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Everything posted by racindog

  2. Absolutely positively! It actually helps everything- the immune system, everything-not just arthritis. Once I discovered how effective it was it has honestly become my first choice for treatment along with other holistic modalities. So much better than drugs with possible kidney and other implications. I guarantee you won't regret it if you choose to try it.
  3. YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! Thank you Jesus! His pics look so good! Even in the pics you can see he is already in less pain! GO CANYON! The first post surgery smile can't be far away. Love and kisses and scritches to the boy!
  4. I'm sure he'll perk up when he sees you and especially if the Doc really does let him go home. What a smart Doctor he is! Surgery is tough. It can knock a healthy foortball player on a loop much less a greyhound that was ailing to begin with. Love will triumph. You'll be able to nurse him back to health. When Aggie was spayed at 11 years old I couldn't get her to eat or hardly move right afterwards. But I discovered that Mother Hubbard biscuits and Bucaroo Beef were acceptable and thats all she ate for 2 days- a little bit of that. Then her appetite came back and she bounced back. But it took 2 days and that was just a spay. With all those drugs and everything I wouldn't have an appetite either.
  5. Positive thoughts and prayers for the Soul man!!!! The same thing happenned to me. Aggie quit eating her tripe up all of a sudden and I didn't know what to think. Turns out she had just discovered the Enalapril tab I had been putting in there for months. I quit putting it in there and she started eating it up again. But I can no longer hide it in there so I don't hacve to pill her. Gotta luv a greyhound!
  6. Yea! I can't wait for your report on how well he's doing. Can't wait to cheer him on to a rapid recovery! Tell him again how much we all love him and that we can't wait to see his first post surgery smile!
  7. Oh what a beautiful love filled tribute. What a lovely lady! My deepest sympathy.
  8. It is a shame a person can't walk their dog without being attacked by trash dogs people let run loose. I eventually had to go ahead and get a stun wand but I think maybe a cattle prod might be better? Sprays won't really work usually. A shame a person has to arm themselves to keep from being attacked when they take a walk with their dog. I am VERY EXTREMELY protective of my hounds and God help anybody, man or beast, that tries to hurt them. I have already made up my mind I will not necessarily be "responsible" and I'll deal with any consequences after I have "neutralized" the threat. Thank goodness Rocky is getting better. Poor guy. How terrible. It is just infuriating. Maybe they need to make the penalties more severe for the dumb jerks that let these kind of animals run wild like they do.
  9. Like Flame above, my Minny did that for about 3 months when he first came from the Dubuque track. Incessant excessive drinking followed by excessive frequent urination. After around 3 months he seemed to 'get over it' and now drinks/urinates what I consider to be normal for a dog his size.
  10. racindog

    Abita Romeo

    Oh my goodness. FIRST let me be clear on one thing-YOU DID ONE OF THE MOST LOVING THINGS ANY HUMAN IS CAPABLE OF. Helping our most dearest loved ones cross over-being there with and for them- is LOVE to the max. What you did was the ULTIMATE act of love and Romeo knows and appreciates it. He would have summoned the same courage and love for you-had the shoe been on the other foot so to speak. KNOW that you acted with the most love possible. And I have to also add that nobody "killed" him. Whether you believe it on not he is OK, only his body died. And I just have to add that even though it wasn't quick I can assure you that he didn't suffer. Our God, ever just to the least of his creatures, would never permit that. He was not just his body and just because his body lingered a while doesn't mean anything other than just that- the body systems just kept going longer than normal. (Actually that happens more than you realize-we had a dog that req'd 4 shots of the euthansia solution. The vet was terribly distraught.) Who knows, Romeo may even have been an angel. The real Romeo-the wonderful happy big guy that you fell in love with is now happy, healthy and at peace and is marveling at the love you showed him when you helped him cross over. Be open minded and perhaps you will find a sign, a message confirming this for you. But if nothing else please don't condemn yourself for acting in the most loving manner any human is capable of doing. Romeo was such a very lucky guy to have a Mom as loving as you! I am so sorry. Romeo, how 'bout re-assuring your Mom with a sign?
  11. It doesn't change anything. CANYON IS STILL GOING TO GET WELL. That's all there is to it. Will be praying praying praying effective freverant prayers which availeth much! Give him more kisses and tell him we love him! I know he understands. God bless you!
  12. Ditto KF in GA. One day you will know and your relationship will go to an even deeper level. You know it deep down-wait expectantly and gratefully for it. Love Xan's caricature - it is perfect.
  13. Please give Soulman a hug and kiss and mega get well wishes! I came home from a trip one time to find that one of my mix breeds had tore his partially off from the edge while under the care of a pet sitter. There was no bleeding, in fact I remembered it seemed kind of shriveled up, and was an "old" injury at that point so I just bandaged it with Furacin dressing so it wouldn't become infected until it healed and then we'd see what we had. I joked about how Furacin dressing had "miraculous" healing powers(not really but it is good stuff). To my astonishment it reattached on its own and healed completely up. It really was unbelievable but it did happen. I now joke about dabbing Furacin dressing on both ends of tramautic amputations so it will glue it back together again. Poor Soulman. Personally I would wait for the vet I trust that knows him. In the long run a stopper pad is no biggie but getting upset from medications or stress or something a well meaning but ill advised vet might do could cause trouble so if it was my houndie I'd wait.
  14. I don't have any words to express my sorrow. When such a beautiful soul as this crosses over it is beyond words.
  15. Enjoyed reading your acupuncture experience. That's the same thing my houndies do- just lay down and really relax and enjoy it to the point of falling asleep sometimes. They like going to Dr. Boswell for their accupuncture! Maybe I should be getting some for me too! I'm sure it will help him. I really just believe that he's going to start making great progress! Praying . Praying.
  16. You should def try the above..... My uncle swears by the stuff.... I recognize the hypericum. It is used for pain associated with the nervous system. You can buy it in a tincture or the little pills. It is highly unlikely that it would interact with anything but would probably be rendered ineffective due to the other medications. Sometimes the homeopathic things won't work if combined with other conventional medication. I know Arnica helps Cash for routine pain-all I do is give her a few drops of the tincture. But whenever a bad flare up happens it is not strong enough and I have to go with Ecogesic or Tramadol for a day or so till it subsides. Luckily it doesn't happen much. I think the Boiflow collar really helps keep her OK.
  17. I have found that to be normal for hounds. Most all of mine have eventually, sooner or later, done that to at least 1 toe. I reckon "its a greyhound thing." There will always be a bump or lump there.
  18. I have used accupuncture on a couple of my hounds. It has proven to be a remarkably effective treatment. All my hounds loved it and enjoyed getting it. They lay down very relaxed and enjoy it. I currently take Cash for maintaineance treatments every six months. The vertebra in her neck (might even be the same ones as Canyons) are smashed together from trauma from racing which also included broken teeth and a broken leg. She used to occassionally scream out in pain but very rarely does that anymore. However I think one of the main reasons is I put a BIO-FLO magnetic collar on her I obtained from the UK. I noted immediate improvement. It is a Class 1 medical device there. It is a special kind of magnet and the typical collars etc. you can buy in U>S> just don't work as good. I mean to tell you it is amazing. It has pretty much completely eliminated those times now. I really would encourage you to try it. I found out about it from the Whole Dog Journal and will email you privately with the info. I will look it up for you tonight and try to get back to you by tomorrow. Give Canyon a hug. I also got one for my 13 year old and I think it has really helped her remain spry etc. and frankly I wear one too and it honestly has helped me too!
  19. Re:the Adams spray. I also like it and use it but I am careful to use the water based version whose label say canbe applied every week. The alcohol based label on the last alcohol version I bought said it could only be used every 3 MONTHS. I called them and talked with them and they told me that the government req'd it to be labeled that way due to its content. I figured that might be way too strong for anything I want to put on my hounds so I gave it away and located some of the "weaker" water based Adams that has worked good for me. The water based also has nice coat enhancers like aloe and doesn't dry their skin.
  20. Oh what a lovely little girl! So sorry for your loss.
  21. Perhaps a good animal communicator could ask him "where it hurts" or what is going on. Sometimes thats the key. I will be praying for him. He's been through so much.
  22. We're smilin' for you Canyon until you feel more like it again! Get well soon! Love, Cash, Minny, Aggie, Bobber, Toby, Baby Doll, and racindog
  23. Even the American Animal Hospital Assn' says every 3 years now.
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