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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. Here's a link to my recent post about corns. My link There are photos of Jack's pre-treated corns, and later in the topic there are photos of after the corns were removed. The first corn he had removed, however, look nothing like the ones in these photos...it looked like a little circle on his pad. Hope this helps.
  2. Karen, I am so very sorry to hear about Lily's passing. I know how special she was to you...everything you went through with her, and your awesome commitment to her. She was a very, very lucky dog to have landed with you. You're in my thoughts.
  3. Jack got his corn cream today. Really...it was addressed to him! Too cute. I just got done giving him his first "treatment", so we'll keep our fingers crossed that it helps to prevent those nasties from coming back!
  4. Yes, I did pay an "office visit" fee or whatever they call it. It was more than the cost of the hulling. She did listen to his heart, etc....but she didn't look at all four paws. That's why I called and asked about it today; after I found three MORE corns, it was making me angry that she hadn't looked at all of his paws. The other vet, the one we usually see, examined him pretty thoroughly today, looked at all FOUR paws, and hulled those three corns. And I wasn't charged anything at all.
  5. The first vet, who took out the first corn on Monday, never even looked at Jack's other paws. So she did NOT see these three corns.
  6. We do this, too, with Ruby. She takes Clindamycin for one week each month. Inside a chicken liver brownie, please!
  7. Oh yes, I will be using the cream just as soon as it gets here! It would've been way quicker for me to pick it up (we're 1/2 hour from Pittsburgh) but I really don't like driving in the city, especially to unfamiliar parts. I know the general area where the pharmacy is, but not the SPECIFIC area. So I'm having them mail it. And they say a picture is worth 1000 words...well then, here's 2000 words. Jack's paws post-hulling. This was the one that was REALLY big: I'm glad those nasty things are out!
  8. Jack is now minus THREE MORE corns. The vet said they were HUGE. And no charge at all!
  9. I asked our vet about the vaccine a few months ago, as Ruby has gingivitis, and Rascal has dental issues, too. She said there's really not enough data on the vaccine for her to recommend it, and it can have some side effects; so she didn't recommend it. Her suggestion was to use OxyFresh in their water (which I am doing now), to use a special cleaner on the teeth (DentaHex oral rinse); basically that the brushing will help more than anything else. She said that Ruby's problem is really plaque more than tarter...and the plaque is what causes gingivitis. Look for products containing Chlorhexadine, like the DentaHex.
  10. I have TWO Therapaw booties...and four other little Nike-looking footwear thingies. A DF of mine gave them to me...her greyhounds have left for the bridge, and her male had a lot of foot issues. So we are set!
  11. I'm taking Jack back in this afternoon, to see our USUAL vet. The technician told me, when I called, that they SHOULD have checked all four paws.
  12. rascalsmom

    My Iberia...

    I, too, remember that awful time. How I have always admired your strength; your forgiveness; your willingness to go forward....
  13. No, she didn't look at the other feet. Believe me, once I discovered the other THREE corns, I was a bit ticked about that. Still might call them about it. ETA: this wasn't the vet we usually see...it was another vet in the practice. I usually indicate that I want Dr. "X", but since I just wanted Jack looked at, because of the limp, I didn't specify...and it was Dr. "X"'s day off. So I saw the other vet.
  14. How old is your dog? One of the main reasons I didn't want Rascal to have the surgery is her age: she was 11 in May. I simply didn't want to put her through that at her age...of course if she'd have needed it when she was much younger, I probably would've done it. Not to mention, when the vet recommended it, Rascal was about to undergo surgery for cancer (hemangiopericytoma), and we didn't really know at that point what the outcome of THAT would be. Luckily, Rascal is doing well more than a year later. In both respects.
  15. Now I feel really bad...why didn't I notice these before?? Now that I really look, his paws look so obviously different than the other dogs'...it's all these corns! I admit I have the urge to work on these, but I'm waiting for our cream to come....poor Jack. I wonder if this had anything to do with why he retired...they said he'd 'hurt his leg', but that's all anyone at the farm knew. Maybe he was just limping due to these corns! But surely they'd know about corns if they are greyhound trainers??
  16. The surgery was recommended for Rascal. I wasn't keen on doing it, and asked if there wasn't something else we could try. We had already tried a medicated powder, we used wipes to keep the area clean, etc....finally they had us try Animax ointment. It made a WORLD of difference for Rascal, to the point where she no longer is obsessively licking herself! At her annual checkup, the vet was impressed with how good her "girly parts" looked. This doesn't answer your question at all, but just wanted to share what worked for us. Good luck with your girl!
  17. Ronan has had trouble with corns. I've soaked his paw and applied KeraSolv. You refer to a "special ointment." is there a different cream you use? See this thread. This is what I've ordered (not here just yet). Corn thread
  18. I'm so sorry. I lost my Buddy to lymphoma, too.
  19. I called the pharmacy yesterday, and I'm getting some of the cream. Our vet recommended it; said they've had a lot of luck with it. Fortunately these ones don't seem to bother Jack. Poor boy. Now I'm wondering if he'd be more active if he didn't have these. He's only four, but the girls have, I think, convinced him that's he is 11 like they are! ETA: these ones, the ones in the photos, seem a lot "looser" than the one he had hulled...almost as if they are working their way out. Is this what happens? I know so little about the whole corn process....these ones seem loose around the edges, whereas the one he had hulled was literally just a circular area on the pad. Should I try and work these loose ones out?
  20. Jack had a corn hulled yesterday. He had been limping, and I was *QUITE* relieved that it was only a corn and not something more evil.... Anyway, I started looking at his other feet yesterday, and found some things that look like they might also be corns. Please take a look at the photos, and tell me what you think. Jack's my first dog to ever have corns, so this is all new for me! If these are, indeed, more corns, is there anything I should do? He isn't limping on those feet (the pictures are of the front feet).... The vet didn't look at any of his other feet, just the one that was giving him trouble yesterday.
  21. I just ordered some today for Jack...he had a corn hulled out this morning, and the vet at Tender Touch recommended the cream.
  22. Did you all hear that sigh of relief??? Jack has a corn! Yes, that's it, a corn! The one tech said, "some people think those are really bad"....but compared to what MIGHT have been, a corn I can deal with! The vet hulled it out, and I'm going to call the drugstore in PGH about the special ointment.... WHAT A RELIEF!! My boy is OK!!
  23. One week later, he's still limping. I was really hoping it was from jumping out of the car when we brought him back home, but it's not getting better. I'm taking him in shortly to get looked at.... Please pray for Jack (and me). He just can't be *sick*....
  24. Ever since we got back from our trip, Jack's been limping a bit. My friend, who watched the dogs, said he was fine at her house. Now, he acts like he doesn't want to put full weight on his left rear leg....what could this be, besides the obvious, which it CAN'T be...it just CAN'T. When I feel his foot, toe by toe, he doesn't wince...nor when I palpate the leg. But he doesn't want to bear full weight. What is it like when they have a corn? His pads look OK, no bumps or anything. And how long till I take him to the vet? This is since Monday....it's not terrible, by any estimation, just not quite right. Maybe he just landed wrong when he jumped out of the car when coming home??
  25. I will never again plant zinnias in my back yard. My girls ate all the leaves off of them. All I had left was a stick with a flower on top. It looked pretty silly. I'm pretty safe with impatiens...they don't seem to like them.
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