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Everything posted by racindog

  1. I adopted Cash when she was 6 with a broken and very twisted knarly hock. I was concerned about it rebreaking since it was bent and she still run but the vet said he "would be very surprised" if it broke again. It has never been a problem for her-she is 9 now. Sometimes it hurts her and is painful but I give her some arnica or maybe a tramadol and she is usually over it in one dose. My holistic vet said it just depends on the dog. Cash doesn't have any real problems with it but some dogs do. Cash does have a serious issue with vertebra in her neck that are smashed together and this didn't manifest itself until she was nine and is being managed with accupuncture, anti-inflammatorys and Tramadol. Of course she also gets Fresh Factors as the chrondroiten/glucosomanine I have found to be a wonderful help particularly for older dogs. I wouldn't be concerned about a broken hock myself as I don't think it impacts many of them that much. Based on what I learned with Cash though I would be extra vigilant for any other injuries that may be associated with the hock injury and the rough life these poor guys had to endure before being rescued.
  2. I use the 'Bugs Off garlic' supplement from springtimeinc.com In fact I work outside a lot and I take the people version and it works for me too. And on top of that garlic is really good for people and dogs/horses.
  3. The strong love you all share will see you through. Know that she will ALWAYS be a part of you. "For love is as strong as death,....Many waters cannot quench love, nor can the floods drown it" Song of Solomon 8:6-7 I am so sorry.
  4. My 12 year old recently had a front tooth broke in half that required general anesthesia to extract so they cleaned them while she was under. Had it not been for the broken tooth I don't know if I would have been brave enough to risk putting her through it for just a teeth cleaning. Amazingly though she was not at all phased by it it. She was OK when I picked her up, ate normally and really just sailed right through it without incident. Yet I still don't know if I would be brave enough to do it unless I had to because of a broken tooth or something. I am struggling right now trying to decide if I should take the risk with a 9 year old female with greyhound bleeding syndrome that really could use a teeth cleaning. They did push the fluids to the 12 year old and I think that helped a lot. Anyway I am afraid my 9 yr old might bleed out when they poke holes in her for the iv's etc. She nearly died even with a transfusion when spayed because it was undiagnosed at the time. A board certified vet told me that any little wound could cause her to bleed out and I keep military quick-clot at the house in case of emergency. I'm going to discus it with her holistic vet and get her opinion. So its a tough call.
  5. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. “What we have enjoyed we can never lose…All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”-Helen Keller
  6. To me the fact that she ran through at a full run and right into you means that she wanted to show you that she IS running free and happy and will always be with you. I think she was showing you that athough her body sustained a broken neck- the real her-the spirit- that you loved did not. Only the body died-she is still alive and happy inside you. That's what I got out of it-hope it helps.
  7. racindog


    My deepest sympathy for the crossing over of your most precious little lady Tootsie. You know that you can never truly lose her as you loved her so much she has deeply become a part of you. Look for her presence as you continue your earth journey. She will decide how it is best to continue your relationship. Tootsie- I'll bet your Mom would cherish a little sign right now! Love to all from racindog.
  8. My deepest sympathy. What a privalege to have shared your life with such a special lady. Run free sweet Aria.
  9. My deepest sympathy on the crossing of your dear angel. Long live King Geordie- forever in our hearts!
  10. God bless you for taking him into your arms and loving him so selflessly(and I know He will). It has been said many times that we occassionally "entertain angels" unaware. Brave, wise Warrior sounds like an angel to me. I'm sure he'll always be watching over you and still make you smile as you remember and celebrate his oh so special life. Thanks for the lessons you taught us all brave Warrior- run free and happy!
  11. A lovely lady. My deepest sympathy.
  12. Thanks so much for understanding! -racindog
  13. My deepest sympathy. “What we have enjoyed we can never lose…All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”-Helen Keller Run free sweet Payne.
  14. racindog


    Strutter you have a forever home in our hearts-forever. Run free sweet baby.
  15. racindog

    I Am So Sad

    You are in my prayers. You can tell from his eyes he was quite a special boy. You did the right thing by letting him cross over and not prolonging his suffering by needless surgery as the outcome would have been the same. I've been there and that is what I learned-that it is just like it says in the Bible "In whose hand is the life of every living thing."Job 12:10 When its their time its their time and absolutely nothing will change that. I grieve for your loss. I understand how sharp the pain is when it is so sudden and you had no time to try to prepare to cope. I have heeard it said and I know its true that you never know how long you're going to have a greyhound. I am certain that he is in fact now running and smiling because he can once again joyously race ahead of the pack like his spirit loves and was meant to do. I hope after the pain and fog of this terrible loss dissipates a little you will realize that too and take comfort in it.
  16. You made a good point-the symptoms may not sound like bloat symptoms. I lost my beloved soulmate Slim to bloat/gastric torsion 2 years ago. He had no typical bloat symptoms. He wobbled a little twice appearing weak in the hind end-that was pretty much the only initial symptom. Since I have extreme mother hen syndrome, when I noticed something was wrong I immediately wisked him to the vet because I didn't want to take any chances. He got there in plenty of time according to the surgeon-all tissue was in wonderful condition except that everything was twisted up including his spleen. He was such a fighter. He coded once and they brought him back; coded again and was coming back again till that weak greyhound body took him with DIC. But everyone should take note the symptoms even for bloat/torsion that results in death can be very minor-at least Slim's was. I originally thought he was just having a heat episode as the only symptom was weakness in the hind end. You are so right- don't take chances-get them to the vet- better safe than sorry. And even then it might not be survivable.
  17. A beautiful and moving tribute. Skye, I know you will send your Mom a special sign! Thank you for sharing Skye's love with us.
  18. My emotions want me to say that today was the day that changed my life forever. But my spirit knows I have to amend that and say it was the day in October that we first laid eyes on each other. I know Slim strongly (he did everything that way) wants me to remember the day he came to me as THE day that changed my life- not the day he crossed over. And he has taught me that he is in fact right-because I still have the joy of his presence in my life. The important thing to me is not his crossing over but rather that he lived and was here and we united as soulmates forever. Thank you all so much for your kind replies and understanding. It means more than you realize.
  19. A lovely tribute to a most lovely -and special-lady. Thank you for sharing her love.
  20. You were rescued at 10 months old weighing a starved 47# from a pen in TN where you even had to fight a Rottweiller for any morsel to try to stay alive. You became my Moma's Boy-fiercely protective of me- a sentry dog in a greyhound suit. Once you fended off a St. Bernard that weighed twice what you did when it came after me. Another time you thwarted a burglary attempt-violently. Nothing you liked better than a fight. You are even now my fearless protector- my soulmate from the spirit world. Sometimes the heart and spirit know what the mind can’t understand. God permitted me a glimpse into the spirit world and you still live, are now and always my soul mate, and one day you will help me to the other side. “For love is as strong as death…. Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it.” Song of Solomon 8:6-7
  21. No experience but I wouldn't hesitate. Let me share this poem: I cannot see you Mommy, when you cuddle me so near. And yet I know you love me, it's in the words I hear. I cannot see you Daddy, when you hold me by your side But still I know you love me when you tell me so with pride. I cannot see to run and play out in the sun so bright For here inside my tiny head it's always dark as night. I cannot see the treats you give when I am extra good But I can wag my tail in Thanks just like a good dog should. "She cannot see. The dogs no good" is what some folks might say "She can't be trained, she'll never learn She must be put away." But not you, Mom and Daddy You know that it's alright Because I love you just as much as any dog with sight. You took me in, you gave me love and we will never part Because I'm blind with just my eyes, I see you in my heart. Sherrill Wardrip
  22. “What we have enjoyed we can never lose…All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” -Helen Keller
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