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Everything posted by 3greytjoys

  1. One of our newly adopted hounds (from a different state) was diagnosed with seasonal allergies by multiple vets, and repeatedly treated (unsuccessfully) for nearly half a year. Eventually, I successfully diagnosed her myself. She arrived into adoption suffering from a severe case of nasal mites. Since nasal mites are not common in our region, local vets missed the diagnosis. The proper prescribed veterinary treatment (per Merck Veterinary Manual) resolved her nasal mites permanently. She has not suffered any recurrence in almost 10 years. Here's a link of other possibilities to consider: http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/outreach/Pet-Health-Topics/categories/common-problems/nasal-discharge-sneezing Another GTer's Greyhound had nasal worms (different from mites). If your hound has true allergies, besides pollen, could be anything from sniffing weed seeds, brushing face against garden plants, inhaling toxic lawn fertilizer/pesticides, reaction to laundry soap, pet shampoo, foods, etc. Agree with cleptogrey re: going back to your hound's original Taste of the Wild to reevaluate the vomiting issue. I assume your hound gets at least two full meals per day, in addition to kibble snacks. If hound's tummy is upset (excessive bile) from waiting too long between meals, dogs often try to nibble plant leaves -- many indoor and outdoor plants are toxic, which worsens their condition. (BTW, fresh, plain club soda works well to remove yellow bile stains from carpet.) If interested: Toxic Foods to Dogs (the short list): http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/people-foods-avoid-feeding-your-pets Toxic Plants to Dogs: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants?field_toxicity_value%5B%5D=01
  2. I'd agree to consider setting-up a portable 4’ tall metal exercise pen(s) in the shade (with water bowl) near you in the garden, or add some type of cheap metal roll fencing with fence stakes close to the house. The side of the house can work as one side of the safe enclosure. An ex-pen can be formed into a U- shape against the house, or opened wide as a flat fence (including it’s ready-made gate), secured with several metal fence posts. Agree that Greyhounds should not be tethered to anything (except a human during leashed walks ). If tethered to an object, they can break their neck/strangle themselves if they see something interesting to chase, especially since Greys launch and propel to racing speeds up to 45 miles per hour within 3-5 strides. E-collars: Greyhounds' necks and throats are much more sensitive than other breeds since Greyhounds have no protective fat layer; no undercoat of fur; and barely any outer layer of fur. These types of collars can cause physical neck, throat, and body damage, or worse to Greyhounds or other breeds. Also, many Greyhounds are highly sensitive emotionally. E-collar shocks can cause trauma and change the temperament of dogs by increasing fear, anxiety, aggression (even if there were no problems with aggression before using an e-collar), displaced aggression later towards other animals, owners, children, etc. E-collars on wet fur could be especially risky. Recent example: Before e-collar use, a friend’s dog (different large breed) was happy, confident, inquisitive, and very affectionate. After short-term e-collar use (only 1 to 2 weeks) two years ago: dog became fear aggressive; hides in dark closets; hides on floorboard of car; is no longer confident around people; much more fearful and non-trusting of the dog’s owners, and other humans. Here’s a web site snippet quote re: electronic collars: “Electronic training devices rely on painful punishment and negative reinforcement, causing dogs to live in fear of being electrocuted for normal behaviors like crossing invisible lines [etc.]. Positive training methods, in which dogs are rewarded for what they do right, are kinder and more effective. Dogs wearing shock collars can suffer from physical pain and injury (ranging from burns to cardiac fibrillation) and psychological stress, including severe anxiety and displaced aggression. Individual animals vary in their temperaments and pain thresholds; a shock that seems mild to one dog may be severe to another. The anxiety and confusion caused by repeated shocks can lead to changes in the heart and respiration rate or gastrointestinal disorders. Electronic collars can also malfunction, either administering nonstop shocks or delivering no shocks at all." End quote. http://www.peta.org/living/companion-animals/caring-animal-companions/dogs/electric-fences-shock-collars/ Please take a look at some E-collar data studies here: http://www.banshockcollars.ca/studies.php Good luck with whatever you decide.
  3. Seems I need to post proof regarding the information in post #7 above. Many news reports and medical articles are published every year regarding worldwide canine fatalities from dogs swimming in or drinking water from lakes, rivers, etc. with toxic algae blooms. Any Internet search offers many pages of these incidents. Dog fatalities from toxic algae in CA: https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A86.J5Gjq6tXxXcApxYnnIlQ;_ylc=X1MDMTM1MTE5NTY4NwRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1tb3ppbGxhLTAwMwRncHJpZANjdGxFQUZ6dFNxNkxjdjB0Uk45T2JBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwM0BG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMyBHBxc3RyA2RvZ3MgZGVhdGggZnJvbSB0b3hpYyBhbGdhZQRwcXN0cmwDMjcEcXN0cmwDNDgEcXVlcnkDZG9ncyUyMGRlYXRoJTIwZnJvbSUyMHRveGljJTIwYWxnYWUlMjBjYWxpZm9ybmlhBHRfc3RtcAMxNDcwODcxMjE5BHVzZV9jYXNlAw--?p=dogs+death+from+toxic+algae+california&fr2=sa-gp-search&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-003 --- To clarify regarding heartworm: Veterinarians recommend heartworm preventative to be administered to dogs in all 50 states. Below is a heartworm incidents map as of 2015: Source: https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=2015+heartworm+incidence+map&ei=UTF-8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001 ----- Finally, re: my suggestion to carry fresh tap (or bottled) water for OP's Greyhound at all times. Most counties here in CA have safe tap water that tastes fine (most, but not all locales have safe water). The options of tap or "bottled" water were to ensure OP's dog isn't caught without water during the trip, and to emphasize the importance of ensuring the dog not drink from any other water sources like lake, rivers, etc. Decades ago, one of my previous dogs was infected with an extremely severe case of giardia while swimming in Lake Tahoe. Took many months to resolve, and harmed her health long term. I just read a veterinary article about a dog who died after drinking water contaminated with toxic algae spores from an old aquarium left in the owner's back yard. Side note for people who keep water jugs in their car for dogs: Please pour out water and replace with fresh water frequently; as cars heats up in sun, chemicals in plastic leach into dogs' drinking water.
  4. Glad she's eating a bit more now. The kidney diet could have contributed to her weight reduction, especially if fewer calories per cup than her previous food, and if her activity level remained the same. Each hound is different but our 8-9 year olds haven't lost much weight. (I've had more difficulty keeping weight on 12 and 13 year olds.) Additional thoughts: If she's taken any medications without enough food, it could potentially set her into a domino effect of tummy discomfort, further lack of appetite, and diarrhea. (Happened with one of our geriatric hounds while on antibiotics, and took him 2-3 weeks to fully recover. He couldn't even tolerate Pepcid during that time.) If needed, Gerber's (Stage 2) meat only baby food is an excellent food to help entice ill animals to eat meals. This Gerber food does not have any pet toxic spices like onions or garlic. (Check with your vet first since your girl has PLN.) Assuming her teeth and gums are in good condition since dental pain can cause chewing problems that can eventually appear as a lack of appetite. If the diarrhea isn't related to anything else, since she wasn't feeling well, perhaps she might have tried to nibble on plant leaves or grasses (that were mildly toxic) and gave her diarrhea. Positive healing thoughts for your sweet girl. ETA: Walking two miles a day in cool or cold weather with low humidity is fine for healthy 9 year olds.
  5. Heartworm preventative is definitely a requirement throughout California (including northern California, SF, and into the Yosemite park region). Our previous dogs became infected immediately after moving to the SF bay area during winter over thirty years ago. (Thankfully they survived because it was caught/treated quickly.) All dogs in CA need to be on heartworm preventative. (We give Heartgard chewables.) Several more important tips: Carry fresh tap (or bottled) water for Miss Music at all times. Do not allow her swim or drink from any natural bodies of water (creeks, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, etc.) to prevent giardia, etc. or worse... There are deadly algae growths in rivers, lakes, etc. during this time of year. Many dogs have died rapidly after taking even one fun swim or lapping up a little water with these dangerous strains of algae. Keep her away from dry grasses and weeds since potentially deadly foxtails can be sniffed up through dogs' nostrils, wedged between toes, or burrow into skin. When foxtail barbs enter a dog's skin, they continue working themselves more and more deeply into the body (even into the dog's brain) and must be surgically removed (if caught before harming the animal). Please view foxtail photos here: http://www.cpp.edu/~jcclark/dogs/foxtails.html Ticks are abundant throughout your route, including coastal beach trails. (Wide fire roads are good places to hike.) That said, have a great trip! The scenery is breathtakingly beautiful, and water was replenished in Yosemite during our winter rainy season (after 4-5 years of drought).
  6. Seems you have a curious and smart Laila girl. Age 3 is still puppy-like behavior in a full size Greyhound body, but you'll notice positive maturity changes within the first year. I agree with your adoption group to use her muzzle. Racing Greyhounds are used to wearing their muzzles. During this adjustment period while she's learning to live as a pet in a family home, wearing her muzzle is for her own health and safety. In case you aren't aware, apple core seeds are poisonous to dogs, as are avocados. Poisonous avocado pits could also become an intestinal blockage. She could electrocute herself by chewing a power cord. When dog-proofing rooms, think about the dog standing up on her hind legs to reach things (adult humans' height). Some dogs jump all the way up on kitchen and bathroom counters with all 4 legs. If she's opening round door knobs with her mouth, the muzzle would stop that action. If she's opening flat lever door handles, I'd consider installing round handles and/or adding a slider-lock or hook-lock very high up on any doors that lead outside. Have you already tried crating or baby-gating (extra tall gate) her in a dog-proofed room when you can't be there to supervise? If your Greyhound adoption group plans gatherings, Laila could benefit greatly from joining 'Greyhounds only' play dates when all dogs are muzzled, or Greyhound group walks, etc. Shy hounds often gain confidence when teamed up with other Greyhounds, even if just for a few neighborhood walks.
  7. We've had two Greyhounds with laryngeal paralysis. Since heat can be a quick death sentence for LP dogs, we've been extra careful with all of our Greyhounds to keep them in cool conditions with water available at all times. Both LP hounds continue/d to take slow, limited duration walks (harness + leash only) from age 6 into their teens, but only if weather is cool (below 70 degrees, near dawn in shade or after dusk). If air temperature and cement/pavement is too warm, they don't take walks period -- until seasonal weather permits. All of our greyhounds comfortable exercise threshold is up to the low 70's F. Even our healthiest, younger Greyhounds are so temperature sensitive that they could overexert if above about 73-75 degrees F.
  8. Was this vet aware of Snow's near collapse last week from potential hyperthermia (heat stroke)? I wonder if these symptoms might be a delayed result of lingering damage from that episode(?). Have you noticed any other symptoms during the past 10 days? http://www.pethealthnetwork.com/dog-health/dog-diseases-conditions-a-z/hyperthermia-dogs-its-not-a-fever
  9. I'm so sorry to see that your lovely Nikki was stricken with cancer. May your happy memories help comfort the void she left in your heart.
  10. Sharon and Dave, I'm so very sorry about this sudden heartbreaking loss of your beloved Ajax. He will be missed on GT. I hope Capri is doing okay, and that you will all comfort each others' broken hearts through this difficult time. Godspeed Ajax...
  11. Congrats! Yes, good tips above. Everything is too new to flood (taunt him) with visual over-stimulation of wildlife. I'd suggest temporarily reducing the size of Archer's new world to your own house and (hopefully well fenced) yard for a while. Archer needs a foundation of learning his new home and family first, before introducing challenging stimuli through walks/hikes. Focus on bonding with Archer, and begin positive method shaping techniques (I just posted about teaching "watch me" cue in another thread). Veterinary behaviorist, late Dr. Sophia Yin's website offers excellent positive reinforcement training methods based on science. https://drsophiayin.com/blog/entry/dr-yins-top-10-dog-training-tips/ I'd recommend positive method obedience training classes if available in your area (not outdated methods used by C. Millan -- decades long proven to cause and/or increase aggression!). Archer needs to learn all the basics especially come, stay, leave it, drop it, wait, etc. Thereafter, you could begin expanding Archer's world, and I would very strongly recommend using a reflective martingale collar and harness for control and to prevent throat and neck damage. (We've had hounds arrive with lifetime progressive paralysis of the throat. It can be further damaged by collar tightening.) If available in your region, later, consider channeling his drive into (fenced area) agility training and/or other focused canine sporting activities. If you have a cat, please do not let the cat outside when Archer has access to the yard. Outside = game on, even for cat-workable (aka: cat-friendly/cat-safe) hounds. I'm sure you remember posting about the poor Greyhound who jumped out of an open second story window. Please be extra careful to manage house and car windows, doors and gates so Archer doesn't attempt to sail through them going after prey. Dogs will jump out of moving vehicle windows. I see he has a reflective collar, but you may want to consider this embroidered reflective ID collar (side release) that can be read from afar to keep on him 24/7 (only exception is when/if he is ever locked in a crate inside the house). http://www.fancyk9s.com/collar/identification (Black webbing + thread is most visible on the light reflective material, IMO.) Embroidered telephone # was blocked for posting but is visible from afar.
  12. Additional thoughts: Perhaps a local Greyhound family or adoption group could loan you a ramp for tomorrow. If Ajax gets in the side door, perhaps a seat could be removed so he can stay on floor level. (We've done that for large Greyhound hauls.) Ramp success tip: If Ajax is able to tolerate it next week, here's how we teach our hounds to use a ramp comfortably without fear: Place ramp on floor level inside house or garage on hounds' most used, narrow traffic path to practice for a few days. Then lift onto one step for a few days. Then lift onto second step for a few days, etc. until height is transitioned to car height.
  13. Agree re: gabapentin and tramadol's wide dosage range. Our hounds tend to handle gabapentin well (without any side effects of pacing and panting). A few transport thoughts since I'm assuming you don't have a dog ramp for your car: Can your car be backed up to a berm, hillside, high curb or any slight elevation of your driveway to reduce the entrance/exit height from your car? If not, can you build up dog beds to reduce his jumping height? We use memory foam beds, foam exercise mats, etc. in tight spaces if the dog ramp can't fit. I'm so sorry about Ajax's intense pain.
  14. Please consider asking your adoption group if they offer "Greyhounds only muzzled play dates" (in a fenced enclosure where ALL dogs are safely muzzled). If your group doesn't arrange play dates, perhaps you could plan a muzzled only play date with one or two other local Greyhound adopters. Having seen similar behavior in many newly retired Greyhound fosters, I'm guessing your girl is just really happy and excited to see other dogs and would enjoy interaction. The shaping exercises posted above, plus time, and more walks should help relax her reactions. Previously, seems she may have been inadvertently rewarded for reactive behavior when allowed to stop and meet other dogs, so increasing the walking pace and ignoring dogs is new for her. Good luck with Bayley.
  15. Congratulations on your adoption of Bayley! It helps to get high value meat (or cheese) treats, and begin teaching brief "watch me" cue practice sessions (less than 5 minutes) while at home (without distractions). Each time she makes eye contact with you, immediately offer her a reward. Then practice teaching a "heel" cue (noted below). After she understands how to heel, combine the heeling exercise with periodic brief "watch me" cues. Once she's doing well at home, begin practicing outside with a faster pace. Later, when you see a dog during walks, you will be able to ask and reward her for "watch me" while she's actively heeling/walking and ignoring the other dog. The goal is for you to be able to attract her attention while another dog is in the area. Generally, it's not desirable to allow new dogs to meet in close contact during leashed walks. Many other dogs will try to bite dogs that get too close/feel their space is being invaded, or they may try to protect their owner from a perceived potential threat (strange dog/human approaching). Teaching heel is easy. In case you (or others) haven't taken training classes, here's a quick run down. Hold a Greyhound's leash with right hand through the leash handle and wrap the leash a couple of times, then hold excess leash with the opposite hand. (This is important because if Greyhounds see something they want to chase, or if a noise causes them to bolt backwards, humans have more control using both hands.) Remaining leash length between hand and dog's collar or harness should be short (e.g., 1 foot) slack/loose leash, not taut since dog's neck should not feel constant tension (avoid jerking or choking). If you're in USA, dog's right shoulder should be by human's left thigh while walking. (Pedestrians are supposed to walk against traffic flow, so this keep dogs protected from being hit by a car.) Make it a fun game to "heel" on leash. Call her name in a happy voice: "Fido heel." Immediately begin walking, leading with your left leg. Happily praise and reward while she's walking politely next to you. Begin doing figure 8's and directional changes to help her learn to stay close to your thigh while heeling. Practice stops and starts. Keep training sessions very brief and fun.
  16. A Greyhound would be happy to take cool evening walks with you. Greyhounds are short distance sprinters (average approx. 30 second races 1 or 2 times per week), so would need to build endurance slowly. Hiking is greatly enjoyed by healthy Greyhounds if it isn't too warm or too cold. They are not good on very steep terrain or climbing boulders. Yes, they would want a nice long nap after 1.5 hours hiking. Truly all day hiking is too much for Greyhounds, in my experience. Greyhounds are temperature sensitive due to thin fur, no undercoat, lack of body fat, and thin skin. They have larger hearts than other breeds and body temperature during intense exercise can rise faster than others. There is a learning curve for retired racing Greyhounds while becoming a pet/family member. Almost everything is new and different to retiring Greyhounds (TVs, stairs, mirrors, living in a family home, etc.), and can be delightful to experience with them. Many new adopters post to GT about shy or spooked hounds since they are more unique. More confident Greyhounds aren't posted about as often because they easily merge into pet life. That said, a little extra early caring effort between a shy hound and their humans often results in a remarkable lifetime bond. No dogs should have family humans or visitors hovering over them, especially if lying down. General rule relating to dogs' language: "Let resting dogs lie undisturbed." Better to wait for dog to stand up and approach humans before giving dog attention, especially to a newly adopted dog whose humans haven't had time to earn the dog's full trust. Greyhounds blossom dramatically after adoption. Adopters notice wonderful changes in 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years, and each year beyond that unfolds surprising positive gifts. Most Greyhounds are emotionally sensitive, well-mannered beings who deserve the best loving care and respect. (They are not rough and tumble dogs for younger children.) They are indoor companion dogs. Being sighthounds (independent hunters), they can be powerful if they see something 1/2 mile away that they want to chase, and should be kept on leash handled by an adult whenever they aren't in a fenced enclosure. Greyhounds reward us ten-fold+++. Your family seems like a great fit for a Greyhound, unless you want an endurance breed. I'll close now, as my nearly 15 year old brood matron Greyhound is asking for my attention.
  17. Delighted that Verdasco's adoption was approved! Positive wishes as he begins this happy new chapter for his retirement years. I hope he continues to improve physically too.
  18. Agree. Kittens become more and more active as they grow, meaning they often become crazed... running around climbing up window coverings, jumping (flying) on/off high furniture, refrigerator, shelves, and often knocking even heavy items off shelves and tables, even if a Greyhound is resting below(!). This immature feline behavior often lasts for years. Our last kitten took about 5 years to begin to mature into a normal, well-behaved family member. Cats won't hesitate to do naughty things to demand attention, including threats to a dog since cats quickly learn what gets the greatest rise from their humans. It's a double whammy for Greyhounds having been bred to sight/chase/hunt small things that move. Active kittens taunt dogs by running, jumping on dogs, pushing things over on dogs, etc. which greatly increases dogs' stress (unable to rest peacefully). Animals' stress can build and affect their relationship, health, etc. If your Greyhound is already stressed living with an 8 week old kitten, re-homing the kitten is the most kind and responsible thing to do for all involved. Your early foster care is admirable, and was most important to improve kitty's health. Now, she's at a better age for adoption. (A friend fosters litters of kittens for shelters until they're old enough for adoption.) Good luck with whatever you decide.
  19. Thank you for sharing this beautiful memorial montage of your beloved Brooke. She was clearly loved and adored. So many touching photos, one (of many) favorites was of Brook taking a dip while her dad sitting at water's edge holding her leash. She is missed by her GT friends.
  20. Thank you for this wonderful update, and for all the effort you and your wife have provided for Verdasco's long-term care! This world needs more caring people like you. Assuming his potential adoption works out, I hope you'll get to see him on occasion.
  21. Oh how crushing! I'm so deeply sorry about your sudden and terribly untimely loss of Maverick. Eventually, may happier memories of your beloved boys help fill the huge void left in your heart. Our supportive thoughts are with you and Miss Fancypants as you find new, special ways to deepen your relationship together. Godspeed Maverick, now forever bonded with brother Goose... until you all meet again.
  22. In addition to others' suggestions, covering Duke's paws with thick baggies just before potty outings would help. Perhaps a vet clinic could give you empty plastic IV bags laced with a gauze tie at the top to secure around Duke's paws before potty outings. Agree with rest, and periodic soakings since deeply embedded debris or tiny road rocks could eventually cause him pain and require surgery after wounds are healed. You didn't mention how long Duke was loose or the weather/temperature that day, but we (search/rescuers) watch for signs of rhabdomyolysis in Greyhounds who escape or overexert during warm months, especially when frightening fireworks skyrocket their stress level. If you're not aware of rhabdomyolysis, please see link below and keep an eye open for symptoms. Possible symptoms include muscle pain and swelling that becomes noticeable within 72 hours after excessive exercise/running (especially during warm/hot weather), possible red tint to urine, etc. If severe, stiffness, deep or fast breathing, collapse, and kidney failure could occur. http://pets.thenest.com/rhabdomyolysis-greyhounds-6571.html Great relief that you were able to find and catch Duke. Extra TLC for your boy during his recovery.
  23. Oh, I'm so very saddened to read that Brooke has passed. You're in our caring thoughts as you process this heartbreaking, unexpected early loss.
  24. That is very scary. Positive thoughts for Star's full recovery without another incident. Thank you for this important reminder! Reminds me of one of our Greyhounds who was panting differently (from two other hounds in the car) after a cool, early morning muzzled Greyhounds only play date. Our then recently adopted 6 y.o. was panting much more heavily, more labored, more raspy, and for a much longer time than other hounds in the cold, air-conditioned car. Vet's dx was inconclusive. The following year a vet diagnosed her with laryngeal paralysis during a hot summer vet visit. We were very fortunate that we listened to our gut feelings and limited her running exercise during that first year before her official LP diagnosis. She could have collapsed from lack of oxygen, and/or hyperthermia while struggling to breathe.
  25. I'm so sorry that your sweet Benny has passed. Your family provided a much needed loving home for him to enjoy his well-deserved latest years. Thank you again for quickly pulling Benny when he was in desperate need a couple of years ago. So glad he was welcomed into your Greyhound family. You and your family are in our sincere thoughts during this difficult time. Hope your trio adjusts in time. Understanding and heartfelt hugs to you all. Benny will be remembered fondly.
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