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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. No, haven't tried that food...what is the advantage of it? So far, Jack willingly eats his kibble with the powder, and warm water. Of course, I think he'd eat pebbles if you mixed them in with his kibble! NOT a picky eater.
  2. Ruby takes it one week each month, for her gingivitis.
  3. I found out yesterday that Rascal and Ruby's momma-dog, Sweetie, left for the Bridge. She was 15 years old, and was loved very, very much by her adoptive mom, Barb. Godspeed, Sweetie, and I hope your kids got that longevity gene!!
  4. Hmmmm...Jack's dosage is 1/4 tsp. twice daily. The vet didn't say anything about this being a long-term thing. Is that common, that they are on it long term?
  5. Oh my gosh, when I read the title, I thought afghan as in afghan--i.e. crocheted blanket!
  6. I took Rascal for her annual checkup, and she got a great report. She regained the weight she'd lost after her surgery last May...she's back up to 57 pounds, which is good for her. Anyway I mentioned to the vet that Jack still has soft poo, despite being on the Low Residue food for several months now. It's not cow-poo soft, it's formed, but very soft...and when I walk him and he goes, it's softer yet, therefore hard to pick up. She suggested a round of tylan powder, to see if that helps. If your dog's been on it, has it helped with this? He is fine, he's happy and goofy, eats like a champ...but the clean up is not that great for me... and of course I'd like to eventually transition him to a NON prescription food.
  7. I just watched the video for the "Scare Crow"...that is really cool! Good luck with it!
  8. I bought Buddy's from here: http://www.pets-crematory.com/large-pet-cremation-urns-h228.html. I got the "Rust Painted Cremation Box", it's part way down the page. Will probably get the painted ones (yellow, blue or green, who knows) for the girls when the time comes. That link might not work...if it says, "Not found", just click on "Large Cremation boxes" on the left hand side. It will take you to them.
  9. Just found out that my in-laws had their 15 year old cat put down this morning. She had been losing weight, her coat looked really bad, drinking a ton of water, etc....just not feeling real great. She was originally SIL's cat, but when they moved to SC a few years ago, the cat apparently didn't get a relocation package; she was 'left' with my in-laws. I guess it worked out for the best, from the cat's point of view. She was never a sociable cat, and didn't like SIL's two hellions kids AT ALL. She did, however, love my MIL. My in-laws aren't in a position to put a lot of money into testing, to see what was wrong with Sasha--although MIL and I suspected perhaps diabetes, or maybe kidney failure--and they recently found out she'd been urinating outside the box....so they said goodbye to her today. Godspeed, Sasha. You were never a very friendly girl, but thankfully your last few years were very happy. Please keep MIL in your prayers, this was very difficult for her.
  10. And only on GT could you admit to that, and people understand.....
  11. rascalsmom


    RIP Fred...you were obviously loved a lot.
  12. Jack is another relative...also a Gable Dodge grandson. Popeye is beautiful, as are your kids and the rest of your furry crew. Welcome to GT, and we look forward to MORE pictures of your handsome Popeye!
  13. I have, indeed, seen the OLIVES. Both on Buddy and Jack. Fortunately, having read the topic on GT, I knew what that was!!
  14. I'm glad it's nothing. Even though we had Buddy for 8 years, I never noticed that on him....
  15. Jack's lying on the floor, and I was taking some pictures of him. I noticed there is a little drip of something on the end of his hoo-hoo...sort of a creamy color. What the heck could that be??
  16. It's not really 'new'. He's had accidents right along, not all the time. That's what led me to gate off the other area. I do think he might get a little anxious. He is really a mama's boy. Thanks for the advice about PetEdge...I'll check that out.
  17. No...I have not done that. I realize that they must be caught IN THE ACT for them to figure out why they are being told NO.
  18. We brought Jack home on November 29th, as a foster dog . Well, of course we signed the adoption papers on December 30th. At that time, he was doing pretty well out of the crate, so I gave the crate back to the adoption group. Since then, he will occasionally pee in the house; always when I am gone. I have gated off the living/dining room, even though the girls LOVE to go in there, especially for their morning nap (it gets morning sun). We also close DD's bedroom door, since he peed in there a few times. That leaves him the kitchen, family room, our room, and the sewing room. Yesterday we left around 4:30, AFTER the dogs had gone outside, and didn't get home till after 8:00. Jack had peed in our bedroom. I know it's him, because the girls never pee in the house, and a few of his accidents were blatantly boy-dog pee, meaning you could see the splashing, or it was right up against something. We've been thinking about getting a crate to eliminate this. It doesn't happen EVERY time we leave, just on occasion. I have become more diligent about letting them--and especially Jack--out right before I leave. Jack never minded the crate when we had it here, even would sleep in there throughout the day when I was here, with the door open. I just hate to spend the $100+ to get one, and then we've got this huge crate in the room....if we don't really need it. Any suggestions? Crate or no? Other ideas for eliminating this behavior?
  19. When Buddy was sick, he also became suspicious of everything. He was on a lot of meds, too. What we ended up doing was putting as many of the pills as possible in a ball of Velveeta, and then forced it down. We could get quite a few pills in at once using this method, and we were SURE he got them. Ruby takes pulse antibiotics for her gum disease--one week each month she has to have two pills daily. I've found that for her, chicken liver brownies work like a charm. (I have the recipe if you want it.) I warm the brownie in the microwave for a few seconds, put the pill into a chunk of brownie and then mold it into a little 'meatball'. Down the hatch! All of the dogs absolutely ADORE chicken liver brownies. ETA: they also LOVE fig newtons!
  20. Kari, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose the cat who was your first pet. I felt the same way when I lost my Charlie-cat. That cat was with me through thick and thick. (No, that's not a typo!)
  21. Ah yes, I do this. I'll keep walking and when he reaches the end of the leash he gets pulled. Trouble is, he'll often decide he wants to sniff more than come with me and pull as hard as he can to stay in his spot. I'm not consistent with it though. I need to take control again! He's gotten bad. That's what Rascal does. A friend once told me that when you pull them off of a scent, it's like someone ripping a newspaper out of your hands before you're done reading. My response: "I guess Rascal needs remedial reading then."
  22. I know Cesar Milan is controversial, but I've found that when I enforce some of his techniques, things are easier. Make the dogs walk BESIDE me, not in front; keep MY pace, not theirs (not stopping every 2 feet). Don't let them stop every time they want--when I'm doing this (which, admittedly, isn't all the time) I allow them to stop once per block. I'm not totally unreasonable! I know it's THEIR walk, too. Then we got Jack. He was initially REALLY clueless about walks, but has since calmed down. He really wants to walk ahead of me, and if I try and get him to walk beside me he keeps moving in front of me, almost tripping me. So I let him go in front. Ruby walks well, Rascal is the one who makes me She is FOREVER stopping to check her pee mail, and even when I say "Let's go" she resists...can't imagine that feels good to be pulled (gently; I don't jerk her)...and she marks every other blade of grass. It's so much easier with two people!! Anyway, I suggest basic Cesar leash training, like I mentioned above.
  23. I'm so sorry, Jey. Your beautiful Zema always reminded me so much of my Ruby.
  24. I'm sorry, Pat. Just know that he had a wonderful, love-filled life with you.
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