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Posts posted by seeh2o

  1. Carl, Sheila & I are sending positive thoughts your way Wayne. Between your mom and your vet you are in VERY good hands.


    Carl says, Hey Wayne, when you get done at the vet's you should come hang with me, lots o'greyhound babes to go around here at the dude ranch! Just the thing to take your mind off of things!

  2. Well, that is some good news. I hope the meds he is on helped him pass through whatever was making him feel off and that once he's off the meds he'll be your same good Lucius!



    Thank you! I'm hoping for this outcome too. :) He played today...that's a good sign again. :)


    Hey, now that's a great siggy!


    How's Mr. L today? It's good news that he played yesterday. I sure hope he's on the mend.

  3. This is so timely. I am fostering a black grey, Lulu and she is 4 with a very bald backside and thighs. I will ask the adoption group about Melatonin. Wow amazing, have a problem, turn on greytalk, get a possible solution.




    Just do a Google search of: greyhound + melatonin, and you'll find some interesting articles and some veterinary text books referencing it. It's very interesting.

  4. My Sheila, non-grey, lost her eyesight from SARDs, during the months long build up of the "disease" (the crescendo being the loss of eyesight) she had extremely high cortisol levels. She never lost any fur anywhere.


    From what I've been reading you're right, it's not clear cut, but there are studies confirming that there are subsets of greys with BTS do have thyroid deficiencies or other endocrine problems.

  5. While I was with Carl at the ophthalmologist last week they were fascinated by his baldness. In a follow up phone call they were still fixated on it and had been researching it. I assume that some of Carl's baldness is due to being hypothyroid, but he was bald before he was hypothyroid. Quite honestly, I'm not all that bothered by it. When I spoke with the vet he said that there had been some (more than 50%) success in helping the greyhounds grow back their fur with the use of - Melatonin. If that is true, what a cheap and easy fix with no long lasting side effects. I Googled it and here is an article that mentions it. Page 3, top of second column "Canine Pattern Alopecia".

  6. Carl came to me as a bald boy (neck, chest, thighs) almost a year and a half ago, some of it grew in over the winter, then he started losing it in May and it kept falling out. He was having other issues too, sort of opaqueness on the outside corners of his corneas, so I took him in June. 2 vets and 2 veterinary opthalmologists later, we think some of the baldness and the eye issue may be thyroid related. He's hypothyroid and is now on thyroid medication, but it hasn't been long enough to see any changes - yet.


    FYI, as for the heredity thought, I'm not so sure. Carl's litter mate and sister, Doodles, is a virtual Sasquatch of a greyhound.


    My bald boy, Carl:





    Soon to be mine Sasquatch, Doodles:



    Sasquatch's Fuzzy Butt:


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