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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. How scary! I'm sorry that Ben, and you, are going through this.
  2. Hi, no special advice on the food question but it's good to hear from you -- I saw the name Charming and thought it must be you. (You don't have enough posts to receive a private message, so I'm posting here.) It sounds like Charming is still hanging in; I'm really glad to hear it, I think of him often!
  3. My cat Quinn had nasal cancer that had already spread to at least one lymph node when we discovered it. Treatment wasn't really an option, both because chemo probably wouldn't work, and including because he hated going to the vet. Fortunately I had about two good months with him before it was time for him to go. I gave him all the love I could and took a picture of him virtually every day.
  4. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious kitty girl. How fortunate she was to have such a long, happy, and loved life with you.
  5. What wonderful stories about your precious girl. I loved hearing about how you got her, and how she got her name. I am so sorry she had to leave, so much too soon.
  6. Oh, what sad news. Beautiful Cosmo will most definitely be in my thoughts.
  7. Beth didn't have Frontline on her last December and I found a couple of ticks on her after walking in the woods in NY State! I'm only going to stop for January and February in Iowa. Heartworm meds all the time.
  8. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  9. The movie is based on a quite famous novel by contemporary writer Larry McMurtry.
  10. Welcome! I agree, she is gorgeous, and looks like she has a happy spirit. More pics soon, please! I think Dove would be a great name (unless it totally doesn't fit her personality!).
  11. Welcome to GT! Anita is beautiful; such a yummy color, and she's surprisingly dark in the face still. Are the white spots on her back loss of pigment from healed injuries? Looks like you might need a dog bed for the kitchen!
  12. You should probably post the reference ranges the lab is using; I know with human thyroid results, labs vary and you can't interpret results without that.
  13. Welcome to you and your beautiful hounds!
  14. Wow, what great news!! And especially if you can come up with a likely cause, like a sting -- nice minor one-time thing!
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sly sounds like an incredibly sweet boy.
  16. I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute is beautiful.
  17. The signatures (what you call banners) are made by various folks on GT who know Photoshop . . . not including me! Sometimes they offer to do them for other folks.
  18. What a sweetie! Love the picture of him under his blankie. (If you click on your pictures in Photobucket and copy the IMG code underneath, you can paste the pictures directly into your posts!)
  19. Welcome to you and your sweet boy! English professor here, with many future English teachers as students.
  20. What a precious girl, I am so sorry.
  21. No advice, but I'm so sorry you're going through this!
  22. I am so sorry for your loss, and that you didn't have more time with your sweet boy.
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