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Posts posted by seeh2o

  1. That is just the best news. I'm sorry you all went through this. I would definitely make sure the head of the lab who read the slides wrong was notified. As someone else said, to prevent anyone else from going through this nightmare. It's not about getting someone fired, it's about the lab learning from it's mistakes.


    Please be sure to spoil Monty like crazy...and be good to yourself, too.

  2. I don't really have any advice on whether you should keep Rubber Band Man or not, just personal experience.


    When I got Carl my heart and soul dog, Kobie, had run away 5 weeks before. I was in no way planning to get another dog, I was still actively searching for Kobie. I'd gone to an animal rescue to see a dog that looked like Kobie, but I knew in my heart wasn't him...I just needed to do SOMETHING in addition to roaming the hills in my neighborhood. Anyway, the people at the rescue "saw me coming" and I ended up with a 75 lbs. greyhound in my back seat. He was as if off the track. It turned out that he also had a hefty case of separation anxiety...big time.


    In retrospect, I shouldn't have taken him home, I truly wasn't ready for a new dog, but I decided to stick it out, I'd never given up on a dog before in my life and I didn't want to start with Carl. My heart was heavy enough and I couldn't bear the thought of returning him because of me. Also, the conditions in which Carl had been living in were not optimal, he was kenneled in the high desert. The folks at the kennel were kind to all the dogs, but it wasn't a home setting like he, and all the dogs there, deserved.


    Initially, he and I did a lot of staring at each other. I didn't warm up to him and visa versa for long time. I know that part of the problem for him was ME. Animals are so sensitive, Carl was picking up on my ambivalence, sadness and all the other emotions I was going through after losing Kobie, still searching for him, crying every day and night because of my loss and my confusion about Carl. He totally picked up on it and responded accordingly.


    I'd never adopted an adult dog, at least not without knowing it as a puppy. And a dog right off the track, well, it is a HUGE transition to them...and for you. They've never experienced most of the things we and our other dogs take for granted in daily living. It took Carl about 9 months to see changes and glimmers of his true personality. Even a year and a half later he continues to evolve, he has a great personality, he is certainly not the dog I brought home a year and a half ago. I'm glad he's with me and I know he is happy, too.


    Do what is best for you and RBM, but do it with as clear of a head and heart as you can. You said you were attached to him already, I imagine the same is true for him. If you keep him, you can both work through this with a stronger bond. It sounds like a local group is willing to help you out, that is very very fortunate. I was lucky enough to get help from local groups that I hadn't adopted from, they gave me INCREDIBLE advice that completely changed the course of things for us. On the other hand, if it's not right for you now, the sooner you return him the better it will be for both of you.

  3. No food* for 24 hours. Allow free access to water, tho.


    *small biscuit or two is OK, but no meals.


    Give child's dose of pepto bismol twice a day, starting now. Keep giving it for 5 days. I use the NON-chewable pills (sometimes they're called gelcaps) instead of liquid; most dogs will eat them if you coat well with peanutbutter or cream cheese or liver sausage .....


    After 24 hours -- noon tomorrow, or afternoon if you feed in the afternoon, start back on a small meal of boiled rice and chicken or defatted beef; maybe 3/4 cup cooked rice and 1/2 cup meat. Next meal, same thing. If all is well -- that is, no diarrhea yet -- double quantities for the next couple meals. Then gradually start adding back the kibble.


    He might not poop for a day or two. That's OK, he's getting it all out now.


    Nothing wrong with what you did -- most dogs get along decently with most foods. Hard to say whether the food doesn't agree with him, he's nervous, or ..... Do you know if the rescue wormed him?


    Exactly what she said... :nod The only difference is that I prefer to use Immodium to Pepto Bismol.

  4. Hey Claudia, I haven't been on for a couple of days. How is Misty doing? I hope she has a better night tonight and starts getting her appetite back tomorrow. I'm glad to hear she's closer to where she needs to be with the medication, I sure hope the next test finds her exactly where she belongs.


    I hope you're taking good care of yourself...and don't forget to eat!

  5. Hey Claudia. I was thinking about how the Cushings causes Misty to be hungry all the time. When Sheila was going through SARDS she went through all the Cushings symptoms. My vet suggested one of those timed feeders, I got her one and never looked back. Even though it turned out to be something other than Cushings, I found that if she had a bunch of small meals during the day it really helped her a lot. She doesn't need it for the symptoms anymore, but I still use it. I'm wondering if something like that might not be helpful for Misty, too. Sheila gets fed 5 small meals a day, 1 by me in the morning, 3 times throughout the day from the feeder, then I feed her again when I come home from work. It has been a real godsend for her.


    I hope all is going well today, I'm thinking of both of you.

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