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Everything posted by GreyKarma

  1. Our local group does Meet & Greets just about every weekend. www.virginiagreyhounds.com is their site. What part of Chesapeake do you live in?
  2. Yes...sorry about that. Chesapeake, VA. Then hello neighbor. Good to see more greyhounds in Tidewater. Molleigh will have to meet your handsome boy sometime.
  3. Welcome to you and your handsome boy. Chesapeake ????? VA????
  4. Emily, I am sorry Henry had another seizure, but 118 days is still a great span. With everything else you have going on with the house I pray Henry stays stable. Do you have the valium suppositories to use? They can really help.
  5. Robin, sounds like things are on the right track and turning for the better. I like the small but perfect....THATS GOOD Give Beau a hug from me please, he is always in my prayers.
  6. My thoughts are with you. That love beaming from his eyes will always be with you. Run with the wind Phantom
  7. I am so happy he is eating. Continued prayers for Beau.
  8. I know you must have some relief with the diagnosis of IBD. Hope his healing process has started and he will be eating soon.
  9. I agree with Batmom that eventually going to HA or Z/D would be a good idea, depending on the pathology report. Research has shown the three main allergens are beef, dairy and wheat, but that does not rule out other proteins as a possible cause. The hydrolized proteins are broken down so small that the immune system does not recognize them as allergens. Until then, I have not seen you mention pasta, not rice but an easily digestable pasta like plain spagetti. Your vet can also teach you how to give Sub-Q fluids at home to get through the crisis. I am praying too for an answer for Beau will be revealed in the reports. Are the reports due back today? Molleigh is sending some for good luck.
  10. Thinking of Beau & praying for a good pathology report.
  11. Licensed Veterinarians are monitored and licensed with their state pharmacy board. Most medicines are ordered through Veterinary Distributors. That being said, some of the major manufacturers Novartis, Merial, & Bayer pulled everything back "in house" a couple of years ago. This is to track the illegal selling of products to online pharmacies. I do not want to debate this subject, but I worry that some day because of these pharmacies Vets will no longer carry meds in house. This will mean for whatever drug a pet needs, they will have to wait for a script to arrive. Me, if my pet is sick I want the medicine to start immediately. That said, the pharmacy income helps your Vet open his doors each day, and be there for his patients with a staff and the diagnostic equipment needed to run a hospital. He is not a warehouse with people taking phone orders.
  12. Auntie Polli, I hope you are ok and just sore & scared from falling down. Molleigh sayin her prayers
  13. If she is having accidents in her sleep and there is no urinary tract infection there is medicine that can help that. You might ask your vet about it.
  14. Best wishes for Monty, Baytril is one of the best. It has saved our old kitty more than once.
  15. Oh my Rusty I am sorry you broke your leg. You are a senior member of the Fawn Club. Mom says she has seen the CleanBreakCastProtectors and they are fantastic. (www.cleanbreakprotector.com) It would help keep your cast dry. Hugs Molleigh
  16. little candle needed a boost back to the top. Please help keep it burning for healing and hoping.
  17. I know there are two drugs for Cushings, the Lysodren and Trilostane. I don't know Misty's complete history but I was just given the info on a newly approved Veterinary Trilostane (Vetoryl) that does not have to be compounded. They say it should be available by the end of January. Just thought I would pass this along.
  18. Ember's Glow will never fade, she will remain in the hearts of many. I know she is running with my fawn Molly girl who had no working legs in the end.
  19. Oh no! I am so so sorry, I prayed the cough was nothing. Ember will always be in our hearts too. Please take care.
  20. That sounds good. Tom, by chance have you tightened her collar or added that tag bag yet? The reason I am asking is because dogs have a reflex in the neck that if pushed on will make them cough. Vets use it to hear make a dog cough to hear lung sounds. My old girl would do it to herself rubbing her neck on my wing chair. It was just a thought I had, here is hoping it is something as simple as that.
  21. Could she have been exposed to Kennel Cough anywhere recently? The Chemo does lower resistance.
  22. GreyKarma


    Sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest. I am so sorry for your loss.
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