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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Beth is also a playful biter (outdoors only, when she gets in a silly/happy mood) and the thing that works best at curbing the behavior is to shake a tin can with some pennies inside at her when she does it. That really gets her attention in a way I find verbal commands do not (and I'd never jerk her etc.) -- there are times when she's in that playful mood and anything else I try to do (the "no!" or asking her to sit or down) all becomes part of the game. One or two shakes of the penny can and the behavior goes away for some time. Redirecting toward a soft toy or something else also seems to help.
  2. I am so sorry for your loss.
  3. I add some chicken broth to the water and Beth drinks much more then than she would otherwise. I figure I get a little protein and fat in her that way too.
  4. Owwie, poor thing! I use Pawz for salt protection or crusty ice but Beth has never hurt her paws running in snow so far. I'm sorry for your bad luck with that!
  5. I've been traveling and just saw this. I am so very sorry for your loss. I sure wish you could have had much more time with your boy.
  6. I'm so terribly sorry -- what a wrenching loss, and at the holidays too. You were a loving mom to Dapper!
  7. Welcome to GT from another hound- and kitty-lover! Arthur has such a sweet expression!
  8. I am very sorry for the loss of such a long-time companion.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss, and that you didn't have more time to love on Bailey and say goodbye.
  10. I am so deeply sorry. Go in peace, Bailey.
  11. Welcome; this is an exciting time for you! You can learn a lot on this board while you're waiting! I got my first greyhound after a lifetime of having cats in August 2008 and I ADORE her!
  12. What a beautiful and sweet-faced girl, who clearly had a wonderful life with you. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. I would watch out for signs of pancreatitis -- probably not likely, but certainly possible, and a very urgent situation: http://greythealth.com/pancreatitis.htm
  14. I am so very sorry you didn't have more time with Emmy Lou, and she with you.
  15. Welcome from Iowa! What a sweet hound, and nice pictures (ahhh, summer, I remember that....). I look forward to hearing lots more about Ready Mix!
  16. PrairieProf


    I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy.
  17. Wow, what amazing and superfabulous news! Yay Bistro!! :clap You must be absolutely limp with relief.
  18. How upsetting and terrifying. I'm so sorry you and Bistro are going through this. I'm hoping earnestly that it turns out to be treatable.
  19. Sending good thoughts to Lucky Girl -- may she live up to her name and do great with the treatment.
  20. Yay for the picture! What a striking cowdog face Willie has, and what a nice leafy bed!
  21. Hmmm . . . my vet, whom I regard as very smart and up to date, said when I asked him about it several weeks ago that the vaccine is pretty much a scam to make money for the vaccine company and play on people's flu fears -- that it's not very effective and that "canine influenza" has been around for a good while without people getting all worked up about it. He said that dogs in shelters and others confined in close quarters (like track kennels) that way are the ones with a significant risk, not really pets. Now I'm wondering if I should reconsider, though....
  22. No dog experience on this, but my cat had a lump in his neck (under the jaw on one side) and it turned out to be a lymph node metastasis from nasal cancer.
  23. Yes, most of us store our pics in Photobucket and then you just paste the IMG code for the picture you want in your message. It's another step so a little bit of a pain in that sense, but not hard to work with.
  24. Welcome to Willie and congratulations! I look forward to hearing more about him and seeing some pictures!
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