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Everything posted by MTFSTHNDS

  1. from Montana. Jasper is a good looking dog.
  2. from Montana! I like Licorice & "mini me".
  3. Great news Lorinda! Give Power a smooch for me.


    Meredith - your tribute was short, sweet,simple and to the point - I know Turbo running toward you WILL be what you see. Some pictures from Dewey - so glad you brought him that year. On the couch (as usual) and a couple with Meredith
  5. I am so sorry - hugs to you and da Soul Man.
  6. I have 4 dogs and have tried working with one downstairs while the rest are at the top peering through the baby gate. It works fairly well, I just need to be more consitent in my training.



    Sunset Siggie

    From the album: Misc

  9. Kristen - So sorry Tiny had to go - he had a wonderful life with you.
  10. Sending good thought for Chevy ( ) and Ollie ( too). Sending s to you Adrianne.
  11. I use the oven as my "dog safe". I usually put the next day's supper in the oven and the following day's in the fridge except in the summer - I don't really like the smell but the dogs don't mind. Mine have no problems eating the chicken quarters warm or frozen. I get the dinner dance too!
  12. I have beds for all 4 dogs in my bedroom and also in the living room. Java usually tries to start out on the bed but I generally make them all get on their own beds to start out. They sneak up on the bed during the night. It may only be 1 dog but I have had all 4 on the bed (a queen & it is just me). If I wake up and can't turn over because of the dogs, they get told to "Get Off" and they go back to their beds. Occasionally, Jave won't like the only available bed and sleep in the living room until she can sneak back up.
  13. I have a dog door and mine use it all the time. The door opens like a saloon door rather than the flap like most dog doors. If you are interested I could look up the information on it. They seem to know when to come in but do enjoy going outside. I do have to lock the dog door when I pull my car into the garage since my garage is in the back of my house. I have been known to forget to open the dog door after I pull the car out in the morning but I go home for lunch so they didn't have to hold it too long. I don't worry too much about stray animals since my pups would probably chase any stray cats. I also have 2 cats. Tippy learned how to use the dog door quickly and Tyler took about 6 months because she ddin't like to push against it. My cats have brought in birds & mice. It is amazing how quick 4 dogs can get out the door when there is something interesting outside. I don't worry about them too much during the day - I live in a pretty nice area.
  14. I am waiting for that book - I ordered it with something else so have to wait for the other item before it is shipped. My problem will be finding time to work with each dog and then working with them together.
  15. Java grandfather is Gable Dodge - maybe that is why she is a bit different than my other two. Not a spook but she is very cautious.
  16. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. I am glad I got to meet her at Dewey. You gave her the best care you could during the past weeks. to you Gil.
  17. Kristen, I have no words just and for Tiny
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