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Everything posted by nessa

  1. Congrats!!! He is very handsome !!! Enjoy.
  2. Thanks for the link to the article although somewhat upsetting. My Dr did instruct us to give the aspirin and i LOVE my vet, but i do not always agree with him when he suggests this. She may have a mild muscle ache and I do not want to give anything stronger. I do not think that is needed. So I guess I can try and have her rest it, walk slower, or less for a few days. Thanks again
  3. Is bayer aspirin safe for greyhounds, what about tylenol. I keep getting confusing information regarding a mild pain med. My girl does not need anything stronger at this time but the Dr recommended aspiring for a mild sore muscle in her right front leg, but not an anti-inflammatory. Any thoughts appreciated.
  4. A few months is not a long time if they start out shy. Ours is now 11 and we got her at 2 yrs old. Shy/ scared/ spook whatever you want to call her, she was that!! She is a different dog with us now but is still shy when new people come into the house and she goes to her safe place which for her is the upstairs loft we have. It takes awhile, it takes patience and love. We hug on her, love her up, and go to her. She still is happier in her own space but now it is in the same room as us, not another area of the house. We did at times block the stairs so she would stay with us, but we also realize this is who she is vs an outgoing "velcro" dog that she will never be. More cat- like really. But she loves her walks, and boy did we walk and walk when we first got her!!! Just keep loving him up and talk to him, pet him, give treats... it definitely gets better, and there is such a love connection with the shy ones that builds over time !!
  5. When we adopted our girl, they recommended using the cookie sheet idea as the food spreads out which worked. We now use the JW Petskid stop slow feed bowl ( Google slow feed bowl or look on Amazon) and we have never had the problem again. We do also use some yogurt, pumpkin on the food as well.
  6. I hope Avril is OK. How horrible and the thing that makes up my nightmares!! Why would anyone "flame" you for that horrible experience you shared? Hugs and support to you and your doggie for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Maybe it her place of zen or meditation. ?!! She is a shy ( scared of a lot of things) little girl. ??
  8. Yes, I think that is what I read it was called. But why do it?? A bit odd??
  9. This may have been discussed before and I think there is a name for this behavior? But why does she stand under this bush very still for periods of time. She has done this as long back I can remember of the 9 years she has been with us and only/ always this one bush.?? Thanks.
  10. Fluid in the abdomen was due to liver disease in my doggie. Will they check for that?? Our vet held off on vaccinations as well.
  11. Thanks for the warm thoughts. Last summer at 16 he started not walking as well and could not keep up with the greyhound walks, but he loved his wagon !! Sooo cute in his wagon.
  12. He was the boss for sure. But thank goodness for the greyhounds to make sure we get up everyday and keep eating, walking and playing! But I do miss him...
  13. I have had a lot of success with get up and go supplements. Combined the glucosamine with the chondroitin and then later added the MSM and Vitamin C. You could email Claudia at Greyhoundgang.com and ask her your questions. She is great about answering them and she is very passionate about these products and the doggies. It is also a great way to give back to the dogs as she gives and gives to the greyhounds.
  14. Licorice is gorgeous! The picture on the sofa is really great! Welcome.
  15. We would do that in a hot second and you are doing what needs to be done for your baby. We have lowered our bed to make it easier for them to get on it, we have kept a 3rd sofa in the living room/ dining room area because our 10yr old girlie decided she loved to get up on it ( instead of putting it out for the dump- my MIL thinks we are nuts), we carried our 50 lb sheltie up and down the stairs for the last 1-2 months of his life as needed ( can't carry the greyhounds!) It makes perfect sense and a friend does not show such a lack of compassion and get to stay around as a friend...
  16. hi check out the article on Greyhoundgang.com website under "learn" and then "medical" about slippery elm bark. I have had a lot of luck with that with 2-3 doses ( i mixed it with cold water and gave about a tablespoon mixed in with pumpkin or yogurt). I found it at a health food store and it is for people and dogs.
  17. He is one very handsome fella!!
  18. the seizures were apparently from the liver not processing things properly ( hepatoencephalopathy) so once that was changed, no further seizures, so no seizure meds. We use Wellness super 5 mix ( healthy weight) dog food and no more peanut butter kongs !! We also split meals up to give her liver less work to do with processing the food. 2 meals divided into 4 servings. If I remember correctly, the lactulose is to help break up amino acids so that things do not back up into the belly if the liver is working harder to do its job. Good luck with all this. Our almost 11 year girl is thankfully doing well and BETTER see her 11th bday in Oct!!!
  19. We have been giving our 69- 72 lb dog one denamarin every morning since Feb. We also give her a syringe of lactulose in the am and pm ( which she loves the taste of?!) We split it up only because the vet said it can cause diarrhea if it is too much at one time. She has been doing great on these things as well as a low protein diet for her liver disease. Much better then the bloating stomach and seizures she had before the meds and change in diet. !!! She has hepetitis with a bad liver but is doing soooo great we just keep going with the meds. The lactulose is only $20.00 at the vet for a 16 fl oz bottle. What else were you told to do?
  20. Hi Thanks for the information. We were spending $60.00 but the vet price just went up to $80.00. We get the ones for large dogs ( 35 lbs and over on the package) and give one each morning. If you do not mind my asking, why do you give 2 and why was it prescribed for your doggie? I will look into Amazon.
  21. hang in there. 4 months is not that long. I used to take our girl in the car to a place to walk cause she would not go beyond the bottom of the driveway if walking on the leash from our property. Then we would get there and she would not get out of the car. People would ask if everything was OK. And this was on quiet deserted streets, no kids making noise, no trucks, forget school buses going by.... She just kept getting braver and braver and over the last 8 years have gone on a zillion walks with her !! I think to this day she does not really come to us for a ton of attention or love but I know she loves us and is happy to see us when we get home, or snuggle with her ( i have to go to her for those snuggles). Patience and love, safe situations and time and then more time. Our girl bucked away from people trying to pet her and still does to some extent and I just tell them she is shy and go pet the more outgoing grey we have. I could not love her more and i know she is a scardy- cat to most things and new situations, a shy dog. A good sign if she follows you around and wags her tail at any time - right. time and then more time and love and patience !! Not sure about the peeing in the house?
  22. The vet came to the house when it was time for our 16 year old sheltie. One greyhound sleeping on the other couch, the other greyhound on a dog bed behind the sofas. Neither seemed moved by it at all, but i do not know if the attachment was there with the sheltie as much as your Jack. The greyhound on the dog bed had been with this sheltie her whole time with us ( 8 years at that time) so I think it would have been weird either way cause if we took him to the vets office, he would have gone and not come back and is that just as upsetting. For us, it was soooo much better at home, resting with us then in a cold vets office. Good luck and it sucks anyway you go.
  23. Good luck tonight and I hope she is doing well. Did the Dr have any suggestions for diet or otherwise... always looking for more liver disease information. thanks
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