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Everything posted by BertnLil

  1. What a special, special boy. I'm so sorry.
  2. I am so sorry. What a beautiful girl.
  3. Twinkies--stick the pill in one of the holes on the bottom. Worked like a charm on my bridge girl Clarice, who had a wicked sweet tooth.
  4. How horrible. I'm so sorry.
  5. Happy Birthday Smiley.
  6. BertnLil

    Guilt And Loss

    I am so sorry. You did the right thing. You said that writing it down helps, and the way you skillfully put your feelings into words very much describes the way many of us have felt at one time or another. We are here for you, so lean on us when you need to.
  7. Jen, I'm so sorry.
  8. Oh, what an awful shock. I'm so sorry.
  9. What a handsome, handsome boy. I'm so very sorry.
  10. She is truly a beauty. I'm so very sorry.
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