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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. 2hounds

    My Girl Is Gone

    I am so sorry to hear this.
  2. How heartbreaking, I am so so sorry.
  3. 2hounds


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. 2hounds

    Erin Mcfuzzybutt

    Heather, I am so sorry for your loss. Erin was a beautiful and very lucky girl to have you and Ken.
  5. You have come to the right place!
  6. We'll be needing more pictures of those adorable hounds, love the first on you posted!
  7. Welcome to GT! Our first greyhound, Paradise (Iowa Paradise) came through GPA Orlando to GFNC!
  8. 2hounds


    I am so sorry.
  9. 2hounds


    Is this Alice's Noni? I am so sorry for her loss.
  10. I look forward to you figuring out how to post pictures!
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