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Everything posted by HoundHeavenAZ

  1. Not sure if it is the cold or not. My girl has to have rugs down and wouldn't even consider going through the kitchen for 6 months because I don't have a rug in there. Now she tippie toes through there stiff legged with her back arched and then dashes straight for a bed Some days she won't even consider attempting it - she just seems to have some days that she is braver than others. I sometimes wonder if she doesn't play it up a teeny bit for the audience Funny how it never bothers her to cruise through Home Depot on cement floors. Somebody mentioned that keeping the toenails short will minimize the slippage so I try to keep them trimmed close. Good luck, I know how exasperating it can be!
  2. Nope - the skin stays on. But, I have one that seems to be bothered by the wiggle factor (?), so I take the frozen chicken and put it under the broiler just long enough to crisp it a bit. Otherwise she walks around the yard trying to shake the skin off
  3. Jimmie has been here about 3 months now and he sleeps with me nightly - usually with the "business end" aimed strategically at my head. So I've been very aware of any digestive issues that he may be experiencing and so far there have only been a couple that woke me up -and thankfully they were brief. Seems that the Kirkland kibble and cooked veggies/meat are just what they need. Neither he nor my girl have any gas like previous hounds of mine have had - once I found the right kibble it all worked out
  4. My two started on the Kirkland Lamb and Rice about 3 months ago. I also supplement with a variety of veggies, brown rice and either hamburger or chicken and a few raw meals for the teeth. Both are enjoying the kibble and I love the outputs and the $
  5. I adopted Leah with what I had been told was a toe that had been broken that had healed badly (rolled over sort of) . She was very sensitive about it, but I attributed that to the discomfort that she experienced in the healing process. Instead, after 8 months with me her nail bed suddenly fell off one day. I dashed to the vet and she said we need to take the toe asap, which we did. Thank DOG the results were benign, but there was in fact a tumor. 4+ years later she has recovered entirely and we have NEVER regretted the amputation. Not sure what if this is what your baby is going through, but I wanted you to know that amputation can be a good thing. I'm sure the GT experts will offer good advice for you, I'll be thinking healing thoughts for you both and hoping for a good outcome.
  6. I like using a coupler, not everyone does but it works for me. I also walk for exercise, not sniffing around so there are not excessive stops and opportunities for someone to get peed on or tangled up. I use the 12 inch one the most often on our regular walks and the short one for walking in crowded areas like stores, parades. The long one is handy for events when the dogs can lay down. If I walk three I add a second coupler but that is uncommon for me to have 3. With a quick google search I located this one for 3 dogs: 3 way coupler I'll bet others here can provide some good sources for you, some may even sell them. Even with a coupler I find it helpful to keep the leash short, otherwise they wander around and end up tripping each other or me Good luck.
  7. Sorry - this is new to me too. I stick with Costco Lamb and Rice kibble and supplement with meat/rice/veggies that I prepare. Good luck with your pups!
  8. Ends up my Jimmie is a talker too. Started off with an occasional whimper or whine from another room, now he walks in the room and does it and if I do it back to him....ROOOOO! He likes to patrol the yard too and will bark like a grown up dog! The absolute funniest thing is when I play a video of him talking...he goes nuts and just sings and sings and sings and then brings me a stuffie
  9. Agreed! Will definitely keep their site bookmarked for later ordering. Still trying to get everyone used to bully sticks, next will be antlers. "Are deer antlers 100% safe?"No. There is always the risk of stepping on one when you make that late-night bathroom run. Nothing is 100% safe. OMG! has anyone read the questions/answer section of their site! I laughed so hard I almost peed myself!
  10. I'm so sorry that you both had to go through that. How horrible. I'm glad that her injuries were not more serious. Try to not be anxious or apprehensive or she will pick up on your concerns. Keep a positive and confident attitude and carry some sort of defense. My local animal control officer suggested that I carry a stick or light weight pipe and if needed, to tap any offending dog on the snout as it is an extremely sensitive area. So I got a piece of PVC about 2.5 feet long that I carry with us and I am not afraid to use it. . Just give me the pipe and my dogs and off we go. Carry a cell phone too so you can call for help and take photos as needed. I hope that you reported the incident to the Animal Control office so this dog's behavior is recorded. That's probably your best defense to keep reporting idiots and their dogs. I don't think dogs hold a grudge, so please try not to continue feeling guilty. Your girl will keep loving you
  11. Ew! No advice here either, but I feel your misery. Found the first tick on Saturday on any of my dogs since '93 !! Saw the vet yesterday and she reminded me that they can become infected with erlichia within 48 hours. My last girl died from it. She said I may want to switch to interceptor, etc. and frontline if they continue to appear. We use revolution and have just started using lavender baby powder too due to the recommendation of friends that have 6 tick free hounds. I can' imagine how miserable it must be to have a house full of critters - I only have two and I"m freaky about it. Good luck.
  12. HoundHeavenAZ

    AZ Hound Heaven

    Leah & Jimmie and some of their greyt friends
  13. I have used couplers for about 6 years and I love them. I tend to use the longer ones more frequently in case someone needs to have a "private moment", but I don't generally encourage them to do anything but walk when we go walking. I have had girls for most of the time but have had a mixed pair for the last year and frequently walk males too. When we are in a store I generally use the shortest one. I do use my adjustable coupler the most but the buckle takes a pair of pliers if I want to move it -old hands dontcha know. Pretty sure the long one is the Sporn Double Dog Coupler and I think that I got it here. The sizes shown are 6", 12" and 27". I often walk 4 hounds on 2 couplers with no problem - sure easier just holding 2 leashes than 4. The trickiest part is to teach them to WAIT when jumping out of the car after being connected to the coupler so they are synchronized. I'll bet some of the crafty GT'ers make/sell some nice ones that I am unaware of. I might like to see one with the hounds names embroidered on it
  14. I tried your recipe and MyCody's packaging idea and when it hit 100 today I let the kids try them out. I think they were a hit Their dusty appearance is due to lavender baby powder -it's supposed to help repel ticks.
  15. From the album: AZ Hound Heaven

    I brought Jimmie home as a foster and the next morning he had a bath! He's resting in the sun on what turned out to be his first day at home
  16. I had been thinking that I should save some small yogurt containers to make these in, but I love the snack bag idea! Will get some goodies to make a batch today - thanks
  17. My angel, Lima would do this in my ficus tree, or shrubs in the yard or sometimes even my houseplants I read somewhere that they are tasting the air as they lick? Her little eyes used to roll back in her head and she would just plain zone out! Boy do I miss that
  18. Day one! Socialize, socialize, socialize!! And take all the classes you can manage - a well behaved dog with a well trained handler will be well received in most situations, and the dog and handler will both enjoy each other more. First learn how to control your dog and then expose the dog to new situations as often as possible. Anticipate reactions and be prepared for them! Establishing who runs things should happen the day the dog joins the family. There are lots of experienced handlers and excellent suggestions available on GT so do some searching and plan on reading for a while! Best of luck to all
  19. I keep reading that packs won't fight.... why is it if they are living together in harmony, they would fight outside? IMHO, hounds are sociable and enjoy each other's company but foremost they are competitors. Alliances, loyalties and affection all get tossed aside when there is an opportunity to "win". The blue girl (5 yo) that got ripped so horribly on page #15 had been living peacefully for 4+ years with the hound (9 yo) that NIPPED her on the back as a reaction to two small dogs charging outside the fence that they were in. Mom (an experienced hound owner) was standing just 5-6 feet behind them when they charged the fence and she never even saw the nip occur! No warning that she saw, no growling, just "back off the fence girlie these mutts are MINE"! Then one or both of them moved and then the HUGE rip happened. Yesterday those same two hounds spent the day together meeting and greeting the public in front of Petsmart. They DO live happily together -- not cuddly like some, but peacefully and are very well socialized and active. These dogs ( like most I think) are competitors and the handlers MUST realized that that is their primary motivation. Yes they enjoy friendships, but they like to win even more. It has taken me years to accept that even the sweetest hound can and will turn on their pals to conquer a situation that appeals to them so I try to never underestimate that characteristic.
  20. Leah has been eating them for a while and she LOVES them, so they disappear very quickly. But Jimmie wasn't too sure what to do with his first one so it took about 20 minutes for him to figure it out It smelled intriguing but he couldn't quite figure out what to do with it. He's had them two or three times now and he's gotten much faster
  21. Ditto on the good luck with the Natural Balance venison/sweet potato. That has worked great for the last 5 dogs that I've had on it. Good luck!
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