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Everything posted by OwnedBySummer

  1. Do you have any colloidal silver? That might help.
  2. All I can contribute is that eyes heal REALLY fast. I gouged hubby's once with my thumbnail (ouch!) and in a day, he was pretty much fine. I had laser eye surgery and within two days, I was good to go. I would call the vet just in case and I would watch it and if it worsens in any way at all, I'd be straight to the vet.
  3. What a lovely girl! I love the sea monster pics!
  4. I am awash with tears for you!
  5. Ooooo! Weight is VERY important. Not that I or hubby can't lift 40+ lbs... but I'm towing my camper trailer with my Buick and I'm at my max hitch weight and tow weight. I will look into this option, thanks!
  6. I am looking into getting an exercise pen (I think that's what those portable enclosures are called) for my girl when we're camping. Can anyone recommend one in particular? I'm in Canada, so my choices are probably more limited here.
  7. Go to PetSmart and get a deshedding tool called a "Furminator". This truly IS the best invention since sliced bread!
  8. Certainly, feel free to use Summer's nose! If you want a larger file size, just let me know. Dunno why you can't PM me, I'll have to see if I can figure that out. Let me know when the article is published, so I can print it. Thanks!
  9. Awwww, you're all giving me the warm fuzzies! I feel so smart now, LOL -- but I hope I NEVER have to do this again! It was too scary.
  10. I'm biased but I think so, too! Which isn't to say she can't look retarded and ridiculous, LOL!
  11. I even had it diagnosed in my own head as specifically hookworm and when the poopy package was delivered, the vet was told to make sure the poop was checked for hookworm. LOL, I'm so proud of myself! ) And here's a pic of my beautiful Summer! In all her (somewhat wormy) good health!
  12. Okie dokie! Hemopet confirmed that the bloodwork is fine, including her PCV/HCT. OSU also confirmed that it's fine. But I did more research anyway on the potentially anemic result... and figured out that she probably has internal parasites. So off to my local vet I went with a stinky little package and sure enough, she has hookworm. I'm going over to pick up some medication for her right now (armed with my carefully researched list of acceptable products!). I also bought some Diatomacious Earth yesterday and she'll be on that for the next month. So my baby is fine other than her little invaders and I'll be getting rid of those suckers as fast as can be! Thanks, everyone, for your help!
  13. I had a large one and it does NOT work as well as advertised. For one dog with very well draining soil (i.e. no clay!), I think it would work. But it's imperative, IMHO, to have excellent drainage and thoughtful placement. Also, if you have lawn maintenance done, put a patio side table or something over it -- the heavy equipment like topdressing machines, aerators, etc., will break the plastic beyond repair and it's NOT a nice thing to have to clean up! I know from experience as we just had to knock ours in and fill the hole. Ick.
  14. Summer drips but not all the time, just when it's most inconvenient.
  15. It's weird how each site only mentions 5 or 6 results and not all the rest. I wonder if that means all the rest are the same as regular dogs... I am going to contact Dr. Grassmere's clinic and see what they say.
  16. Apparently my vet is totally unfamiliar with greyhounds! This is a BIG problem in Canada, as there are so few greyhounds around. I believe I may very well have the only greyhound in this town! And everyone, thanks for all your invaluable input! I have taken your info plus other info I've located and am trying to compile a "chart" that I give the vet, with all the normal ranges.
  17. Thanks so much! I will send an email to OSU and see what they say. Hemopet did reply and say that everything was fine... but I'm still nervous about it.
  18. Thanks! I just took the 2008 version to my vet today (figures). I'll print this off and get it exchanged!
  19. Hi! I'm a newbie member as well as being new to greyhounds. I had a full bloodwork done on my new baby (simply to establish a baseline, not because I suspected anything) and the vet is telling me some of the results are of concern. In particular, her creatnine is supposedly high. It is at "172", whereas "159" is the accepted top limit. Her HGB is flagged as high, too, at "20.6" whereas "12.0 to 18.0" is normal. The MCV is flagged as low, at "49.8" vs "60.0-77.0". I've (hopefully) included a copy with this posting. If anyone can help me, I'd really appreciate it. I know that greyhound bloodwork is different and I have various written reports on the subject. But they don't give clear and precise acceptable/normal ranges and, to make it more difficult, the measuring system is not the same. I am guessing that this may be because the Canadian and American labs use different systems. The vet wants to retest in 2 weeks, including a urinalysis. If these results are normal, though, there's no need.
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