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Everything posted by OwnedBySummer

  1. This is going to be an interesting thread to follow. I've never heard of "fear phases". I have raised one puppy, the dog before Summer, and she was a pointer/pit cross. Never once did I see a personality change or a fear phase or anything. Maturing out of puppy behaviors, yes, but not anything unexpected.
  2. Several members of our group come from further downtown than you, so I'm guessing that our group is easier for you to get to than the other close one, which is in Oshawa. Or they just prefer it, perhaps -- the Oshawa playgroup is more regimented. Here's the two groups which are the closest to you that I know of: South Simcoe Greyhound Group Galloping Greyhounds in Oshawa Extra to the official playdates, once you go to a few playdates, you will surely find someone that you like (not that all greyhound owners aren't absolutely the BEST, LOL) and can set up playdates or walking dates between you on your own time for extra interaction outside of a group playdate. There is also the GRA forum (you adopted from them, I believe?) and they have a section where people tend to post looking for other people in their specific area. GRA Forum I look forward to meeting you!
  3. I can point you towards several groups but before I start embedding links and providing information that you don't need or want... where are you located in Toronto?
  4. Where are you located? There's lots of greyhounds around the Toronto area, including a couple of playdate groups. We held one yesterday with 31 hounds in attendance and another one today with about 10.
  5. It will get better with Izzy! I've seen hounds which are way "worse" than her become wonderfully bonded with their human. But it takes time and patience, lots of time and patience. Even with my Summer, who bonded with me the very first day... the bond has grown even more amazing over time. Don't worry -- she will love you! June, what word do you use for your special emergency recall? And does it work for you at, say, greyhound playdates? Not when they are running and intense, of course, but when they are socializing and wandering about? I can easily and reliably call Summer both in the house and in our yard ("Summer, come") but when she's out with the hounds in a diamond, even just with one other hound, I am apparently no longer very interesting. Do you have suggestions?
  6. Almost forgot! I showed her that the sliding glass doors were actually solid, as well as the bay window in the living room (which are the only two that she can get at). Some people put painters tape or masking tape on their glass but I preferred to show it to her and touch her feet and nose to it. I do have some custom sandblasting (flowers and vines) around the sides so it's not totally clear anyway. I did put ornamental metal butterflies on the screen part of the patio doors so that she could see the screen. And that first night, she had to learn to climb the stairs because she had to get to my bedroom for sleeping.
  7. After we chose each other at the kennel and then had a 2 1/2 hour drive home... we took a walk, had some cuddles, explorations in the back yard (she didn't do zoomies yet), treats... whatever floated our boat. I don't work so there was no rush for alone training. But I soon discovered that Summer was fine on her own. Good luck and yup, we'll need pics!
  8. You may find this of interest. Kathleen Gilley's No Fear No Pain.
  9. Hi! What a pretty girl! The last pic made me LOL!
  10. How long have you been in the new situation? If he was fine before, I'm sure he'll be fine again with time.
  11. They are both gorgeous. I couldn't kick him out, either.
  12. Breathing heavy = breathing deeply? They do have big lungs to pump in and out. Perhaps post a video?
  13. What if you just babygated him into your bedroom?
  14. I have no idea as I have the same problem. Luckily, though, I have just the one dog in the bed and she's a bit gentler about the slamming thing, although I have certainly been jolted awake as she slams into the small of my back, leading with her pointy elbow. And I am not waking up with back pain, either. I'm curious to see what will be suggested.
  15. My first thought is, since there are now other people and another dog in the house with him (I'm guessing that Spunki isn't the most active doggy any more?)... perhaps he's simply getting more exercise and burning more calories? And if he hates being crated, may I ask why you are suddenly now crating him? Maybe stress is also burning calories?
  16. When my vet was local, I used to just pop in and out and weigh my dogs whenever I was suspicious of a gain or loss. With Summer, her vet is an hour away so she only gets weighed when we are up there. If I suddenly wanted to know, I'd just have DH hold her in his arms and step on our home scale.
  17. I'm using Tropiclean, too, as a water additive. Unlike some of the other water additives I've seen, it seems to have zero taste or color. One that I tried in the past, purchased from the vet, turned her water an icky green color. I'm also using the spray foam, sprayed directly into her mouth (I tasted the foam and don't care for it but Summer doesn't seem to be overly bothered by it). No ill effects with either.
  18. This is the only time of the year that she'll get this, assuming she even likes them. Her treats are always healthy -- raw chicken and duck feet, dehydrated chicken and duck feet, dehydrated lung/liver/trachea/tendon. This is just for fun. DH popped into another store and got a little package of regular Peeps. I'd still like to know if malitol and sorbitol are other names for xylitol.
  19. I don't understand why there are so many damn problems. How hard is it to have consistent quality? Gah.
  20. I had to laugh when I started reading this. And immediately started reading it out loud to DH. This is EXACTLY the same way that Summer is. As she tripped, stumbled and collided with things (their sprint runs don't have random obstacles in them), occasionally resulting in vet visits, she DID learn to navigate. She can now motor around at speed and there's only one thing she still hits -- a large flat-topped raised pointy boulder forming one corner of a flower bed. It's just at the perfect height to clip with her hind foot as she whips around it. So it now has a plastic-wrapped chunk of upholstery foam staked into the ground right in front of it. And yup, I hear her foot hit it several times a week. ETA: At the moment, you may not want to have dangerous things out there. For instance, if they can't differentiate the garden from the lawn yet, ornamental metal garden stakes, pretty rocks and other decorations may not be desirable yet. And if you have an in-ground lawn sprinkler, make sure it's not going to be exposed when they are out.
  21. I never thought to check a water additive for ingredients! I must go do that! BTW, DH just brought home some peeps, intended for Summer. I noticed he bought the sugar-free version. I've never bought these before and am only buying them because they seem quite popular on GT. Are they always sugar-free? I did check the ingredients and they are sweetened with malitol, sorbital and sucralose. According to what I just read, malitol and sorbital are other names for xylitol. But they can't be, as why would they both be listed? I'm confused. And afraid to give these to her. I brought all that up because I do hope someone can tell me and maybe we need to watch for more than the actual occurrence of the word "xylitol"?
  22. Summer has only ever snitched a sock or two. She's not a hoarder. I can see where it could be exasperating, or even dangerous, depending on what you keep "available", though.
  23. I've heard of people putting up an orange traffic cone for the boys to pee on. Maybe if you can get a neighbor dog to pee on it first, he'd like it better?
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