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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Just catching up on this now. Prayers for Neko on continuing improvement.
  2. To pipe in with some experience related to how your pup is acting, Kasey would often lick and swallow repeatedly, almost like something was caught in his throat. It would subside, then happen again. The vet actually determined he had acid reflux and that his osophagus was quite inflamed. I give him Pepcid when I notice him having trouble, and I've fed him Slippery Elm for a long period of time - both treatments had effective results. Might wanna give that a go?
  3. Youngin's are rarely respectful of the leash at the get go. He'll get it, but sorta needs some time and a bit of training. Remember it's totally new for him. Keep the leash short, keep him by your side, bring some reinforcement treats and off you go. With luck, he may just pick up on the walking with Millie nearby. With Ryder, he would pull a lot. Took a while for him to realize that we weren't going anywhere until he'd stop pulling. If Roman is merely wandering about, it's just an attention thing - as in, he's giving everything that exists in the outside world attention (wouldn't you?), and isn't focused on a walk. He's out for a leisurely stroll to check pee mail because that is what is exciting.
  4. Kasey is on a very low dose of prednisone for the rest of his life....we started using it in 2007 and gradually weaned off a higher dose to what he is on now. In the case of Kasey, it is to help his allergies, and not necessarily chronic pain. I do know that it can do wonders, however it is a drug to be used with caution and have a great respect and understanding of it's proper use. I'm sure my comment pales in comparison to others experiences but I'd consider Kasey a long term user, even if he's on a low dose.
  5. Lovely tribute. So sorry to hear this news. Hug Fenway extra tight.
  6. I like to at least have the bones thawed for them to eat. I think it tastes better?!?! lol Frozen bones I guess last longer but I'd worry more about damaging teeth - that's just me. Easy on feeding too many hot dogs - a lot of hot dogs are LOADED with sodium. As far as adding veggies/fruit, I'm not big on it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to give them any. If I'm chopping up carrots or something for dinner, I give them some, but I don't give them a carrot every day - that sort of thing. I find rice is fabulous for their systems, as is pasta. We have increased the amount of carbs we are feeding our boys because the protein on it's own wasn't doing enough. You'll have a lot of opinions on the matter. Have fun with feeding raw.
  7. My Kasey has run the gammut with food allergies and honestly after years of food trials, we moved to raw. What an improvement. Only one ingredient source, eliminating any gluten, by products or meals of any sort. Add the scares of the manufacturing process that gets into kibble, I'm happy we made the switch. It really was night and day of a difference and how interested he is now for food at meal time. The dog that would be picky, suddenly starts barking and is impatient while we are making up his brekkie and dinner. Also, very "reliable" stools....every day the same thing, very routine, same consistency, and very healthy. That would honestly be my suggestion for you for a history of allergies. It was something that took me a very long time to make the jump to but I'm so happy I did. To see the change in Kasey (all around) is unbelievable. Good luck.

    Moto Hot Rod

    Oh my. I didn't realize milky bone boy was sick. Oh Hot Rod....run free. So sorry to read this.
  9. I will never forget I was making tacos and was making ground beef in a pan. I missed when trying to transfer some of the meat and about half of the contents of the pot fell on the ground. Kasey sniffed it and walked away. I could not believe he didn't make a run to eat any of it. Could have been cause it was hot, but then again he was never fond of food in general. Enter my other houndie Ryder and he eats food like it's going out of style. I think his devotion to food actually inspired Kasey to eat, because what he didn't finish he would lose to Ryder. That being said, Kasey being a non-food motivated dog did make it difficult to feed in general. I will still to this day give him raw and he will grab it so gently, and indecisively, that Ryder will just go and snatch it right from his mouth. That's just his nature. What i'm getting to is your pup might not be the biggest fan of it, especially initially. I'd certainly try different meat to entice them to start. Also ensure that you are off kibble cold turkey. Our boys favorite is turkey legs and necks. Try not boiling the beef and feed it as is. Try bigger chunks, to get them to want to chew. Give chicken breast a try. Try some tripe. Don't forget the lovely organs to balance it all out - the stinkier=more enticing. Good luck.
  10. Kasey enjoys a morning roach and bitey play session with me, nearly every day. He grabs my arm gently and I grab his mouth or his teeth. He tries every time to get nibbly with clothing....and clothing only. He's a lover not a fighter so he's never tried to nibble skin. Ryder....he doesn't care about not hurting....anything goes!
  11. I'd say it's an infection and only meds would be able to help. If the boys were ever licking a lot, I would actually "soak" the tip in a little bit of epsom salt water, however it sounds like your boy is a little more foregone for epsom salts to help. I also spray some CS on them, but again, I think you need meds. It should never stink like that. I bet it burns when he pees too.
  12. Oh Jilly. Make 'em laugh up there and keep 'em in line, but let them win some of the time.
  13. Yeah, Kasey does it too, and at times Ryder as well. We say the same thing to Kasey - well don't die yet....wait for the cookie first.....
  14. A question about giving aspirin. What is the correct dosage for greys just as a pain reliever?
  15. What helpful info thanks. I'm in the market for a new one since the cordless, pet one I have takes FOREVER. It works, but takes too long. We have a regular dremel but I find it spins nearly too fast, and I don't like that there isn't a guard on it in case you miss. I ended up filing my own nails accidently!
  16. I'm wondering if maybe tiring her out more during the day would help. Perhaps she's bored as well. An exhausted dog is often a happy dog. How long are your walks during the day?
  17. We stopped taking Kasey out in the middle of the night after discovering he likes to eat "poo pucks" and one night hubby went in the backyard to go fetch him because he wouldn't come when called, and hubby slipped and fell. That was the end of potty in the middle of the night just because he whined to go eat his delicacy. He learned to wait till our schedule to go out. We ensure tanks are fully empty before bed and they they go out in the morning when we get up. Obviously, now because going out in the middle of the night doesn't happen regularly, if either of them do whine on the odd occassion we know they NEED to go potty in the middle of the night, and then take them and it's right to business. I understand many don't have bladders of steel and I don't blame either one of them if they have a bout of D and need to go - better outside than in the house, but IMO if you can get him on a good schedule, there should be no whining to go out to potty or for food at random times of the night. If he does whine in the middle of the night, take him out to potty, but refuse to feed him. He'll learn soon enough that he's not getting food via this method, even if he's bluffing to go potty.
  18. Yup - my experience with mucousy poop means the insides are not happy and are irritated. Bland diet helps IMO. I've also had Pepto work rather quickly as well. Good luck.
  19. After countless food trials to find something that worked with our "allergic to everything" Kasey, raw is the only thing that has reduced his itching to a bare minimum and also reducing his prednisone intake to next to nil to control the breakouts. It also encouraged the very picky eater in him to eat his entire bowl. Unfortunately, it also means he has slimmed down quite a bit, since the raw is very lean....no added by-products etc. like kibble, and very little fat. So really raw IMO is healthier, however you might have to feed more of it to keep the correct weight on your pup, so it can get rather expensive. The other thing, NO STINKY FARTS!


    My goodness. So sorry to hear the news. I can't imagine how quiet the house must be. We are all thinking about you.
  21. Can't believe this is all due to cat scratch/bite! How scary but glad to hear she is on the mend.
  22. Kasey's habit change night by night. One night he'll be up on the bed, another on the floor in the bedroom, another on the floor in the living room. I'm not sure why but he usually always has to be close to us, so the nights he goes out in the living room on his own, I usually call him and ask him to come up. Usually if he goes out in the living room solo, when both of us are sleeping in the bedroom something is up - usually he has to puke!
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