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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. I’m going through similar skin issues with Lola. Her skin is normally very pale but has been turning bright pink and occasionally has hives. She’s been on an antihistamine, prednisone and, for the past two months, a special diet. She’s still itchy and has hives. We’ve been fighting hooks for over a year and I’m wondering if there’s any correlation. We’ve got an appointment at the vet on Wednesday.

  2. The last time I applied Advantage Multi on Lola she acted as if I had set her on fire. It was awful! I had to hose her down. I’m fairly sure she still has hooks as she is licking her anus ferociously. At this point, I’m at a loss at how to proceed. Off to the vet once again. <sigh>

  3. Alone training for a dog with separation anxiety can take weeks, sometimes months, and must be done several times a day, every day. Do not continue to crate her; she's going to hurt herself. Read Patricia McConnell's booklet on alone training, I'll Be Home Soon - https://www.patriciamcconnell.com/store/I-ll-Be-Home-Soon.html.


    There's no shame in returning your Grey if she's not the right fit. Good luck!

  4. Since there's no evidence of a UTI, I would suggest starting potty training all over again. When she pee'd on front of you and you reprimanded her, did you immediately redirect her to where she should have pottied? Now she knows not to pee in front of you because it gets her a scolding but she doesn't understand that she's not supposed to pee in the house. Take her out many times a day. Praise and treat effusively when she does her business in an appropriate place. She'll soon connect the dots and potty only outside.


    Purchase and read Dr. Patricia McConnell's booklet on housebreaking - https://www.patriciamcconnell.com/store/Way-To-Go.html

  5. Are you on the old prison protocol for the hookworms where you give both on the same day -- might mention that to the vet.


    Yes. I had the same thought. The vet suggested and approved the protocol.


    Quote name="XTRAWLD" post="6090235" timestamp="1539908122"]


    Any swelling? (Near facial area?) I've seen this happen personally to a dog that came in contact with poison oak.

    She did have hives on her face this morning, but we’ve not got anything like that in the yard.


    Vet prescribed prednisone. Said to continue with HP diet for 2 months. I’ve washed everything she lies on in a hypoallergenic detergent. I’m hoping it’s the detergent. That would be an easy fix compared to food or environmental allergies. This last episode, which has been by far the worst, happened after she got up on our freshly laundered bed which I had just washed with Tide.

  6. Lola is covered in large (the size of a quarter) reddish-pink hives. This started a few days ago as flat, pink areas on her belly, neck and inner thighs. Now they're all over, raised bumps. She's seems mildly uncomfortable, licking and occasionally scratching. I'm on my way to the vet for the third time now. She's taken Temaril P orally, injections of cortisone and antihistamine and yesterday a CADI (Canine Atopic Dermatitis Injection) shot. Vet put her on a prescription diet (Ultamino) which she refuses to eat.


    Can any other illnesses/diseases/conditions besides allergies present with hives? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm very worried.

  7. So far I've only used chicken breast or boiled 80/20 ground beef. Use rice cooker for brown rice, mashed carrots or cauliflower or peas, pumpkin or unsweetened applesauce. Will have discussion with vet on Thursday when Hero goes for his dental. Will update after.


    I'm very interested to hear what the vet has to say. Lola is having what we think might be food allergies. The vet put her on a prescription kibble. It costs a fortune, which is not, thankfully, a problem, but the ingredients scare the pee-doodles out of me! There's not one thing on the label that is not chemical. And, she doesn't much care for it.


    I'd certainly be willing and able to cook for her if it would benefit her.

  8. Thank you for the info, I wasn't aware of the revision. The copy I saw said that it was revised July 2018 see this link http://prisongreyhounds.org/Hookworm%207-2018.pdf. LaFlaca I tried your link but it requires log in information. Thank you both! Luckily she has not been sick since the third time, I don't think I'll feed her much this evening.


    This is the same pdf I have that says to give both on the same day.


    Try this link for info on Drontal: https://www.bayerdvm.com/products/drontal-plus-tablets/

  9. As far as I know -- you are not supposed to give them together. The protocol has been revised to clarify that.

    Uh, oh. I give both at the same time. Do you have the link to the revised protocol?


    I just started my pup on the prison protocol today as I know many others have done with success. I gave her Drontal Plus with breakfast this morning (about 6:30) and about 3 hours later gave her the Advantage Multi. I then ran out to to store for about an hour - we have a camera on the living room where she stays and I noticed she would not settle down like she usually does after we leave, she was pacing from the front window to the back door. I came straight home and took her out thinking she had to "go" maybe but all she did was urinate a little. Then she wanted to play and proceeded to jump around for a few moments (on leash) and we went inside. Shortly there after she threw up on her bed, then she threw up on her bed again, then she threw up on the rug. All in about 30-45 minutes and all reasonable amounts. In the 2 months I've had her, she have never thrown up. Does anyone have any ideas if it was the Drontal or the Advantage Multi? Because I gave them both roughly at the same time as directed, I don't know which one caused it. Has anyone else had this issue while doing this regime? If the Drontal was in her for about 5 hours was that long enough to do any good? Any help will be appreciated!


    We're on month 3 of the prison protocol and, so far, no adverse effects. I was not aware of the revision.


    Check this out: https://bayer.cvpservice.com/product/basic/view/1040024

  10. Lola has had two episodes of hives and itching. Vet gave her antihistamine and cortisone shots and sent her home with Temaril P. Once the meds were discontinued, the hives returned. Vet then prescribed Royal Canin Ultamino kibble. I am to feed this exclusively for 2 months to determine if the hives/itching are caused by food allergies.


    Does anyone feed this kibble to their dogs? Has it solved the food allergy problem?

  11. About a week ago, Lola presented with pinkish, itchy blotches from stem to stern. The vet gave her a shot of antihistamine and cortisone, sent us home with Temaril P and said that if after discontinuing the medication the condition returned we'd we discussing food allergies.


    This morning, Lola is once again pink, blotchy and itchy. Left voicemail for vet to discuss food allergies.


    Please talk to me about your itchy, blotchy, allergy pups so I have an idea what to expect.

  12. My first thought is that she has a urinary tract infection. A trip to the vet may be in order.


    The reason she pees on the bed and the sofa is that dogs look for absorbent surfaces to pee on. Use a product like Nature's Miracle to remove the urine odor from these surfaces. Continue restricting access to the bedroom. If you cannot restrict access to the sofa, cover the seat with a non-absorbent material like aluminum foil until things are under control.


    Start potty training again as if she were a puppy. Take her out multiple times a day and praise and treat highly when she does her business.

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