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Everything posted by shawna

  1. And, in Florida, he was on sand when he wasn't in the house. Its just one of those random thoughts that went through my head.
  2. I've ordered Tractor some of the Murray's Ave cream for his corn. I've also started soaking it in Epsom salt and have kept up with the dremeling to keep it from getting outrageous, or any more outrageous. I also have a Therapaw boot, but he's managed to take it off a couple of times. Is there any correlation between diet and corn production? Is it possible that while we were in Florida he didn't get corns because he was running around on sand all the time and kept his paws exfoliated? I feel bad for him.
  3. Thanks for remembering my Mamaw. I was thinking about her this morning.
  4. Oh Rachel, I am so sorry to hear about Echo Run free sweet Echo.
  5. Mine get a bath if the roll in something icky out on the farm. They also get a bath if they're going someplace, to board or to visit with my parents. So, maybe 6 times a year?
  6. I will say that I've never been bitten by a grey. However, my best friend's lab got me twice. He just doesn't like me. Now, having said that, I'm going to say the same thing I do when people ask if my horse bites. "He has teeth, all the way up to his ears. He hasn't yet, but that doesn't mean that he can't."
  7. Come on Jilly Bean, feel better, don't make mom worry.
  8. shawna


    I am so sorry for your loss. Turbo looked like a really happy guy. Run free Turbo!
  9. Tractor does some of the same things with me. And I'm the one who feeds him, takes him out, all the good Mom stuff. I suspect that he's doing it because she's his primary caregiver and he's happy to be doing stuff with Mom. When my husband goes to feed and take the dogs out, Tractor doesn't do the air snap thing with him. Just get him to calm down and let him know that the air snap isn't appropriate if you don't like it. Good luck. And I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice.
  10. Hope T is doing better. Snakes are scary.
  11. Once upon a time, Chris's horse Slim got loose from the police barn and totalled a Lincoln Continental. When he rolled up over the hood, he opened wounds in his neck and hip. Once he finally extruded all the glass, we put silverdine (SP?)on it, kept it clean and dry, and he healed the wounds fine. And they were HUGE and open. Big enough that the vet couldn't stitch or staple it. The only thing wrong with him now physically is he has a slight limp and his hair grew back in white. So, not a big deal. Good luck!
  12. DH's horse used to lick the horse trailer. Oddball!
  13. shawna


    I just got news that my first foster greyhound, Ranger, had a seizure while out hiking with his dad and his vet (since they're neighbors) and died. Ranger never raced, he had a fluid pocket on his elbow that kept him from training, but he was the sweetest fellow. I know his parents are upset. However, from what I understand, because they loved Ranger so much, they've agreed to be foster parents for GPA Gainesville. Here's a picture of Ranger, on his way to my house to be fostered. He wasn't with me long, but he made an impact.
  14. I'm going to have to get muzzles with stool guards, for all my dogs. Since not only is dog poop yummy, they also really like horse poop. So, looks like we're joining that club.
  15. I've been fighting Tractor's corn for over a month and I give up. I need a greyhound knowledgable vet in the Southaven, MS/Cordove/Germantown area. Any suggestions? I know this is the place to ask.
  16. And now I have another reason to go traipsing around in the woods near the house, to see if I can find some shedded deer antlers. Cool!
  17. I love it when the horses and dogs get along! Hiro was terrified of the horses, Tank only liked them when they were running, Tractor barks at them to get them to run, Mojo is just terrified unless Tractor is there.
  18. And what's really gross is when Mojo eats horse poop and sends it through the system...love that, really! My guys are getting new muzzles and stool guards here in the next week or so. Even the stinking shepherd.
  19. Its only been a month? Heck, Mojo didn't come out of my bedroom for the first month I had him. And when he did, I had to have the door open so he could make a beeline down the hall and through the door. Getting him back inside was a whole other ballgame. I would say that since she's following you around, that she's interested in what you're doing. Pet her, love on her when she does this. She's trying to figure out what her new pack is doing and where she fits into the hierarchy. I had a grey who, once he settled in, followed me from room to room, got upset when I went to the bathroom without him, cried when the car drove off without him, and learned to roo with me. When I first got him, all he did was look pitiful and follow me around with a look of, "I'm lost, now what" on his face. It gets better. Just give it some time.
  20. shawna

    Becky Aka Piglet

    Run free, godspeed sweet Piglet. Know that your parents loved you and will miss you.
  21. I have had Hiro come several times to the last house we lived in and bark to go outside at 2 in the morning. It was his voice and everyone else was asleep. He had a wind up to his bark that no one else did. Of course, he didn't start doing that until I got his ashes back. And he stopped about 6 months after he died, so I am hoping that he was hanging around to let me know he was ok and that he has now moved on. I haven't heard from Tank, but I would like to. Just so I'd know he's ok where he is.
  22. We got all our hounds on a weekend or "on the way home from work" on a Friday night. The first day we usually spend making sure that there aren't going to be any/many accidents in the house and that the snarkiness is kept to a minimum. When DH was Animal Control, he'd come home during lunch and check on the kids, make sure they were all ok.
  23. There is a study out that says something like, "Most people, if they put $1 in a vending machine, make their selection, and the machine 'eats' their money with no resultant product will put another $1 to see what happens." I heard about this and said if the d#$@#@ machine eats my dollar, I'm marching inside to get it back from somebody. Anyway, sometimes pointing out when things suck does get you a reward.
  24. Ok, Tractor has a corn. I'm going to try the duct tape hulling, but I need to know how often to change it. Also, I may try to pack with with Abreva, but I was wondering if something like Compound W would work, since corns have a "head" that sounds similar to a Plantar's Wart? Or if that's not a good plan? This seems to be the place to ask. Woops, should have gone in health...
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