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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Don't second guess yourself - Joe wouldn't want you to do that. He's pain free and running at the bridge.
  2. Oh, no. I just cannot imagine. I am so sorry that you had to make this decision twice within such a short period of time. My hope for you is that the great memories that you made begin to heal your heart.
  3. duncan41

    Bindi Bug

    Oh, I am so very, very sorry for your loss. So young! So beautiful!
  4. Just seeing this now. Sending white light and prayers of comfort. :grouphug Please update when you can.
  5. :yay Hooray! Cash is home! Let the rest of the healing begin! :yay
  6. Oh, yes, I ignore the ingredients, too, but I can add my voice to those that can testify to the fact that ID works! Don't know why and for those times that I have really needed, I really didn't care how, but it worked. Can't remember if Pepcid is being administered or not. That's another "go to" for a gurgling tummy, regardless of the cause. Sure hope Beth gets a break soon and you, too! Sending more prayers and healing white light.
  7. Oh, I was so hoping to get the all clear sign:unsure ! Poor Beth! Poor Mom! Sending more prayers and healing white light.
  8. Bumping for Havoc and Cash. We really need this type of info! Thanks!
  9. Oh, no. Not the dx that I expected. I'm so sorry, Dee. If that's what it is, then I pray that you have many, many more good days with her. You're the best Mom! :grouphug
  10. How is Beth feeling? Hoping she has improved.
  11. Hope tomorrow she says to you, "Hey, stick a fork in me - I'm done! Now let's go HOME!" Praying for more good news tomorrow.
  12. No help/experience, but still bumping for Sid. Poor guy!
  13. Ouch! That makes my feet hurt just thinking about all Inu's foot problems! Hope whatever it was is gone for good!
  14. How is Beth this morning? (My Hoover carpet cleaner has paid for itself about 100 times over!)
  15. A board certified nutritionist may be of some help, too, depending on the diagnosis. Sometimes diet can make a huge difference. dogaware.com is also a great resource. Please update when you can. Sending prayers.
  16. How is everybody feeling this morning? Better, I hope!
  17. Every update is better. That is just wonderful! Still keeping you both tucked tightly in my prayers. Hope Cash got some rest last night. I'm sure it could make a huge difference. Come on, Cash! Show everybody that you're gonna walk outta that place tomorrow!
  18. Wow! Have been holding my breath all day, waiting for that update. Fantastic! Will pray for significant progress tomorrow. Hope she can get some rest with all that commotion. Sending prayers for a full speed recovery from now on. Chris, you have to be exhausted. Please take care because it will be important for Cash to know that you're ok. :grouphug
  19. This is strange. Just about everyone I know who owns more than one dog has one with the big D or vomitting. It seems to hang around a few days and then go away. Can't figure out why the "more than one dog" thing would make that much of a difference, but in each case, one dog was sick and the others weren't. Whatever "it" is, I hope it goes away without intervention. Oakly and Goldie - you just gotta feel better. ok?
  20. Hoping for a good update and a restful night.
  21. She will probably be so glad to be home, but won't really have an appetite until tomorrow anyway. Hopefully she will just crash and sleep until tomorrow and wake up feeling more like her normal self! Hugs for everybody! :grouphug
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