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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Your posts and photos are bringing back to one year and a month ago, when I found out 11 year old Phoenix had osteo. I'll never forget how numb and nauseous I felt. As others have said, there is no right answer. I chose pain management and let him go 1.5 weeks post diagnosis. Go with your heart and your knowledge and take comfort in knowing that whatever you decide, it is out of love for Tristan.
  2. I spoke to my vet and I am going to give him zylkene for a while. It isn't an antidepressant or anything like that. It's made from milk protein and hopefully will take the scared s**tless edge away. I am going to continue with desensitization training, but hopefully he will be less panicked. I love the suggestion with the spook harness leash, racindog and will definitely do that. Thanks, all. If anybody can think of anything else, please feel free to post your comments
  3. This really sucks. I know. I've been there Do your research and do what you feel is best. You'll find as many management opinions as there are people who have gone through this.
  4. Kim and Bruce, I'm so very sorry that you have to go through this again. You are all in my thoughts
  5. Thanks, Lindsay. That's exactly what I've been doing. Galgueros often train galgos for hunting on bicycles. I've seen them training up to half a dozen galgos while they are riding their bikes. I wonder if his terror might be from that and a bit more than can be handled with just desensitization. Regardless of how I handle this, I will continue to expose him to as much as possible. He is a lot better in other ways, such as going inside banks, etc. it's just men on bicycles, and men. He's not as bad with women on bicycles.
  6. I just put in a call to my vet re: meds. I would prefer to keep trying without them, walks are absolutely terrifying for him. I've had dogs all my life, including frightened dogs, but have never seen anything like Iker on that trail. It can't be fun for him and I don't think dementia tin will come easily. I put the bicycle in the backyard. He peed on it and then acted like he was scared of me
  7. This would be my recommendation. Let him familiarize himself with a bike when it's still and then go from there. What a great idea! I will put mine in the backyard. Thanks!
  8. Hmmm...I try not to reinforce, but you could be right. I can see how my talking to him could reinforce his behavior.
  9. That would be great! I think he also likes having Ben and Brooke around. Maybe we can take them for a walk Saturday?
  10. Loca was a crate chewer so I never crated her. Her teeth were also nubs in front. She didn't really have any dental problems.
  11. Thanks all for your replies. I think he's just really, really scared of men on bicycles. I've tried to high value treats, but he's usually so panicked that he doesn't notice. We always walk the same route, which is down a paved trail across from my house. Certain times of day there are lots of cyclists and children, both of which scare him. He's also very scared of men who look at him. Maybe I'm just being impatient as sometimes (especialy this past Saturday morning) the walks are scary for both of us! He backs into me, crosses in front of me, tries to go backwards between my legs, you name it. He does a bit better when I continue to talk to him, which I try to do all the time. I also try to remain calm and relaxed. I don't want to stop walking him, although it would be easier to just let him out in my backyard. Treasure and I love our walks, and I want him to, also.
  12. I've been changing direction with him forever. As Jan said, it's fear based. He spends a lot of time trying to turn around to go home. Treasure is wonderful and patient. I've been trying to desentize him, but so far there hasn't been consistent change. He's too freaked out to even take a treat or look at me. Having said that, he is better than he was a few months ago. I speak to him and tell him what a good boy he is. He does seem to improve if I speak to him.
  13. I adopted Iker a few months ago. He has many fears during walks, especially men and men on bicycles. When he's scared he pulls like crazy, which is understandable. I give him lots of positive reinforcement, etc. He wears a spook harness with a margingale, as pictured below. I use a special leash that attaches to both the collar and the harness (on the back). I've been wondering if I would have greater success if I just attached the leash to the harness. Does anybody have any thoughts or experience with this? Removing the harness isn't an option because he will back up when scared. thanks
  14. How is Señor Cruz doing? Do you have an update?
  15. Heather, I so wish you were introducing yourself under better circumstances. I've been there and I know how much it sucks. I hope you have many quality days with Macho.
  16. Happy Birthday Iberia! We'll never forget you and the love your mom has for you. Celebrate with your friends Loca and Phene.
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