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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. Whew! I didn't think either of these lumps was anything to be concerned about, but it's still nice to know others feel the same. I took the girls for their pedicure today, and the groomer suggested putting a little antibiotic ointment on her face when the black crusty thing comes off. Maybe I'll try that this time. I keep telling Rascal, "you're getting old and lumpy!" . She (and Ruby, of course) will be 10 next month!
  2. Recently Rascal has developed a couple of odd lumpy things. One is very similar to something she had removed a year ago, and from what I recall it is in the same general area.... I did not have the prior "growth" biopsied, as money was rather tight right then, and I am not positive this one is in the same area...but it's in the neighborhood at any rate. Closer: It is about the size of a golf ball, and very squishy...not hard, and not attached to anything underneath. I personally think it's probably a lipoma. The other thing she has is a little lump/growth on her face: This is very strange...it gets to be a certain size, and then it comes off, and that spot bleeds a little bit....a couple of days later, the black lump starts to grow again, steadily gets larger, and comes off. It is to the point now where I think it will come off again very soon. Any ideas on what this could be??
  3. Oh, Paula....I hope you are both feeling better SOON!!!!
  4. Even with DAILY brushing, Ruby still needs a dental yearly. She has gum disease. Since her most recent dental, in March, I have increased the brushing to TWICE daily...in the morning with CET vanilla mint, and in the evening with Petzlife. I DO take up the water as recommended on the bottle of Petzlife: no food or water 1/2 hour before AND after brushing. I am hoping that with this twice-daily regimen, we can stretch out the dentals a little bit longer...but I'm not holding my breath.
  5. rascalsmom

    My Mariah

    I'm very sorry for your loss. My sympathies to you.
  6. Gil, here is Buddy's picture. We went to Dewey with Buddy six times, and he always enjoyed walking on the beach. Buddy (Ww Streamline) 1/30/97--3/9/09 (aka "The Best Boy in the World" )
  7. My girls started to go grey at a relatively young age, probably 3 or 4. Or maybe I just kissed all the stripes off their little faces....
  8. Gosh, I hope it's only a pesky ear problem...she is so adorable, Bev!
  9. I'm so sorry, Susan. Thanks for sharing Alan's story with us. So much of his passing reminds me of Buddy's, except we had the weekend to prepare....if you can ever be "prepared" for that. I'm sure Buddy met him at the Bridge and those two old fellows are playing and having a grand time! Lots of bunnies and squirrels to chase, hopefully...and loose dirt to dig holes....
  10. RICHandJUDE, no it's not on her elbow. It is above the elbow. I really think it's nothing. It CAN'T be anything. It HAS to be nothing. Nancy, will give the prescribed hug, along with a few kisses, too. Rascal loves you and Doug!
  11. Rascal has a largish lump. It is right behind her left front leg, toward the armpit area...sort of on the upper leg. It is squishy, and doesn't seem to be attached to the underlying tissue. Could this be a lymph node? Given that Buddy left us one month ago today, as a result of lymphoma, I am a bit paranoid...the lymph nodes in her neck seem to be OK, not swollen. I hope it's just a lipoma....
  12. I'm so sorry to hear about Clark. You are right, it DOES hurt so very much, even though you know it was the right thing....
  13. I'm so sorry to hear this. OF COURSE, it was NOT your fault. You had no control over what happened. I did get Buddy's cremains back. I have them in a beautiful box, along with cards we received after his death, his collar, his tag collar and tags, his harness (which still has some of his soft white hair on it), and the "tribute" I posted for him on our adoption group's website. Honestly, the cremains probably have the least emotional attachment for me. It's his harness, with his hair on it....things he actually wore....that mean the most to me. Buddy has been gone for three weeks and one day now, and every now and then I get the box down and look at his things. It does make me miss him more, but sometimes I just need to "reconnect" with him. His ashes are just his physical "remains"....he lives on inside me, in my memories of him.
  14. Wow, she is cute!! I admit, though, that I was expecting a LARGER puppy! (Shows how much I know about puppies!)
  15. He looks great!! So glad he's home, where he will be loved, spoiled, and doted upon!! He is SOOOO handsome....
  16. Come on, Canyon, get better!! Your mom needs you! I hope he'll do better once he sees you...and I KNOW he'll do better once he gets HOME!
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. Lincoln looked a lot like my late Persian, Lily. She, too, was a super-sweetie.
  18. Buddy got home last week....
  19. I just watched the video....what a wonderful tribute for Bullett. I hope he and Buddy are having a grand time!!
  20. rascalsmom

    Abita Romeo

    I'm so sorry. You did the right thing, he never could have beaten the monster that had ahold of him....so much of what you say is what I experienced with Buddy...he left with his head on my lap, too, it was the hardest thing EVER to tell him goodbye. Buddy, too, had cancer (lymphoma) and there is just no beating that. I comfort myself with knowing that we WILL meet again. And knowing that every day I had him was truly a gift.
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