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Everything posted by CaliforniaGreys

  1. I am so very sorry. Cullen takes with him a piece of everyone's heart
  2. I don't really understand what "holistic" means in terms of treatment. I've always thought it meant all natural but I'm not sure. I hear people refer to acupuncture as a holistic practice.I've had acupuncture really help with my dogs but the vet who does the acupuncture is not a holistic vet. Would someone be willing to explain it? Thank you
  3. I don't really understand what "holistic" means. I thought it meant all natural.I have seen acupuncture help my dogs, but the vet wasn't consider a "holistic" vet. I use some homeopathic remedies but I know that's not holistic. Can someone explain holistic? In simple terms for me please
  4. That's easy. It would be Ivermectin. Not exactly, I am talking about a pill form of hw prevention- is what they are saying they will fill generically-Anyhow, I just don't agree with petmeds because-plain and simple-you don't know what you're getting and you could possibly be putting your animal at risk or not preventing what you want to prevent (as stated by freemandvm)-We have seen it first hand.... Thank you for posting this. It makes me think twice now about using the online pharmacy. Saving money is not worth putting my dogs at risk. I will ask my vet about price matching when I'm there tomorrow.
  5. Poor little girl, she looks sad.What about the Bite-Not collar vs the e-collar. It's so much easier for them to get around with those. Just a thought....hope she heals quickly
  6. I've been using petscriptions for years for all my dog's meds and they have been great and have saved me a bundle, especially on the anti-inflammatory and pain meds. I just had to order Baytril which for 14 pills, the vet charges 118.00 and at petscriptions it's 54.00.
  7. I am so sorry about this. Echo is now free of pain, and she takes a piece of everyone's heart with her
  8. Better safe than sorry. Good to hear there were no serious injuries. Hope Popcorn heals up quickly poor guy. He was just having fun...tell him to take it easy now and feel better. And thank you for posting
  9. Last time I did this I got bashed and quoted out of context..but guess that poster can bash away. Traumeel is a homeopathic remedy. It's an anti-inflammatory and also contains arnica. The vet who did the acupuncture on one of my dogs suggested I buy the gel form and massage it into the pain area.My boy was also on other meds for pain.I use it on all my dogs for muscle pulls, arthritis and things of that nature.Right now I'm using it on one of the dogs for neck strain. I have seen it help them. I know it also comes in pill form but I've no personal experience with that form but I know other people do.
  10. I too am a big fan of Traumeel, and it has arnica in it. But with the flipping around that Popcorn did, I would have him checked as well.Please post if you can with how he's doing. Thanks I'm glad you posted this because I've wondered about peroxide. I was always told that using it once was fine but not to continue with it because it killed the good bacteria.
  11. Will continue prayers for Shadow, and for you as well.
  12. Guilt...it's an emotion I wish didn't exisit.There is nothing that can be said to ease this pain. Everytime someone loses one, I swear it takes a piece of everyone's heart.You really loved Otis, that is obvious. And I hope that Otis sends you a sign that he's okay and will always be watching over you. He is pain free, and you gave him that. The last selfless act of love. My heart really goes out to you.
  13. He really is a handsome boy with a very gentle look about him. I'm happy to hear of his progress, all sounds good. Will continue with good thoughts and plenty of prayers.And thank you for posting updates, especially with what you're in the middle of.
  14. Lots of prayers here for you and Bodie for the best news possible. And thank you for updating
  15. CaliforniaGreys


    Saying I'm sorry doesn't even say enough right now. I wanted Otis to feel better so bad.Please know that you and Otis are tucked in my prayers. And thank you for loving and caring for him as much as you did. He is now pain free.
  16. Even tho' he did this. Afterall,play is mandatory! But maybe keepan eye on his recovery after play,the panting for example. Are his paws cool as opposed to warm? Not to say you should jump to conclusions and worries,just that since you're wondering,it can't hurt to give a check on those kinds of things. I'm just curious about what you said about his pads being cool or warm? What would that mean?
  17. Neither did I. It is a mild anti-inflammatory. This topic is however about relief of serious pain not mild inflammation. You mis-understood me.Metacam and Tramadol are the same drugs that my dog is on. My vet suggested the use of Traumeel gel ALONG with these drugs.Massaging with the Traumeel ALONG with these drugs helps my boy with pain. I always feel so bad when dogs are hurting, and if I experience something that has helped one of my dogs with pain, I want to share it.
  18. Biotene is a mouthwash for people and available at any drug store...Walgreens....CVS....I know there are others here on gt that use it. My vet has me pour a little on some gauze( after brushing) and rub it on the gums.I've been using it for at least 2 months now and keep seeing improvement
  19. Arnica contains a mild anti-inflammatory, OK for applying to bruises and scrapes, useless for serious pain. Of course if it is a true homeopathic preparation there won't be any useful quantities of arnica in it anyway. There is a world of difference between the pain relief offered by Tramadol - I'm on it myself - and anything arnica can do. Arnica is not an analgesic anyway. Please, if your dog is in pain don't mess around with it. I wouldn't say that arnica is "useless" but yes it can't compare with Tramadol. I was talking about Traumeel gel and using it along with Tramadol. I've used both on several clients and it helps
  20. I am no vet, and I respect what Cynthia said, but sounds like he's really hurting. More Tramadol will NOT hurt him but WILL help the pain. Poor guy needs to be comfortable...and so do you.I'm in the medical field and yes, I know it may be different with dogs, but Tramadol is a very safe drug. I know you said your vet was closed so I just talked to my vet just to be sure of my statement about Tramadol being a very safe drug.
  21. All of my dogs are seniors, and have been seniors. And most of them do that. Maybe he just has not had the opportunity to exercise like that. It's like us when we're out of shape and decide to exercise, we can get a little shaky. I would hope it's nothing more than that.
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