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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. I just called to check on her and the surgeon took the call. I have to say I am now panicked. I can't bring her home tonight. They are still not happy with the BP and he said her heart has been throwing runs that are concerning them so they are starting her on meds for that. He also indicated she wasn't eating but knew that could be that because of where she is. We agreed that since she was agitated last night when I was there, that I won't see her tonight which I have to admit is exceptionally painful. I am going to get some of her favorite Fresh Pet food because she loves that so hopefully she will eat that for them. I am so scared.
  2. I was able to see Aquitaine late last night. I was ready to see her earlier but at around 7:00 pm they actually said she had finally gone to sleep, regular sleep and they would like her to have it as she needed it. Complete agreement from me. They said that they were waking her up at 10:00 pm for some tests and meds and I could come then to see her for a few minutes. I was able to see her for 5 minutes then I left because I thought she was too agitated. She looked better than I expected. Not good mind you, but not the Franken-Grey I was expecting. Heavy panting but the monitor sounds were regular which is a good thing. (I count the blinks time on Christmas tree lights so believe me, I was counting...) I checked with them an hour later after the tests and meds were done and they confirmed she was doing well and had laid down and relaxed. One of the doctors called this morning to say she did well during the night, and that optimally, they want her home with me tonight. There is a concern with her blood pressure, and there has been since Monday. It is elevated to 200 instead of the preferred 120. They realize that at least some of that is from being in hospital and having surgery. They are starting meds this morning and if today goes well, she comes home tonight. If not, they want to keep her for one more night then have her BP monitored in 7 days. So that is where we are right now. Praying for a lowered BP. Praying that my bosses will let me work remotely for at least tomorrow and Friday if I can bring her home tonight. Most of all, praying for benign, benign, benign. I can't begin to thank you for all the support. I know Aquitaine would give you all one of her spontaneous roos if she could.
  3. I am so very sorry. Run free, Rascal.
  4. I am so very sorry. Run free, Faye Oops.
  5. Passion, a beautiful, sweet girl like you knows that your momma has had a tough year. Give her a little break. Poop bad. I hope your bloodwork comes back good and that all is well with you.
  6. I just love Nellie's white face. Please stop torturing her and make a wonderful soft, soothing feast for her!
  7. Prior to greys I was a poodle girl. Theirs are removed quite early. Scarlett and Morgaine both had theirs, thankfully, Aquitaine doesn't. Scarlett had one that grew in a circle and overnight managed to grow into her pad. I had to have the vet remove and cut it. Awful thing!
  8. No experience at all with this issue, just prayers and good thoughts for your pup. Looking back now, after yesterday and today, I realize that Aquitaine started the occasional unexplained night indoor pee in the last few months and I have to wonder if that had anything to do with the mass. Please know I am not trying to scare you!
  9. The surgeon just called, Aquitaine made it through the surgery and they are waking her up now. As we all know, the waking up process is almost as important as the surgery so we still have a bit of a road before us. What the surgeon told me is that she did quite well in the surgery. He removed the spleen with the undeterminded mass in it, the mass was larger than a tennis bll but not pushing out of the spleen. He said her liver looks grossly normal and that everything else inside her looks healthy and normal (big sigh here). He reminded me that we have to wait for the rerports on the mass itself. However, with no outright signs of cancer, I am beginning to see a glimmer of light. Our best choice is that the tennis ball is a blood clot, next best choice, fat. Then fatty lipoma, etc. We don't want hemangiosarcoma. I get to see her tonight for a short visit. Once again I was told emphatically that, no, I cannot sleep in the run with her. What I have learned from this is that we all really do know our dogs and when something seems off...it is. Here I've been watching her legs like a hawk for any sight of growths, etc. Apparently, the fact that she had a tight tummy could have alerted me earlier. In her case, she has always had a tighter tummy than Scarlett or Aquitaine did. Theirs were softer and "pushier" for lack of a better word. Aquitaine's has always been tighter, kind of like a greyhound six-pack. Yesterday morning however, that tightness bothered me. It is a good thing that it did. Combined with her lack of brio on the leash, and her general lethargy, it pushed me to take her to the evet. I figured that the worst thing that would happen is that I would be out $1,500 less what the insurance company paid me. A price I was more than willing to pay. To the person who asked, no, my stepfather isn't a doctor. He is an accountant who spent his entire career at Ralph's Grocery Company in SoCal. He is also on their credit union board and the Wilshire Boulevard Temple credit union board. Most importantly, he has been my daddy since I was 6 (even if that wasn't official until I was 13) and it one of the nicest men ever put on this earth. His accountant brain hesitated for an 1/8th of a second yesterday when I asked to borrow this huge amount of money that could have been a crap-shoot, but he loved me enough to do it. That is the greatest gift. To say that I am so happy that I have a calm, even natured greyhound who lets me lay on her couch with her, pet and rub her all over, and generally check her every inch for something that seems off is an understatement. I have to admit that I did the same thing with Morgaine who had severe space agression, I just figured that a wound to me was well worth her health and life. Yes, don't flame me, I know that is a dumb thing to do but I am okay with that. I accept that any hurt that comes to me is my responsibility. I grew up breeding and showing dogs, I knew how to intubate them to feed them by the time I was 7. I am very willing to take risks for them. To those of you who have lost your dogs to this same issue, every one of you was in the room at the evet with me yesterday. Your stories, your losses, your wisdom. You helped me tremendously. To the person who pointed out that $6,000+ is an insane amount of money to pay for this surgery. Yes, it sure as heck is but as far as I'm concerned, it is worth every penny. I live in NYC where everything is just far too expensive. The simple truth is, my hound will always mean more to me than money. I am lucky enough to have inherited some gorgeous jewelry. I love it, I wear most of it. However, in the end, diamonds are cold carbon stones and pearl are oyster puke. I'd give them up any day if ithey could save my hound. When she wakes up and is cleared to go home, I will let you know. Thank you all.
  10. Aquitaine made it through the night well. Her blood pressure was a bit elevated but they believe it is due to her being in hospital and away from me as the elevation is minor. Another dog scheduled became a priorty so Aquitaine is due to start her surgery at noon. Please pray for both of them. We still need a miracle. I am holding on to the fact that my pathologically blunt (I love him) former oil trader vet says that based on what he has seen, the lack of mets, and the spleen coming out, that we have reason to be cautiously optimistic. For him, that is major. Thank you all, more than I can ever say, for caring about us. My girl is my heart and there are no people who understand that more than the people here. It is appreciated tremendously.
  11. Sending prayers and good thoughts for Winnie.
  12. Every few months there is a 4:00 am poopy need. Today's just didn't feel right. She was lethargic on the lead. When we came in she couldn't get comfortable. I took her out a second time for another poop and she was still droopy and not settling down. I logged on here and quickly watched the bloat video and felt better knowing it wasn't that but knew that something was just off. So, off to the evet we went. Surgery tomorrow. Had to have my best friend the ER doc call my stepfather and give him the medical facts then I had to ask to borrow his credit card as the surgery, overnights, tests today, etc. etc. are at close to $6,000. Next call is to the insurance company. Anyone want to buy a lovely diamond pendant? Just in time for Christmas? I inherited it, don't wear yellow gold (bezel and chain) so it has hung unworn for 5 years. The surgeon says that even when they get it out, it is very hard with spleen masses to tell what they are. It could be a blood clot, which in this case would be a good thing, the fatty lipoma, something malignant, or even, though they said it doesn't look like it, a hemangiosarcoma after all. There are no mets on her lungs or liver and the mass hasn't burst. That is on our side. The surgeon seemed cautiously optimistic. My girl came to me five years ago this month after I lost Morgaine to status on 12/20. I love her more than breathing. She just has to be okay.
  13. Quick update: now the diagnosis is fatty lipoma (hopefully) that is hopefully benign. Surgery tomorrow to remove spleen and then chemo.
  14. First vet thinks hemangioma. Waiting for next tests.
  15. There is a mass in her belly. Waiting for medicine dept to do more tests and probes. Scared to death.
  16. That must have been so scary. Glad she is ok now.
  17. Please hold a good thought for my girl. Don't know yet what is wrong.
  18. Oh, Miss Bee, I remember when you joined your family. You send them some kisses from the bridge now. You are missed.
  19. So happy to hear the news is so good. That face, I don't think I could leave that face in the morning. Especially not if she nipped and chattered at me!
  20. Now I am sitting here at work crying. That was a truly lovely thing for that person to do.
  21. carronstar


    I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Malibu.
  22. carronstar


    I am so very sorry. Copper was really stunning looking. Godspeed, Copper.
  23. I am so very sorry. I lost my girl suddely, though not as suddenly as you, five years ago. I left home that morning with a happy, healthy greyhound. By that night she was gone. It is truly heartrending. As so many others will tell you, the best way to heal your heart is to bring another grey home and give all that love you have to another. You are not replacing Troublefree, just honoring him by sharing that love.
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