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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. Thanks for sharing this information!



    I just checked Sweep's food, which is the basic Fromm adult kibble, and it looks safe if you're looking to switch (and she has done well on it for years now). Many of their higher-end recipes do have the concerning ingredients, like chickpeas and lentils, but the classic line does not.


    Thanks, ramonaghan. I forgot about Fromm's. It has always been a fine product.

  2. I bought a package of deer antlers for our two hounds. They chewed them for about a minute. No interest after that. Given the expense of the darned antlers and not willing to give up, I soaked the antlers for a day in fresh chicken broth obtained from cooking a pan of boneless breasts. Then I heated the oven to 200, put the antlers in and turned it off, allowing the antlers to dry thoroughly overnight. Major difference. At first, the dogs were obsessed with the antlers...had to take them away after a half an hour or so. Now, they chew them intermittently but not obsessively. Just a thought.

    The extra effort is well worth it if she’ll chew the antler even if it’s for a few days. Healthy chews are so important for her dental health.

  3. It would appear that the Prison Program protocol has worked! Lola has had 2, consecutive negative fecals. The vet asked me to bring her "a huge chunk of poop" for this last test to make sure that it was not a false negative. I brought her two vials of poop from two different 'deposits'. We return next month for vaccinations. I'll be bringing another couple of vials -full for testing. Only took 18 months to eradicate the devil worms! Sheesh!

  4. I hadn't thought of bone broth. Did you make it or buy your own ? Curious because the bought ones have a lot of sodium. Thank you for the idea. I will give it a try.

    Home made in the crock pot. There are recipes online. I used whatever meaty bones I could find at the grocery store: chicken feet, turkey necks, beef neck bones, etc. and added 1/2 cup organic apple cider vinegar to each pot full. It helps leach out the nutrients in the bones. I also added a few cloves of garlic, smashed. I would cook it on low for 24 hours. Good for humans, too!

  5. thank you.....she is doing really well. I have no idea what the change is, maybe the senior remedy from Amazon is helping ? Maybe Gabriels visit helped ? I don't know, but she is sleeping all night, and we even got rid of her crate. Praying for another year at least with our girl.


    Thank God! A reprieve! I hope your girl continues to feel well. BTW - have you tried feeding her bone broth? When Wendy was getting towards the end of her life, bone broth was a blessing as it got her eating again. Gentle hugs and belly rubs.

  6. And what was the response?

    Lola was having skin allergy issues. We were trying to determine if it might be food related so I contacted Proden and asked if the product was known to cause itching and/or hives. The response was very comprehensive explaining that, while anything was possible, the components of PlaqueOff do not typically cause allergic reactions. The reason why was explained in depth in their response.

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