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Everything posted by racindog

  1. What a good looking, sweet, and obviously special boy! A stirring and beautiful tribute.
  2. Somebody makes a "cradle" type thing that goes on their neck similar to that sometimes used on horses. I believe I found out about it form CG magazine-don't remember which issue. Maybe some other GT'ers can advise. I know almost everybody talks about using the muzzle but I had one grey who would do more tissue damage trying to get at the place with it on then he would do if it was off so sometimes that dosn't work. Sorry I don't remember the contact info on the collar.
  3. racindog

    Daphne Is Gone

    A beautiful and moving tribute. And soooo much love between you two. How brave to be able to honor her as you did. My deepest sympathies- I weep with you and I also rejoice at her beautiful spirit which will always be with you.
  4. My most heartfelt sympathy. Run fast and free sweet ECSTASY...
  5. What a beautiful tribute to a very special houndie your letter is. Thanks for sharing the gift of Bubba's love!
  6. Vet told me that when they are turned like that it is because the ligaments/tendons have been torn. Most of the ones I've seen are not turned quite that much though.
  7. The horrible disease DID NOT take Bubba's soul. For one thing I can assure you through painful experience that he left a little piece of it right next to yours. Be quiet, be open minded, listen...and you will recognize it. Never forget “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” “What we have enjoyed we can never lose…All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”-Helen Keller My heart just aches for you. I know. I learned when my soulmate Slim crossed over very suddenly(in hours) at 6 years old from DIC resulting from emergency bloat/GDV surgery, I learned after intense prayer and Bible study that he didn't die, only his body did. I was so completely devastated- had I not found this out I don't know what would have ultimately happened. But I found it to be true. He is with me still and even sends me special "signs" sometimes to reassure me. Whats more he is healthy and happy now as well-in fact I have come to realize he may be even happier than when he was on earth with me. I realize this might be a reach for some to believe but it is my experience, strength, and hope and I just hope it possibly brings you maybe a little comfort. You came to the right place posting here. We understand. We care. My deepest sympathy! Say not in grief, "he is no more," but live in thankfulness that he was. ~ Hebrew proverb
  8. 2 things in paarticular helped one of my seniors. One was using accupressure to stimulate certain points that affect appetite. It only takes less than 5 minutes and even doing it once a day seemed to help. The other was expensive very high quality rose oil. (I used rose Moroccan oil). I would put a few drops on a "dogdana" around her neck so she breathed in the smell. A lttle goes a long way so that is good. I found the info on the accupressure points from a holistic health book. If you email me with an address I'll copy it and send it to you if you can't find the info and want to try it. Love the seniors!
  9. I am happy for the joy of him living on in your heart and life! I know too and understand. Beautiful tribute.
  10. As a side note Ivy had a particularly persistant tapeworm that resisted treatment so when the university the vet was dealing with got to the bottom of it they told me she had gotten it from eating a snail. At any rate when we followed the protocol they reccommended we finally cleared her of them. Always before it was just a simple dose of worm medicine and they were gone. I never did investigate myself to get to the bottom of it...perhaps there are different kinds of tapes that can come from diffferent things because she of course didn't have fleas either and they said it came from eating a snail.
  11. Just thinking of you two houndies and wishing you a SPEEDY recovery!
  12. racindog


    What a beautiful tribute. His eyes are so very kind and loving. My deepest sympathy.
  13. Oh thanks for the update! I just know Canyon and Breezy are going to get well. Prayers going up for both. Pleae give them a kiss and tell them we love them. How wonderful that he smiled like that! That's got to be a good sign!
  14. racindog


    God bless you Karson...run free and fast sweet Baby...
  15. Prayers going up. Don't give up. Trudy's experience (above) is not unique. Prayer is very powerful.
  16. Thanks for the update. Please give them both a hug and a kiss from us.
  17. Love and kisses to Canyon! Love is the strongest force in the world and you've got a lot of love comin' your way baby!
  18. Prayers going up!!!! Thanks for letting us know she needed some! I must tell you I think she'll be alright-just got a feeling. That was an awful lot of garlic but it still might be O.K. Our houndies can be surprisingly tough sometimes and speaking from my experience garlic is no where close to onions in toxicity. In fact I've been giving my hounds SpringTime (the Fresh Factor people) garlic (a couple of grams a day) for years during the spring and summer because it works so great for flea/tick prevention and has other beneficial properties. And their brand is so pure it is about 2- 3X stronger than average(1.31% alliin content compared to 0.58% in most garlic.) They sell quite a bit and it has always been safe(or I wouldn't have started using it) and they stand behind it as being absolutely safe even reccommending doubling the dosage in areas of high infestation. Just some positive thoughts.
  19. Oh no! I put Canyon's "anatomy of a smile on my computer I loved it so much". We need to get the boy smiling again-that's the way he's supposed to be. Lots of prayers going up and since 'the prayers of a righteous man availeth much' I am expecting a full recovery! Please keep us advised of his progress.
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