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Everything posted by cometdust1

  1. Never had a dog do this before! My Jeep decided it would be a good idea to take an empty glass that had chocolate milk in it and lick the inside to get the syrup at the bottom. Since his tongue couldn't reach it he decided to start crunching the glass to reach the bottom. Luckily he only had it for a few seconds, I was able to fit the pieces together to see that he didn't swallow any of it. I only found a few shards on the floor and there were no cuts or pieces of glass in his mouth(I swabbed out his whole mouth,cheeks tongue and gums and could find no blood or cuts so I don't feel he swallowed any of it. Guess there's a first time for everything!
  2. My greyhound has been on prozac since july for separation anxiety.It has helped, he no longer destroys the house when we're gone, but he still paces and cries a lot.I added L-theanine,an amino acid that is supposed to create a feeling of well being and calmness,100mg 2X per day on monday and I left for work this morning and he was just laying on my bed, totally relaxed, he didn't follow me to the door and go by the window and cry like he usually does.I feel it 's working even better than the prozac so I am going to start to wean him off the prozac and hopefully just use the L-Theanine.You can use this whenever it's needed, and not give it if it is not needed.It might be a good idea to try it during your first weeks there, or at the first sign of anxiety.Make sure it is suntheanine,that is the purest form.
  3. Over the years I've had a german shephard and an irish setter with this problem.They were both placed on a pancreatic enzyme powder(made from ground up sheep pancreas)to replace the enzymes that they lacked.I also think the irish setter also took antibiotic long term but I'm not sure, it was quite a few years back.Both lived long and healthy lives.Just had to deal with bloody diahrrea if they ate something besides their food with the powder added.One dog was able to be fed regular dog food and one was put on a prescription diet.Hope all works out well for your pup!
  4. It might be worth running a thyroid panel on him. I had a greyhound who was having seizures so I had a thyroid panel run on him and sent to hemopet for evaluation and his levels were low, even for a greyhound.He had no other symptoms other than the seizures.He was put on thyroid medication and the seizures stopped except for a rare mild one,barely noticable.
  5. I'm in the same situation with a relatively new grey I adopted in June.He was fine until his greymate died unexpectedly about 6 weeks ago. within 2 days I came home to a shredded side door molding,chewed up blinds, and ripped up curtains.Luckily, he's very good about not eliminating in the house.I asked my vet to place him on 40mg of prozac while we work on away training.It definitely has helped lower the anxiety level.He still cries and paces when we leave but when I sneak a look at him when we return he is asleep on his bed.We also play with him with a stuffy toy tied to the end of a horse lunge line to make him nice and tired before we go out.He chases it like crazy. It might not be good for your dog though if he's questionable with your cats right now.
  6. I bought the lunge line for horses and he loved it! I tied a toy to it and he went crazy for it! It was great to see him running all around, jumping up in the air trying to catch it!
  7. I have the anxiety wrap. It worked for one dog but not the other.I'ts definately worth a try.
  8. Thanks for all the info and advice.At least now I know that some greys are just like this and it doesn't mean they are unhappy.I feel that he will get past the separation anxiety with time.He is not a velcro dog and as long as somebody is at home, even if it's outside, he's O.K. now.The funny thing is, if I put him out in the yard,which is on the side of the house, not attached,he doesn't seem to mind being alone at all.He just lays down in the hole he dug out under a pine tree and sleeps there,even when I get in the car and drive away.I did this, drove around for about 5 minutes and came back up the driveway and he didn't even get up right away because I came back!I would never leave him outside while not at home but I just thought it was quirky that he seems quite content out there.
  9. I've tried throwing balls, sqeaky toys. stuffed toys ,etc. in the yard but got no response.Yes, I know getting another dog would help him since he has now developed severe separation anxiety since the other dog passed.He is now on prozac while we work with him on this new issue, which only makes him even more hohum.I didn't want to use it but he tried to break through the window one day and slid the sliding door open and escaped the next day while I was at work! I just happened to ask my dad who lives around the corner to check on him and he found him coming up the street from next door. They have 4 dogs they keep in their garage next door(which I hate!) and I think he went there for company.Luckily, he went back to my side door himself and waited for my dad to let him back in.I am still way too sad to think about getting another dog right now and I honestly don't think I will get anymore greyhounds when I do. I love them to death but this is my 3rd grey in a row to die before his time and I just can't do it anymore. Maybe if this one lives his full life I might try again but for now,no.I do have a friend with a grey who comes over but she's 9 and it's been too hot for her.When it's a little cooler she will come over.I am going to try a lure pole and see if he goes for it.However, he doesn't even chase the live rabbit when it's in the yard,so I'm not expecting much.
  10. How can I encourage my grey to play with toys? He doesn't show any interest in sqeaky stuffies.He'll push the kibble toy around to get food and he'll chew on the knuckle bone that I got at the pet store but thats it.He looks bored. I try playing with him in the yard, try getting him to chase me but he just kind of follows me. He goes for walks with me but doesn't have any interest in looking around.He is 5 years old and I've had him since March.My other grey just passed away 3 weeks ago but he didn't really bother with him either.
  11. How do I teach my greyhound to play with toys? I can't even get him interested in squeaky stuffies!The only thing he'll do is roll a kibble filled ball around to get the food.
  12. Has anyone ever tried using classical music cd's for dogs to help with separation anxiety? Did it help at all? which one did you use?
  14. I had to let Jax go yesterday .Such a strong will to live he had but the disease was too far along to be beat. he went into organ failure and bone marrow failure and stopped eating.Missing him terribly...
  16. I think dogs just think it tastes great!! Mine will even grab a chunk thats been ground up by our mower if he gets the chance! He just loves it!
  17. My jax was brought to the vet in Jan. for a slight cough and red eyes with some white discharge. He also was diasgnosed with probable allergies. I also would rinse his eyes 2x a day and they seemed to get better and the cough went away on it's own so I thought nothing of it. by March the eyes started up again and he was treated with steroid antibiotic drops.No eye exam was ever performed other than a cursory check.It did not get better so the vet did a tear production test which he failed.He was given drops to help with tear production.Within 2 weeks I really started to notice him becoming more and more lethargic and back to the vet we went. He tested him for ehrlichiosis and it was positive.The eye problem and cough were symptoms of it.You said his eyes were really red when you got him so just be careful if he does not improve with treatment. Hope it turns out to be nothing serious but I just wanted to make you aware and to seek further advice if it does not resolve.
  18. What are the reasons for not wanting to use steroids when treating ehrlichiosis? Jax was put on them (20mg once a day) to increase his platelet and red cell counts.His last bloodwork showed RBC 4.56,Hemoglobin 10.0, Hematocrit 33.3, and platelet 296. These are all significantly improved over his prior lows. All other levels are within normal range. He is much better but is still losing about 2lbs a week. He has little appetite and eats about 1/2 his normal intake. He eats dog chow little bites and chicken breasts the best. Should I push to take him off the pred at this point? He can't afford to lose anymore weight. His normal weight was around 75lbs and now he's down to around 63 to 65 lbs.The internist that put him on the steroids is closed until Monday but I am seeing my local vet for his weekly blood draw Thursday night. The draw will include a full panel to see how his kidney and liver funcion is.His ultrasound 2 weeks ago showed enlargement of kidneys liver and spleen.I'm surprised that Jax is even still here,he was really bad 2 wks ago.The internist said the ehrlichia dx could be incidental and he may have a cancer which is causing his weight loss. He recommended BX's of the organs and marrow but I declined because if it is cancer,I would not treat it. Been there before, and it's never a good ending and the vet even said his prognosis would be very poor.So he suggested to just treat him as if it is CE and hope for the best. Even his CE dx was given a guarded to poor prognosis due to the extent that he has been affected.I got off topic question a bit, my main question is could he possibly do better being off the pred. now that his platelets are normal?
  19. Just out of desparation I bought some plain old dog chow tiny bits and wouldn't you know it? He's eating that better than anything else I've given him! I don't even have to add anything to it. Got his bloodwork back, and his values are better again. Now if I can get some weight back on him I'd really feel better.I'll try posting pics tomorrow.
  20. thanks for the advice about the fat & pancreatitis! That's all I would need! would 93% lean hamburger be ok? I don't know how to post pictures of him.
  21. I found the magic ingredient that got him to eat all his dinner-1tbsp BACON FAT! He acts almost normal,just a little tired.He has started playing with his toys a bit again,which he hasn't done in weeks.He's just so thin! His gums and ears are almost normal in color,so I'm hoping this keeps heading in the right direction. He's on the pred 20mg until next week at least, when he gets another bloodwork done. Thanks for checking in. I know bacon fat isn't the best thing for him but the vet said, if it takes hot dogs to get him to eat-use it! Don't worry if it's good for him or not as long as he eats.
  22. Yes, tomorrow is the last pill I have (7days worth), I talk to the internist tomorrow to see what's next.He never had eggs before, I'm a little wary of possibly giving him something hard to digest and ending up with diahrrea.Right now, he's getting about 1/4 to 1/2 lb. 80% lean hamburger with about 1 cup of food,he seems to be eating the best on that. I added some rice yesterday and he wouldn't touch it until I made fresh without the rice.It's good to know that it could just be the pred thats making him lose weight he's also only eating about 1/2 to 2/3 what he normally eats. I still have the thought that it could be a cancer like lymphoma and this could just be a temporary improvement due to the pred in the back of my mind.That is what the internist said at the beginning of the week.With his symptoms though, along with the uveitis,I think it is erlichia.He looks stronger every day, and his eyes are much better too.He still looks pale though,I can tell his blood is still not right just by looking at him.
  23. I don't know the final plans yet, I have to talk oto the internist on Monday.He'll be on his meds for a while,and I guess they'll recheck his bloodwork,maybe in a week? What are some high calorie things I can feed him to put some weight on him? He's a good 10 lbs thinner than he was.
  24. Great news! All of Jax's values have significantly improved!Platelets are well within normal limits!Meds are working!
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