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Everything posted by robinw

  1. robinw


    Susan, I can't believe it's been two years. I still remember how my heart sank when I saw Alan's name in Remembrance. He was very special. I miss him, and you, too.
  2. Phene would never tolerate goggles. He'd be scared of them
  3. His dream had me in tears Hugs to both of you
  4. Melissa, it's great news that she moved to the kitchener on her own!
  5. Thanks so much for your advice and comments. We have an appointment with the specialist on May 4.
  6. Something like that used to happen to Loca. I used to massage her neck and shoulder and apply heating pads.
  7. Phene went to the vet for his annual physical this afternoon. He eyesight has been gradually worsening during the past year or so. This evening the vet realized that his pupils remain dilated, even when exposed to bright light. I hadn't noticed that but I had noticed that his amber eyes seemed darker. Now I know why. It seems that Phene can see and certainly follows movement. The vet suspects the pupil problem might have something to do with his optic nerve but doesn't suspect cancer because he seems so healthy. He's has a referral to an opthamologist in London, ON. Does anybody have any experience with this or any thoughts? thanks May 16. Saw the Vet Eye Specialist today. Here is his report: He went on to explain that this condition isn't uncommon in dogs with light coloured eyes like Phene's. Now if only we could solve his rear end problems. X-rays are tomorrow.
  8. Oh, Melissa...I hope she improves with physio and acupuncture/chiro.
  9. I second the acupuncture and chiropractic. They has worked wonders on Phene.
  10. Wow! No experience, but I hope Ruby makes a fast and total recovery
  11. Both you and Merlin are in my thoughts. Hoping for continued improvement
  12. We're Canadian - we'll let anyone in :P well, not quite anyone
  13. Here is Vince/Vinnie/Franklin/Pratt . Isn't he beautiful, and he is so loved already!
  14. you can email me the picture at robin_w@rogers.com if you'd like and I'll post it for you. Congratulations!!
  15. Welcome from Kitchener. I'm going to Gander and St. Johns in a couple of weeks! A new hound? How exciting!
  16. Add me to the list of those who wanted to steal Tyrone. He was very sweet. I'm so sorry, Gil
  17. I'm so sorry. I wish you had more time together
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