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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Lazer and hugs for you.
  2. I am so very sorry. Run free, Asia Li.
  3. I am so very sorry. Elton has always been a secret crush for me. Godspeed, Elton.
  4. I am so very sorry. Your pictures have always been so delightful. Brandee's personality shone through ineach of them. Run free, Brandee.
  5. What a beautiful tribute to your very special boy. Thank you for sharing him with us. Godspeed, Max.
  6. I am so very sorry. I remember your post when this happened. Having had a neighbor poison my dog when I was in my teens, I know how hard it is to live near someone when you know they have caused your animal's death. I am so very sorry you had to experience that. Run free, Nina.
  7. I am so sorry. Godspeed Tsunami.
  8. Hugs for Poodle and hugs for Pam. So sorry that you are both dealing with this.
  9. That was a lovely tribute to a much loved friend. I am so sorry that she had to leave but so very happy that she was here. Few people get to live such big lives and leave such rich memories for the people around them. Fly with the angels.
  10. Just good thoughts and prayers for Gracy and for you.
  11. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for EZ. This heat has been miserable (and I love heat!).
  12. My heart just hurts for you. Your love of Ava has always come through so clearly in your posts, as well as her love and care for you. It is so very hard to watch our pups go through anything hurtful to them. Keeping you and Ava in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. Morgaine was a certified therapy dog and she was remarkable at it. We went to a nursing home and she would get off the elevator at the floor we visited and always went straight for the rooms with "her" patients. One gentleman would just bend over and hug her around the neck and hold on for dear life and she would stand there at let him do so for as long as he needed. The week prior to her sudden death we were approved as a visiting team for the homebound ill and elderly and the woman who interviewed us was very impressed with her and very positive about dog therapy. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I can't do it with Aquitaine as she is a happy snapper and I would hate to see her hurt anyone. She also tends to nibble on those she loves and that is not a good trait for a therapy dog.
  14. So happy to hear that Avril is improving. Interesting to read about the new med. Having lost a girl to status, I want all the information I can have in the back of my mind in case I ever need it again.
  15. Thank you. I knew that "flappy part" was not the true medical term but wasn't sure what it was. Now I know. Yes, Andy probably would write "ear leather". Thankfully, he has known me for 20 years and is used to me. He once took my call while he was on a ski trail in Colorado and I was freaking out that Morgaine's extra eyelid had flipped. Since I had no clue that there was an extra eyelid I had no idea what was going on. Scared the poop out of me! There has been noticeable improvement in both the redness and the heat of her ear. Thanks for all the help, everyone!
  16. Thinking bug bite is the answer. There are teeny-tiny somethings in the park across the street from me. I sometimes come back with bites so maybe they got her this time too. Thankfully, my apartment is bug free.
  17. Checking in to see if there is an update. Keeping Milky Way in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. I am so very sorry. Run free, Roo.
  19. Thank you so much, an infection is what I was afraid of. I would be far more worried if it was within the ear canal itself. I should clarify (was really tired last night) that the inside of her ear is fine. Clean, no smell. The redness is on the "flappy part" for lack of a better description. My vet said to watch it for a couple of days and let him know if the Benadryl isn't working. She may have scratched it when I wasn't in the room. There was a distinct change overnight. Less of the area is red and it isn't as hot. Rest assured, I will watch it carefully. Already planning an early departure from work so that I can check on her and will have her walker check it as well.
  20. Inside only and no swelling. She only tried to scratch it once today. Thanks for the good thoughts. I hate when my girl isn't 100%. I know this heat has been bothering her. We haven't been out for more than 5-10 minutes in days. Just gave her some Benadryl as suggested by a vet site online. If nothing else, it should help her sleep.
  21. Aquitaine's ear is red and hot today. I've cleaned it with sterile water, cleaned out some gook, and put some anti-biotic ointment on it. Not sure if I should ice it. Not sure if it is related to the heat or not. Her other ear is fine. Any ideas? Suggestions? Methods to avoid "mom" panic?
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