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Posts posted by Rustyroo

  1. I was so hoping he was going to pull through and enjoy a happy loving home for himself. My heart breaks for what he had to go through. I'm hoping he's pain free now and running with all the others.

  2. Today marks the one year anniversary of my sweet boy crossing the bridge. In that year, we also lost his buddy Solo, but gained a new sweet girl Franny. We all still miss him terribly and can't believe he's been gone for a year already. I hope he's having fun with Solo and the rest of the other's including his half sis Loca.


    We miss you Rusty and love you lots.

  3. I am so sorry to read about Riley's passing. Riley and Jabari are two of my favorites since I joined GT 8 years ago. Run free Riley...the other's are waiting for you.

  4. I didn't think I'd be writing this so soon after losing Rusty not even a year ago, but we had to say good-bye to Solo today. He has been having issues with his back legs and it got worse within the last 24 hours. Last night was not a good night for him and this morning didn't get any better. We took him to the vet where it was confirmed that he had a tumor on his leg bone and that the bone was broken. It was cancer.


    We did what was best for him and let him be pain free. He is now with Rusty again.


    He was such a sweet silly boy and I miss him terribly.


    Run free Solo...


  5. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel, the same exact thing happened to us with Rusty. I came home from work at 5:00, his leg broke right in front of me in our living room and he was gone by 7:00. His leg was full of cancer. It is a sudden loss and is hard to accept.


    My condolonces...run free sweet Chance.

  6. I am very sorry for your loss. We were there just a few months ago. Solo has never been by himself. We lost Rusty very quickly, within hours of coming home from work one night. Solo didn't know what was going on and never had the chance to say good-bye. I literally threw a handful of treats at Solo and ran out the door with Rusty. Rusty did not come home that night. Solo had no idea what happened. That was on a Tuesday. Solo did not eat until Saturday while he was at the dogsitter since we were going out of town. Being with them and there greys seemed to have helped. But when we got back, he was very sad. He was not himself and I would find him laying on Rusty's pillow a lot. Eventually, he got through it and he is fine now. It just took time for him to realize he was alone and adjust to that. Solo too had never been alone, even when he lived with another family previous to us. But he has adjusted and he is doing fine. I hope Wally feels better soon. I'm sure he knew Hobbs was sick. He's mourning in his own way.

  7. Welcome to my world....


    Where are you located? How high do you keep your grass?


    Ask the vet for Genesis spray.


    Yes, ask your vet for the Genesis spray. Roger has allergies, but I'm going to disagree with some of the other and say it's not from food. This sounds exactly like what Rusty had and it was a seasonal allergy, it had absolutely nothing to do with what he was eating. It would happen every year in the fall until around the first frost. There was something outside that attributed to his allergy. He would lick his feet until they were raw. Some years a lot and some years not as much. But I would watch for it and as soon as I saw him start licking I would start using the Genesis spray. It really helped.

  8. Here is Frazzle in the early stages of LP - listen carefully towards the middle, around 45 seconds in.



    Yes, it kinda does sound like that.


    How old is Solo? My first thought is if it's only exertional (upon walks) that maybe it's cardiac related. Especially in a senior hound. Just a thought...



    Solo will be 12 in January.


    Our bridge boy Grandpa had Laryngeal Paralysis. He started out with raspy breathing on exertion - it's more of a throaty raspyness than a chest raspyness. Your vet should be able to give you a good idea of whether or not it's LP. I don't know how common it is in greyhounds...there is a (very pro surgery) yahoo group on LP that has good info, if that's what it turns out to be.


    Good luck and keep us posted


    ps, Grandpa was diagnosed when he was 12 1/2 or so.



    I agree that it's more in the throat then in the chest.

  9. When we are out on walks, Solo sounds very hoarse. That's the best way I can describe it in writing. He doesn't sound like that in the house, but I have caught him coughing. He seems completely fine other than this weird sound that he makes on our walks. I'm wondering if this could be an early sign of lung cancer. :unsure Anyone have any ideas?

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