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Everything posted by LBass

  1. Sending prayers and hugs to you and Skittles.
  2. Sending prayers and good thoughts for you and Skittles.
  3. I'm so sorry! Sending warm healing thoughts and prayers for you and Cody Angelo.
  4. What a good, good girl! Sending a round of , , and for everybody there.
  5. Sending prayers and good thoughts for you and Lady.
  6. I hope that you will have news of Mia Bella soon and that it will all be positive. It is difficult to leave them, isn't it? for both of you.
  7. LBass

    Foster Kitties....

    Bless their little hearts and yours too. I'm so, so sorry. Take some measure of comfort in knowing that their too brief lives were enveloped in the warmth of your loving care.
  8. Oh goodness, what a rough time you and your pups are having. I'm so sorry and send warm, good thoughts to all of you. It must be "seizure time". Piper awakened me at 2:30 and again at 6:30 today having seizures. As you say, he heads on back to sleep in his bed, snuggled in with his blankie, while I lie awake, wide-eyed and worrying about why the seizures are coming so close together and whether he needs a vet visit and a medication change. I hope Sprite is feeling much better soon--those growths look so painful, poor girl. Best wishes for poor Red and you as well. %!%!! seizures!
  9. I'm so very sorry for your loss. She is absolutely gorgeous! What a blessing for both of you that you found each other in time to fall in love.
  10. Ah, I'm so very sorry that Roscoe had to leave for the Bridge. He's lovely and looks like quite a character.
  11. LBass

    My Girl Is Gone

    I'm so very sorry for your sad loss. God speed to you, Bonnie.
  12. LBass

    Credit Finch

    I'm so sorry for your loss and for poor grieving Debit. I know his unhappiness is hard to watch.
  13. I am so very sorry that you have had such a heartbreaking and unexpected loss.
  14. LBass


    I'm so very sorry for your loss. Alex was a special boy who was fortunate to find his special person.
  15. Farewell Donnie. Sending condolences to those who love you.
  16. I'm glad she's home with those who love her.
  17. LBass


    What a heartbreaking loss. I'm so very sorry.
  18. What a wonderful face your Prince has. I so very sorry for your loss.
  19. What a lovely, loving tribute. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss. Beautiful Lily chose her time and went in peace.
  21. LBass

    Sad Loss

    Lucy has such beautiful, soulful eyes. I'm so very sorry for the loss of her loving spirit.
  22. One grey here. Piper has epilepsy and is hypothyroid so he has more visits than a "healthy" grey. He goes in at least twice a year for a good big set of labs to check general blood work, liver function (because he takes Phenobarbital), thyroid and medication levels. He sometimes has several other visits depending on how his seizure control is going.
  23. LBass

    Our Queenie

    I'm so very sorry for your heartbreaking loss. Queenie is surely a special soul. Know that you and your family--pups and people-- are in my thoughts and prayers.
  24. Thank you for sharing Ruby's story (so many wonderful pictures) and for helping us get to know some of the qualities that make Ruby so special. My heart goes out to you as you face such a heartbreaking loss.
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