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Everything posted by maximum

  1. This is just another amazing tribute to these amazing dogs...thank you so much for organizing Honor's memorial. And also to those keeping in touch with Christine. I have been worried about her, such a horrible thing for her to be going through alone. So glad she is hearing from people who understand her grief and pain. A minute of silence for Honor will happen here...
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss...run free, Nolan. You are loved...
  3. maximum

    Big Surge

    I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences...
  4. Thank you for sharing some of your special memories of Scarlett. She sounds like a very special girl. My condolences on your loss.
  5. I cannot find the words to express how I am feeling after reading this. All I can do is hug my boy, and try to send all the love I feel for him through to the beautiful spirit of Honor, to hope she knows the all humans are not like the horrible person who dumped her. Peace to Honor and her momma. Edited to add peace to those who found her and have to live with that last picture of her in their minds. It will be hard, but please focus on the lovely pictures I've seen of her posted elsewhere.
  6. My condolences - what a handsome boy!!
  7. maximum


    Please accept my sincerest condolences on your loss of Scarlett. I am so very, very sorry that such a tragedy has touched your lives...
  8. How wonderful that you both took a moment to honour their little bodies, when so many others have passed by. I find so often when I think of our (humans) relationships with animals, that parts of The Little Prince occur to me; "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important." You took the time to care for them; no matter what happened after, you made them important by your actions. Thank you.
  9. Old Fella was one of those special greys, one of those that are impossible to forget. His personality and heart were big enough to reach out and touch all of us across cyber-land. And the love and life you and Scott showed him was and always will be an inspiration.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of Checkers - my condolences...
  11. Peace to darling, sweet Flynn and to all of you who loved him.
  12. maximum

    I Miss...

    Gosh, they just take such big pieces of us with them when they go, don't they...
  13. I was so upset to come back from holidays and find so many of our friends had crossed the bridge, so unexpectedly. I am so sorry everyone's losses - fast, slow, unexpecte, planned - there just isn't any way better than another. All are awful. but the pain does heal. l lost my heart-girlie, Kasper, Jan 10/02, a sweet mutt who was the light of my life. But I know my Dad was there for her, came and got her actually, so that eased my pain (that is, once my sister told me he had come to her first, to tell her he was there to help my Kass). So, I believe they are together, having a good old time (he was her favourite person in the whole world), with all the wonderful friends and family, four and two legged, who were there waiting for them. and to everyone who has someone waiting for them at the bridge...
  14. I am so sorry for your sudden loss of Bomber. He was a gorgeous boy, obviously full of love and well-loved. My condolences...
  15. My condolences on your loss of Bailey - a beautiful spirit just radiated from her!
  16. maximum


    Bev and Marc, I am so sorry that Maddison has left you far, far too young. He was such a lovely boy (a bit cheeky, of course, but always a love). Thank you for sharing him with us and sharing your final adventure together. He was a lucky boy to have had 4 such spectacular years with all of you. Au reviour, Maddison. Till you meet your family again...
  17. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of Strider. Please accept my condolences.
  18. maximum

    Old Fella

    thank you for loving and caring for this special boy in the golden years of his life (and I'm sure they truly were his golden years)
  19. So sorry to hear of your family's loss of Rikky He sounds like a fabulous boy who truly enjoyed the months he had with all of you. He was loved, and so were all of you in return. Thank you for sharing his story.
  20. What a wonderful man your Dad must be - the letter is truly amazing. And your boy must have been so special - what joyous memories you must have.
  21. maximum

    Sequel Is Equal

    Cindy, I read your posting about your beloved girl on the GH-L, and was very moved. Am again. What a lovely, lively girl Sequel must have been, and what wonderful memories she has left you with. My condolences to you and your family. She sounds like a very special girl.
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