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Posts posted by LaFlaca


    Oh that's good to know! I hadn't heard of the veterinary diets before. Perhaps I will look into that/ask the vet.


    Yes he is! Got that checked recently.


    Several brands make specialized, veterinary diets. Royal Canin is the best in my and my vet's opinion. Go to Chewy.com and check out the different prescription diets so that you can have an informed conversation with your vet.

  2. Karen, check out the Etsy shop Poemstones. I had a lovely stone made for Wendy. Her ashes are buried in the yard under a lovely little tree. Also on Etsy, see West Wind Home Garden. There is a beautiful cast concrete statue of a recumbent Greyhound (there's only 1 left!).

  3. Just want to thank PaddysDad for the butter-coated Drontal with a butter chaser idea. That worked! Percy's had two doses of Drontal now (two weeks apart) followed by Advantage Multi. Fingers crossed. Will have him tested in a couple more months. I have 4 more doses, so two more months and then we'll see.


    May the New Year bring us all worm-free, healthy hounds!


    Lola tested negative a couple of weeks ago after 4 months on the Prison Protocol. I had intended to go the full 6 months but she had a very bad reaction to the Advantage Multi. We test again in February. :goodluck

  4. We had a dog with chronic anal gland issues who would fuss until they were manually expressed. Soft stool can contribute to this, since firm stool will express the glands and keep them from filling up and becoming infected (smelly goo). She may just need her glands emptied, then with no worms and firm stool, things should run smoothly.

    Hope it is a true negative for you.

    Hi, PaddysDad! We're neighbors, it seems...both in Florida. :wave


    I'm hoping it turns out that she's just super-sensitive to having goop in her glands. This time, there was only a small amount of stuff in the right one. She's not had a tushy-licking fit since the vet emptied her out yesterday. :goodluck:goodluck:goodluck


    I'm considering adding physillium husk to her meals to firm up her stool and, if necessary, express her anal glands myself on a more frequent basis. We'll see. The next couple of fecals will tell the tale.


    Happy holidays to all you Devil Worm warriors out there!



  5. Well, the good news is that we've had a second, negative Devil Worm fecal in as many months. <_< What makes me suspect false negatives, besides my own paranoia acquired after 16 months of fighting the War of the Worm, is that Lola has been trying to tear her anus off; usually a sure sign that Satan's Little Helpers are still in residence in my poor girl's gut. Her right anal gland produced a bit of goo. Let's hope that was what was making her tushy tingle.


    The vet gave me a rather large vial and asked me to bring her a "big piece of poop" to retest. Ew. Oddly, there was an insect leg visible on one of the slides under the microscope. It was fuzzy, the leg. :dunno Lola has been known to eat bees. Tastes like honey-chicken. ;)

  6. My greyhound has been treated for hooks several times. My vet just called to say he is positive for hooks again, but the test only showed a few larvae. He currently does not have diarrhea (he was having soft stools but a food change fixed that). The vet basically said since my dog isnt experiencing symptoms currently and he gets Interceptor monthly, we shouldnt be concerned. Basically he will always test positive for hooks (this test was about 2 weeks after his monthly Interceptor dose and a three day corse of Panacur) and we dont need to treat or worry about it. Has anyone else had similar advice for their vet? Its just not sitting right with me.

    I've heard this theory from several people, one who had been told this by her vet. It does not make sense to me.

  7. We adopted from Florida and were of course, hookworm positive 5+. She was treated 6 days with Panacur, wait 3 weeks from the last dose and treat 6 more days. Fecal test 2 weeks later was hookworm negative. Just wondering how long I should wait to request another fecal test. The vet did not say she needed a retest.

    I would suggest a month after the last dose. If negative, at least 3 additional consecutive tests at monthly intervals to confirm negative for hooks.

  8. We are fighting a heavy dose of hookworms that he came with. It has been suggested that we add Advantage Multi instead of our usual Heartguard Plus. My concern is that he is wearing a seresto flea and tick collar and the Advantage Multi is for fleas as well as the worms. Is this going to be double dosing flea meds for him and cause a problem?

    You would have to eliminate the Seresto collar while your dog is on Advantage Multi. I took Lola off Trifexis while she was on the Prison protocol so as not to overdose her.

  9. Sounds like the QuestPlus (has ingredients from both Advantage and Drontal) might work out better for Lola if you have to keep treating. Our kennel mixed it up with wet food for the pups. But, with any luck she won't need it!!

    Sounds like the QuestPlus (has ingredients from both Advantage and Drontal) might work out better for Lola if you have to keep treating. Our kennel mixed it up with wet food for the pups. But, with any luck she won't need it!!

    Thank you for this information. Fingers crossed we won’t need it.

  10. Drontal must taste vile. Lola would not even eat raw hamburger with Drontal crushed in it. I had better luck cutting it into 4 pieces and wrapping the pieces in cheese. Unfortunately, she can no longer tolerate the Advantage Multi. Last time I applied it she acted like I had set her on fire. I had to take her outside and hose her down. This after about four months of the Prison Protocol. Her last fecal was negative but after over a year of this battle, I don't trust one negative. We'll retest in one month.

  11. Lola has been having issues with hives, red, itchy skin and anus. She's been on Royal Canin Hydrolized kibble and canned for two months and is taking Apoquel. Her itching has improved and she's not had an outbreak of hives since starting the Apoquel. She's not 100% better, though. We've got another two month's trial on the diet and Apoquel. Next step is a dermatologist. And, yes, Royal Canin is the best hydrolized diet but is exorbitantly expensive. What a mission!

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