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Posts posted by Rustyroo

  1. I posted in Rememberance how we lost our Rusty to cancer last night. He had bone cancer that we didn't know about and his legged snapped and went through the skin. I now have soaked in blood in the carpet that I can't get out. I obviousley didn't treat it right away because we rushed him to the emergency vet so fast. But I've got to get in cleaned up. It hurts too much to see it. I have been using Nature's mIracle, but it's not doing anything. Any other ideas? :(

  2. Rusty would have been 14 years old this October. Sadly, we helped him cross the bridge last night. He chose to be in our lives 7 years ago. Lucky for us his former owner was not able to keep him. He was such a great first dog. I couldn't imagine how anyone could give him up. He was my heart.


    Unfortunately, cancer got the best of him. We didn't even know he had it until last night. His leg snapped while going around the living room chair to get a stuffy. We rushed him to the Emergency Vet and the doctor confirmed that it was cancer and that his leg would never heal. We did not want him to suffer. Together as a family we let him go peacefully.


    Good-bye my Roo-Roo, we miss you and love you.



  3. Rusty was 11 last year summer when he had his dental, he also had 6 teeth extracted. It took him a good 3-4 days before he was back to normal. I've decided that that is probably the last dental he will have. It was a rough one for him. Solo had his dental the same day and is two years younger. He had three teeth extracted and was back to himself the next day.

  4. Rusty has one of those black things right on his bottom eyelid. He also has one on his butt too. That one is harder to see. My vet told me that older dogs get these kinds of things, he's 13, but it's nothing to be concerned about.

  5. I hope Solo improves quickly. But, I have to ask, why did the vet want to wait 10 days to xray? this is only my opinion-please forgive me if you think I have jumped the gun, but the dog is 11, has been limping for 2 weeks, AND I wouldn't want to worry about the alternative diagnosis.


    Please understand, I experienced this same scenario recently. If it is the big C, it's very painful.


    I will be quiet now and hope everything is ok.



    That's a good question. I think we as greyhound owners will quickly jump to that thought. I know I did when Rusty broke his leg in January. He did mention cancer, but he didn't seem to think that's what it was. We were just in not even a month ago and he was fine. He didn't think anything was broken by the way he was manipulating his foot, leg and hip. He said that if it is a strain/sprain it should get better in 10 days and that it would't show up on the x-ray. I don't know, now you have me wondering.

  6. Rusty was like that too. He didn't eat a thing for about 24 hours. He took a long time to come "out of it". He also had 6 teeth pulled, so I'm sure he was in no mood to eat, and he had drool with blood in it until the next morning. It took him about three days to get back to normal.

  7. Solo's update - we are back from the vet. He thinks he sprained something. He said his knee is a bit swollen. So for now, he is on 10 days of Tramydol and Rimadel. If he is not better in 10 days, then he wants Solo to come in for x-rays to see if there is any cancer.

  8. He's been limping for almost two weeks now. When he does any sort of running or anything more than just a walk he will hold up his rear right leg. He won't put any weight on it. Plus his lack of interest in food is really concerning me. So he has an appointment for tomorrow at 9:00am.


    If you could, a few good thought s would be apperciated. I have to remember that he is 11 and even though he acts like a three year old, doesn't mean he is.


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