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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. For a great conversation on hookworms, I would refer you to the thread - http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/322685-hookworm/


    These little buggers seem to have become super villains who are resistant to the usual anti-parasitic protocols.


    Another must-read is the Prison Greyhounds Program protocol - http://prisongreyhounds.org/Hookworm%207-2018.pdf


    My dog, Lola, and I have been battling hookworms since she came home in August of last year. Panacur and Trifexis were not getting the job done so, with her vet's approval, she's been put on the Prison Greyhound's hookworm protocol. We're almost 3 months in and will follow the protocol for 6 months until February. :goodluck


    The gurgling sounds might be from gastritis which can be caused by the worms. Some dogs will experience diarrhea from the meds.


    If I understand correctly, it sounds like you're changing her food quite often, At least for now, I might stick to a single type of food with limited ingredients until the hookworm situation is under control. Frequent changes in diet can also cause digestive distress. Probiotics are, in my opinion, an excellent addition to your dog's diet.


    Coco has only been home for 6 weeks which is a very short time in the grand scheme of things. Baby steps, patience and lot's of praise and treats are what is required at this time. As I mentioned earlier, I've had Lola for a year and we're both still learning and changing. Enjoy your girl and :welcome2

  2. :welcome2 to GreyTalk and the cult of the Hound!


    My initial thought after reading your post is that he may have gastritis or other discomfort from the hookworms which may be causing the panting and pacing. Next thought is he needs more exercise. He's a young dog that needs to drain some of that energy. The "acting up" is happening precisely because he's got energy to spare, is feeling more confident at home and is exploring his world. Much like a human toddler, one way a dog explores his surroundings is by putting things in his mouth. Keep things that are inappropriate out of reach. Dog proof your home. Use baby gates. Use a crate if he's comfortable in it. Use Bitter Apple spray. Provide chews and chew toys. Caveat: Never leave a dog unsupervised with a chew. They can choke. Schedule an appointment with your vet to rule out health issues. When he jumps on you, turn around, cross your arms across your chest and ignore him or walk away until he settles down. I call this '4 on the floor' - all four feet on the floor - then praise and treat. Ask visitors to do the same if they're willing. Keep night lights on throughout the house. Is the house cold at night? Maybe he's cold and will feel better with a blanket or doggie jammies. I'm out of ideas for now. :) I promise it will get better. A month is a very short time for your dog to really settle in, learn the house rules and become his true self.

  3. Dogs do not eliminate inappropriately out of revenge or any other negative feelings. Read this great article - https://positively.com/contributors/why-is-my-dog-peeing-on-my-pillow-or-revenge-of-the-turds/


    My first thought is a visit to the vet to make sure that there's nothing physical going on like a UTI or intestinal parasites. Next, I would go back to Housebreaking 101; begin the potty training process all over again as if Maverick were a puppy. Belly band is a good idea. If he's marking it should be just a little bit of urine, not a puddle. Can you feed Maverick in the same area where the other dogs are fed (either before or after the others have eaten) rather than shut in the office or out on the patio?


    Keep in mind that most dogs need to poo about 1/2 hour after a meal.

  4. Latest link for the prison program. The link changes as they update it. This was updated last month--July 2018. http://prisongreyhounds.org/Hookworm%207-2018.pdf


    If the link doesn't work, search ohio state prison greyhound hookworm.


    I'm going back to this regimen, but with panacur. I have a lot of trouble getting Drontal into my boy. The part at the end does mention using either Drontal or Panacur, though they recommend Drontal. I originally used both and it didn't help, but only did 3 or so treatments, which is what the prison program recommended at the time. Now they're saying do it for 5-6 months.

    I’ve been able to get Drontal into Lola by crushing the tabs and mixing the powder into 1/2 lb of raw hamburger and grated Parmesan cheese.

  5. Did it work? I have completely lost track of who's hook free and who isn't. I started with the prison protocol, but it didn't work. Maybe it would work now that we should have "steady state" in the larval leak problem.


    Crap. I just started the prison protocol and plan to keep Lola on it for six months; Drontal (136mg), 1.5 tabs and an application of Advantage Multi on the same day every two weeks for 6 months.


    How long did you keep your dog on the protocol?

  6. Has anyone had any luck getting rid of the hooks with just Advantage Multi? This is what my vet recommended after consulting with a parasitologist. I was told it could take 6-12 months and it's been 5 months and seemingly no progress. I'm wondering if I should just be patient and continue on with the Advantage Multi, or if I should go with a round (or 2) of panacur or drontal now that steady state should be built up to deal with larval leak.


    My vet suggested the same, however, after continuing to get positive fecals I pretty much insisted on using the more aggressive prison program protocol. Thankfully, the vet agreed.

  7. Percy's test came back moderate again. Last time it was low. I thought we were heading in the right direction. I know one test isn't an accurate picture, but things did seem to be getting better with his poop. It's gotten worse again, which is why I tested again. Just a totally random thought, but there's so much research going on with the microbiome in humans--gut bacteria. I wonder about in dogs. Percy seemed better and then I started training class, so he was getting more high value people food treats, but just boiled chicken, plus my husband started giving him some people food after dinner at night. I've cut that off again. I was giving marshmallows for recall training. The hooks live in the gut right? I'm going to cut off people food again and just stick to kibble and a few small treats (because my husband can't be stopped, lol.) I wonder if there's any research on diet and worms.


    I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but I don't think there's a connection between what the dog is fed and hookworm infestation (unless the dog is eating his own infected feces or that of other infected animals). Hookworms feed on the blood of the host.

  8. Hi, my guy was diagnosed with hookworms. Vet ordered interceptor 3 doses 2 weeks apart and okd me ordering in advantage multi. Hes also on flagyl for a week. Anyone have experience with using interceptor? We dont have heart worm where I live so its not a preventative Im used to. Also what is the best way to treat the yard? Ugh hope this doesnt turn into an ongoing battle. I think he caught it from some new adoptees from Florida.


    Check this out:




  9. Pretty sure you only need one dose for most dogs. That was always the selling point of Drontal Plus.


    Here is the FAQ for the medication., it looks like the dose now depends on which version of the pill/tablet you are using https://www.petbasics.com/dog-products/drontal-plus/product-detail/


    1.5 is what i used. i remember since i have 1/2 pill sitting around....


    This is my understanding from reading the insert. I found the instructions rather vague. 1 1/2 tabs once a month? Only when test is hookworm positive? Can they be crushed?


    I want to be able to intelligently speak to the vet tomorrow. Lola has been plagued by hooks for a year. Vet ok'd use of Advantage Multi on 08/14 (replacing Trifexis) but, since fecal was negative, did not want to use Drontal at that time, I knew it was a false negative from just observing my dog but did not debate with the vet. Wish I had. I'm going to insist on a very aggressive approach using Advantage Multi and Drontal for several consecutive months before doing another fecal.


    BTW - 5 pills came in the bottle.

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