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Everything posted by HoundHeavenAZ

  1. I know a few greys in Arizona that hike with their folks. One used to have a nice pair of hiking shoes to protect her pads from the sharp rocks and thorns here - most just go barefooted.
  2. Leah, who runs for the hills if I drop a fork at home, drops to the floor for a nap If I dally too long in Home Depot
  3. My heart breaks for your loss. So glad you had so many happy years together and that you have so many good memories.
  4. Yep - the Iam's works well and I mix it with KIrkland Lamb & Rice (harder for me to get) and we now live in a fart free zone I also cook sweet taters, veggies and some meat to toss on top. I made the mistake of adding a bit of milk to my boy's bowl a couple of days ago and it didn't work well for him. That night, as we snuggled, he farted for the first time in months! We were both surprised ...then I threw a green bag of Iams in the cart...
  5. Whew! Sure is a relief to hear your stories and to know that it will probably be okay! I love the possibility of a smaller nail growing back in, that is if one HAS to regrow. Thanks so much - we all slept well last night and lo and behold - he still has the bandage on this morning He's such a very good boy and I do want to do the best I can for him. Think we'll both go have a cookie now!
  6. I walked in from the front porch (dog free zone) after only a couple of minutes and saw blood on the front entryway. I tracked it down to Jimmie - his dew claw on his previously broken leg was gone! The pad is still there, but the nail appears to be gone. I never heard a cry, bark, or whine and I cannot find where he might have caught or injured it. It bled very little and he did not seem to have much discomfort. I had a dog years ago that ripped the dewclaw and pad right off and wow did it bleed! I had just trimmed JImmie's nails yesterday so I know it was there and fine as of then. It didn't seem to be a dire emergency so I applied neosporin and a sterile pad with loosely wrapped it with some koban (??), that self sticky stretchy tape stuff. He didn't mind me dressing it and he really liked the cookies he got afterwards He followed me back inside and I watched to see how he was moving and he walked to the front entryway (which I had just cleaned) and peed all over it!! He NEVER pees in the house!! I yelled at him and he went back out side to feel sorry for himself, or to laugh at me while I cleaned again. So my questions are: what should I watch for on the dew claw as it heals? Should I keep it dressed for a couple of days? Maybe change the dressing every day so I can be sure it is healing well? Was I bad for not rushing to the vet after hours? Do you think the nail will grow back? Should I give him some Doxy that I have? He's snoring like a baby now, never once tried to mess with the wrap so I think that will be the least of my worries. Here are some crappy photos that I got in hopes that you can advise me on how to care for it - thanks in advance for your help. .
  7. I like to rinse, then freeze them. I lay them out in a bag in a single layer, freeze them and then combine them. Usually they don't freeze so they're all stuck together but if they do I just bang the whole batch on the edge of the counter till something breaks loose Mine have inhaled up to 6 in a day.
  8. I LOVE this thread! I caught just a brief bit of Jimmie chattering outside today - he was trying to get Leah to play and was sooooo excited
  9. Not sure if this will work for you, but I wait for a warm day and fill a couple of gallon jugs with nice warm water. I add a couple of drops of gentle doggie shampoo to one and then apply, then rinse with the other. Then I towel them off and get out of the way! I only do this a couple of times yearly as I never smell them and they really do stay pretty clean. Besides, I hear that bathing more often might dry their skin. I avoid giving them indoor baths for many reasons - fear of slippage being the foremost, the mess being the next. Good luck
  10. Thanks all - will start soaking today! Going now to find a suit of armor to save myself
  11. Leah got a sticker in her toe a couple of days ago but I could not get it out. Now the end of it has apparently worn down and I cannot feel or see anything but she still limps sometimes. Is there anything I can do to help work it out?? Maybe soak it? She's VERY reactive about her feet so I don't dare try working or poking on it to get it out. I suppose it will start to pus up after a few days like a splinter will on a person? Thanks - I need some ideas please.
  12. I try to always feed them outside and I do not trim the nails first. I do rinse and clean them before freezing them if they are fresh. We find them at our local grocery that caters to the Hispanic shoppers. They are also the only grocery here that has fresh beef hearts and they will order turkey or chicken necks for us - we love Food City. Good produce prices too and since I cook sweet potatoes and other veggies for the hounds it helps cut costs.
  13. Chickie feet...NOM! They love them and have never had any problem with them. Nor have any visiting hounds ever had a problem that I know of.
  14. Leah got her CGC at an outdoor event ( in Kanab actually ) one day with a very scary garbage truck rumbling around in the parking lot emptying dumpsters It took her a bit to compose herself, but eventually she did a down/wait that satisfied the evaluator The evaluator has several greys of her own so sitting was not something she demanded of those that she tested. Good luck to you both
  15. We switched from NB Venison/Sweet Potato to KIrkland Lamb/Rice along with cooked sweet potatoes, veggies, turkey, chicken, or beef with no problems. Now I mix in the Iam's mini since our access to Costco is sporadic, and poops are solid, and NO GAS at all. I supplement with raw beef neck bones, chicken leg quarters, chicken feet or turkey necks a few times a week too and all that does is make the poops better I slowly introduced the veggies/fruits, etc. to assure that no gut issues developed. Since both sleep with me, I am grateful for the happy tummies and no gas! We have grey sleepovers from time to time and everyone gets the mix and it seems to work for all - even the one sensitive guy that visits has no problem. I have never noticed that feeding sweet potatoes caused orange poop, but agree that after much exercise and elimination they get softer and lighter color usually. Good luck!
  16. I have an elder neighbor that catches his limit of cute little trout quite often so I share them with the mutts. I do cook them and bone them first though and they love them. I've yet to offer them a food that they won't eat - I take that back, no raw bananas. Jimmie is still getting used to the raw meat and carries it around for a while trying to figure out what to do with it Yep-- if you haven't yet let them have sardines or mackerel, try it - they'll love it!
  17. So sorry to hear that Bella screamed from pain or fear of the chipping procedure. That's something you don't forget easily. I got Leah 4+ years ago from a group that was adamantly opposed to chipping - due to an irrational cancer fear. Recently I discovered how routine and safe they were and allowed a vet to implant one in Leah in front of Petsmart one day. The vet explained that there were fewer nerves in that region (above the shoulders) that she injected her so she would barely feel it. It was very quick, very quiet and she had no bad after affects. Considering that she is such a drama queen and has that GSD down to an art, I was thrilled that it went so smoothly! And it gives me peace of mind that it might help her find her way home if she ever escapes my clutches
  18. ... I"ve never had the VOG work THAT well!! Well done!
  19. Boy it is good to hear that it worked out so happily for everyone! Well done Now...where's the picture??? I can't wait to see the cute hound that belongs to that adorable name!
  20. A teeny bit of leftover meat or sweet potatoes will please them too. We make popsicles in the summertime of yogurt, peanut butter and bananas. Bet they would freeze nicely into a kong too. BTW- I see that the Turkey Treats recipe calls for a heaping tablespoon of minced garlic. I thought garlic was bad for dogs??
  21. Lima never lifted a leg, but she had to walk as she peed ... so funny to remember that
  22. Mine have been on Kirkland for some time but I recently bought a bag of Iams and have it mixed together. They also get cooked sweet potatoes, carrots, brown rice, apples, and various on sale veggies and meat. I guess they have cast iron guts because there has been no visible change with the transition. My neighbor even gave us some Kibbles and Bits (ew) so I sprinkle a bit of that in with it and they love it. They also get the occasional raw turkey necks and chicken feet too. I really like the Kirkland though and will try to stick to it but it is nice to know that the Iams seems to work well also - thanks for the tip.
  23. My hounds have been eating the "extra" turkey parts for years and they LOVE them! This was Jimmies first Thanksgiving with us so it took him about 30 minutes to eat his turkey back while Leah took about 3 minutes to polish off two small turkey necks An added benefit is that the "end" result is always so small and solid and will roll down hill if allowed
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