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Everything posted by nessa

  1. Any ideas for natural or homemade toothpaste and flea treatment? Looking to stay natural or homeopathic Thanks in advance!
  2. Denamarin and Lactulose have been keeping our liver disease girl going strong since Feb 2011. She is doing spectacular. We originally did an ultrasound but would not do a biopsy as it was too invasive at the time. She had bloating and seizures on diagnosis and not a thing since. She is now 12.
  3. Our girl had a salivary gland that produced a "waddle" looking lump hanging to one side of her neck (clearly from the inside, not a growth on the outside), is it like that? It took a long time, but it resolved itself. Where in West Chester are you? So are we.
  4. Happy Birthday Bee Wiseman! It sure was a nice party for her last year and helps create such nice and happy memories!!
  5. Interested in hearing what the homeopathic vet has to say. We have done the duct tape, hulling (once- it came back in a month) and use the boot for all walks. Ours only has one corn and the boot helps tremendously. But we are always looking for any other solution as well. Keep us posted!
  6. I agree with most things said. I will try 2.5 cups of food and i will look into the calories of the food i am giving her now. She just acts so crazy at night, of course barking and laying in front of the closet with food and treats. There is no activity I can do to burn off her energy as she will not "play" with any toys, will not run like crazy in the fenced yard and I usually have just returned from a walk that i can not make any longer as it is dark out, and I have 2 other dogs to take care of as well. I do give her extras in her meal time food, and a kong later, and a frozen bagel, and and and ( it feels like). I really do not want her to gain weight, that i know. Again, with the longer days and warmer evenings, maybe I can tire her out more outside before bed??!!
  7. Thanks for the replies. Yes she has me well trained for sure!! But my other 2 do not act so crazy and at 9:00pm, and after having walked them, etc, it gets tiresome. I will try giving her a bit more food at night, she does get a special kong already. I will also try the toys that make her work for the treat, but ... she is a diva and does not like to work hard for anything!!!!
  8. Thanks for the response. It is also how crazy acting she gets that is the bigger problem. She does get a snack after dinner in the evening and then a treat at bed time but she acts all wound up by 9:00 pm and it does not seem affected by how long a walk we have taken or not. She does not run in the fenced yard or play with toys... can't seem to burn off energy that way. Food is all she seems to want and I do not want her to gain weight. She also like Rocket does not seem that interested in extending the walk distance that we currently do. She gets 2-3 walks a day of different lengths. I guess with the lighter evenings and better weather, we can try longer walks and more food??!! She is so mellow all day and then she has sun downers or something???!!!
  9. Our 9 year old girl who is a larger female ( 73lbs), but not heavy or overweight gets the night time crazies and acts like she is starving. She gets 2 cups of kibble a day split up, enough treats and a kong everyday. She gets this crazy energy around 8:00- 9:00 after a walk, without a walk, it doesn't seem to matter if we try to tire her out or not, but she clearly wants more to eat. Is she not getting enough food? I do not want her weight to go up, it is good where it is. She gets extras in her food ( green beans, yogurt, cottage cheese...). Thanks.
  10. Did you try from the GEM store? We just got one this past Sat from them in Gettysburg. They had quite a few at that time. I do not know of other types that would be good, sorry.
  11. I am joining the cornhound group as we speak. Never heard of it before so thanks. I just do not want to put my 9 yr old girl under for surgery for a corn if there is ANY thing else we can do!!
  12. thanks for the feedback. So frustrating and slow going to treat without surgery, hulling or such. I love my vet, but I do not think he is familiar with corns and I do not want to surgically remove it and that might be his suggestion.
  13. Just wondered about your experience with the wart ade? Any benefits noted yet?
  14. Please let us know what you think. That will be my next approach if you find it at all helpful. We are using the bee propolis now and duct tape... no fast results here. I am very curious about what your experience will be with the wart ade. Thanks.
  15. Hi. So do you think the wart ade did make a difference? I called the website that has it in Canada and they can ship it to the US. Is that worth a try in your opinion?
  16. between 11 and 13 !! just like with people - it is all in the attitude and my 11.5 yr old girl has plenty of that. After 2 shelties that lived till 13 and 16, it is hard to think of my greyhounds as old until at least 11 !!!!! or at least that is what I tell myself !
  17. This is probably too far but there is a nice Dr practice in Berwyn, PA. that does acupuncture. Berwyn Vet Center. I would not go to the one that is in Chadds Ford, Pa on route 202 if that comes up in a search!!!! Scary and ripped us off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I will ask my vet again about the blood test. I also emailed the company to see for how long PF should be given. Had bad poops tonite ( him, not me) !!?? But again, you are right about the large amount of fiber. Pumpkin has not helped him as it does my girls.
  19. My guy has had better poops these last 3 days on perfect form, but I did notice he has actually gone more often? Why do yours have bad/ loose poops? Sorry if you already wrote about that. They still do not "roll down a hill" so to speak but they have been pick up-able!! I am going to give it once a day for now, not twice.Too much? My Angus has always had bad poops, Gracie has generally had excellent poops. Instead of just giving the PF to Angus I thought I'd give it to her too because it has beneficial ingredients. Mistake. Last night their poops were excellent and this morning good. But this afternoon TERRIBLE pudding poops. I gave less than the recommended dose. I put 1/4 teaspoon in their bowls morning and night. So the only common thing is the PF. Ugh. Maybe my mother gave them something they shouldn't have had, I'm hoping that's what it is. You could try once a day because it has a LOT of fiber and some dogs don't do great with a lot. Or you could split up the dose into both meals so it's less per meal. Keep me posted! I have high hopes for this stuff. Great idea about splitting the one dose into 2 meal times! My vet talked to me about problems with digestion, resulting in the bad poops ( we have only had this guy 7 weeks). A blood test would be needed to see if there is a real issue with that. I was also told to try tripe to assist as a natural digestive aide. Have you heard about this?
  20. My guy has had better poops these last 3 days on perfect form, but I did notice he has actually gone more often? Why do yours have bad/ loose poops? Sorry if you already wrote about that. They still do not "roll down a hill" so to speak but they have been pick up-able!! I am going to give it once a day for now, not twice.Too much?
  21. Please post your findings after you use this product for awhile. I am hopeful that it does indeed firm things up around here and for your guys as well!
  22. Did it get to a paste like consistency in their food bowl after you mixed it around? It may be wishful thinking but 3 doses later, I think it is already working for better poops and less gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fingers crossed because my husband was ready to sleep elsewhere... !!
  23. Yes, mine is also green. It smells like a tea or natural food healthy powder with greens in it (does that make sense?) . But definitely mellow. I had my husband smell it, his reaction was also a mellow but green algae/ alfalfa/ type smell. Maybe you should call the company. It is definitely not odorless, but not bad.
  24. I just got some as well after reading about it here. I actually thought it would smell worse. ( of course I had given them some tripe before so anything is like flowers in comparison) . I mixed it with water and then into some wet food before putting it on the kibble and he did gobble it up. I did not notice a strong smell??
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