'm sure, and we've been told from the group that had her to do short walks and stay off the pavement. Which we've been doing, even when she boogie oogies down the grass like she's in a race for first! Love her! Just if there is a way to help her be more comfortable on that leg, we want to give her that opportunity (even if we have to eat ramen noodles only for the next year! ha!)
  8. Thanks we have made progress with Hattie!! Now its down to getting Keiva used to the cat, always fun. She isnt high prey, just curious, so we are taking it slow which can sometimes get frustrating. Still, progress is being made!!! Oh and I started reading the Jean Donaldson booklet, Feeling Outnumbered: Managing a Multi-dog Househould. We were luckily on track with some stuff already, and getting good ideas on others, so thats been a good confidence builder for us too.
  9. Thank you EVERYONE! I will check out that book also! We do muzzle when we aren't home, but yes, I can separate them as well in other rooms. Thank you for all of the advice. I appreciate it, and I know it's going to help us get everyone adjusted safely!
  10. I will totally take simple!!!! Will do! Also... What about when I come home and get to greeting everyone after its settled? Does it matter who i say hi to first?
  11. You know how you remember reading a thread and when you need to find it, you can't? That's where I am! So.. Keiva is adjusting quite nicely. Hattie... our 2.5 year old, however... is not very happy. She will pout. She followed Keiva everywhere yesterday, and fell asleep near her last night after laying down and growling at her. And now, if Keiva walks by her, she will growl. I know dynamics have changed, and Keiva JUST got home, but I want to make sure we approach this for success. This does not seem to be motivated by toys or high value treats/items. We have those out of the way. Keiva doesn't have to have anything near her, just walk by Hattie if Hattie is laying down, and there will be a growl. Now she is also avoiding Keiva instead of following her. Everyone is muzzled for safety while we work this out. I don't want to set them up to fail, and I don't want us to do anything to make it worse. So... lay it on me! What can I do? What should i be on the look out for..what should I NOT do? Nothing is too obvious for me right now. (the brightside is so far, Moonbeam is doing just fine and mellow as usual lol)
  12. I am so sorry! She was quite the character and I love the one of just her little butt showing
  13. Oh noes! I hope the meds help him too! Give him gentle hugs for me.
  14. MachosMom

    R.i.p. Oberon

    Oh no... I am so sorry. Godspeed indeed Obie.
  15. Run fast and free Princess Molly. Shine down often.
  16. I am so sorry. GIve her hugs from me and my crew as well (and super hugs to you too!)
  17. MachosMom

    Widow Wallace

    I am so sorry, but even that is inadequate I know. ((Hug))
  18. (((hugs))) At least it wasn't worse, but yeah it always stacks up like that
  19. I dont have words. I... Well.. yeah I just don't. Ami doesnt deserve this. Amis_ma you dont either. :'(
  20. Oh my heart breaks... amis_ma you did everything you could. SHAME on that trainer and the group. Thanks Charlies_Dad! I hope you can help. Im too far away in Florida but I really really want her to know this is not the norm.
  21. Oh :'( I am so sorry. (((Hugs)))
  22. Finally caught up on all of this. So happy that Henry is recovering so well!!! Praying for a long time of joy and love to come!
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