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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Whew, someone just farted and it wasn't me! I just sniffed 3 butts and determined it's Sparks PU! Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled program
  2. What kibble is she eating and for how long? Lucky's (my spook with noises) has had big d for a few days, couldn't figure out why and then realized the auto shop next door was doing some work outside and it was super loud. My poor boy. Now it's windy so he doesn't want to go outside period!
  3. Every Sunday night I clip nails
  4. It's used in a lot of racing kennels and farms Do a search here and you will find more info on it and the dosage
  5. Can you tell us what she's doing exactly? Give examples? No flames from just, just trying to help
  6. I ran out of pills and just got a bottle a week ago. I gave her half a dose for a week and she's only had a full dose the last couple of days She was just laying in my lap and kinda twitching Weird Now she just moved to the other side of the couch- that's more normal behavior
  7. No, only a few seconds Basically, they run to the other end of the yard, she stops because he catches her, she and he do this ram thing (where they get up on their hind legs), she barked like crazy at him and he runs away, end of play Seconds
  8. Passion and Diamond were playing in the yard, chasing each other Then she stopped and I could see her shoulder quivering. I went over to her and she was just standing there, I could feel her heart pounding and her shoulder area jumping all over. And she had this spaced out look. First thought was seizure but I don't think so. Then I picked her up and she was shaking and I could still heart her heart beating fast (they were only running a few seconds) I know I'm not explaining very well but it seems like maybe a muscle spasm more than a seizure? Really freaked me out
  9. Congrats!!! It's SNOWING????? Now you need a new siggy
  10. Hope he feels better Sparks sometimes has this happen if he digs in the yard or runs too much so I don't let him do too much of either
  11. I got mine at WalMart but I need to check with Batmom to see where she gets her jugs. She has a larger size that I didn't see at WM
  12. and its just a spray on? daily? weekly? monthly? I hate the greasy line the other stuff leaves. weekly I don't care for the smell but I'm sensitive to smells Smell doesn't last more than a day or so
  13. I've read here that Frontline isn't working so great for fleas anymore I started using Adam's last summer but we really don't have fleas here I did find a tick on Diamond earlier this week so sprayed them and ordered some frontline (I only treat once in the spring for ticks) No idea if you can use them together but I have read here that people spray once a week Where do you live?
  14. Or just buy a bigger house and king size bed which is laying on the floor with dog beds all around that bed and you can fit 7 Not that I would know or anything.......
  15. Sparks has mild of both but his LP is getting worse He goes in for his annual in a few months so I'll get the vets thoughts on this
  16. Want to add that when I adopted Diamond, I didn't know I was going to lose my job a few months later. Had I known, I never would have adopted him. You have to be prepared for the unexpected too
  17. Passion started on thyroxine but then after her retest (I would wait 6 weeks, instead of 4 weeks by the way) I switched her to soloxine because I could get it cheaper online (7 cent a pill vs 15 cents a pill at the vet for thyroxine)
  18. I just ordered some today from Pet Mega Store and they have free shipping until March 20th They are the cheapest on FL that I found before I ordered this morning
  19. Oh and thank you for the Wilbur pictures. Got them the other day I'm going to frame them
  20. I read someone else comment on their pup being fuzzy from the med's so that's why I figured it was from that Alan
  21. Passion's been on thyroid med's since May or June I knew she'd grow back her butt hair but she's getting spots (circles) of dark hair on her belly. I thought it was a bruise the first time I saw it but it's hair She also is getting fuzzy
  22. Diamond thinks he's a lab and loves to fetch Not sure how it started, it just did and now it's a daily thing I went from throwing it a few times before he got tired and today I threw it 20 times before he got tired Here he is playing fetch in the snow- he drops it at my feet
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